TUESDAY – Freshmen Semester Study Abroad Interest Meeting

Students, if you are even remotely interested in perhaps studying abroad for a semester in either Oxford, Leipzig, or South America we would like you to come to a meeting with Mike.
This is an interest meeting for the full semester and not just the summer trip.
Tuesday, October 23rd at 11:30 in the Art Conference Room with Mike Wiggins.

A&D Chapel

THURSDAY – A&D Department Chapel

Join us for chapel this Thursday at 11am in 141 and hear Annelise White share on our topic Bread & Wine

Halloween in the Hallway

Coming Up….Watch this space for: Bob Ross’ birthday celebration & Halloween in the Hallway.

What? I am not excited about October what are you talking about? Get those costumes ready, people, get those costumes ready!

A&D Chapel

NO A&D Department Chapel on Thursday

We will not have chapel this Thursday because of those leaving early for Fall Break.  Make sure you join us the next Thursday to hear senior Interior Design major, Annelise White, speak on our topic Bread & Wine.




