Weekly Announcements 3/25/2019

Students I am sending this early because I am not sure how long I will be in office today.  I am dealing with a diverticulitis flare up.  I will try to check email periodically through the day once I go home but it may take a minute to hear back from me.

Please support both shows on Friday and Saturday of this week.  Our Junior and Senior Graphic Design students and Graphic Design faculty are all away at a conference this weekend so we want to be sure the Interior Design seniors are supported well by the department on Friday and Julia Teel, senior Painting major, is supported well on Saturday.

FRIDAY: Senior Show

Come out and support McKenna Strauch, Addie Lutz, Meagan Ford, Elyse Masek at their senior show, Odyssey, opening at 5:30 in Shore Gallery on Friday.  Earn your art event credits before reviews!




