Weekly Announcements – 9/24/2018

Fort Worth Trip – October 4th

There are 15 seats open on a department bus charter to Fort Worth that Prof Rama, Prof Shirley and Prof Green are arranging for their classes.  DSGN 111, ART 221, and ART 423 will be making the trip. The cost will be $40 and you will have the opportunity to make several museum/gallery visits that day.  Please contact Dr. Shirley by email if you want to claim one of those spots. ats01a@acu.edu

Weekly Announcements 9/17/2018

NO A&D Department Chapel This Week Due to Summit

Join us in 141 NEXT Thursday Sept 27th to hear Dr. Steven Moore on our topic Bread & Wine

A&D Department Mandatory Meeting – ***Thursday, Sept 20th***

Make sure you have a reminder in your phone about a department mandatory meeting for all students on Thursday 20th at 4:30.  We will meet in the Gallery.  Please try to arrange your work schedules to accommodate and talk to your Lynay and Pulse leaders about attending a different day if you have a conflict.  If you can not attend please email Arlene with the reason why.

Fort Worth Trip – October 4th

There are 15 seats open on a department bus charter to Fort Worth that Prof Rama, Prof Shirley and Prof Green are arranging for their classes.  DSGN 111, ART 221, and ART 423 will be making the trip. The cost will be $40 and you will have the opportunity to make several museum/gallery visits that day.  Please contact Dr. Shirley by email if you want to claim one of those spots. ats01a@acu.edu

Weekly Announcements 9/3/2018

NYC Trip Interest Meetings: THIS Tuesday

Join us in 141 at 11:35 on Tuesday for an initial interest meeting for our Spring Break trips to NYC.  This is for Graphic Design, Fine Art & Interior Design/Architecture.

A&D Department Chapel: NEXT Thursday

Join us in 141 at 11am on Thursday for the first of our Departmental Chapels.  Remember that you can earn two art event credits each semester by attending two art chapels each semester.  Our theme is Bread & Wine – conversations on community.  Arlene will kick off the series.

Construction – THIS Friday in Shore Gallery

We will be hosting an art show by Roberta Masciarelli an artist from Dallas in the Shore Gallery.  Her show reception will be Friday at 6pm.  You can earn an art event credit by attending the opening.

Roberta Masciarelli is a Brazilian born visual artist based in Dallas, Texas, USA.
Being in the visual arena all her life, she kept changing her artistic expression throughout time. While her career started as an illustrator in Sao Paulo, Brazil after she graduated with a degree in Architecture, she then moved into the areas of graphic design and web design. And she loved her profession. Her art is based on what she believes: recycling, repurposing, thinking about the planet and most importantly, the environmental pollution which we are all faced with. Her background from her formal training in Architecture also had a significant influence – thinking and planning ahead before building.

A&D Department BBQ – Ronnie Rama Uruguayan Street Food Palooza – Thursday, Sept. 13th

Come and hang out on Thursday, Sept 13th at 5:00pm.  You will not be sorry!  We will eat and hang out in the quad area between Sculpture, the office and the gallery.

A&D Department Mandatory Meeting – Thursday, Sept 20th

Make sure you have a reminder in your phone about a department mandatory meeting for all students on Thursday 20th at 4:30.  We will meet in the Gallery.  Please try to arrange your work schedules to accommodate and talk to your Lynay and Pulse leaders about attending a different day if you have a conflict.

Fort Worth Trip – October 4th

There are 15 seats open on a department bus charter to Fort Worth that Prof Rama, Prof Shirley and Prof Green are arranging for their classes.  DSGN 111, ART 221, and ART 423 will be making the trip. The cost will be $40 and you will have the opportunity to make several museum/gallery visits that day.  Please contact Dr. Shirley by email if you want to claim one of those spots. ats01a@acu.edu

Weekly Announcements 4/24/2018

Thursday – April 26th: Study Abroad Chapel

Everyone is invited to attend this chapel series. 11am in 141 on Thursday. The final one will be May 1st. If you need extra chapel credits join in!

Friday – April 27th: Student Show Opens at 5:30

Don’t miss the annual student show competition reception and scholarship award announcements in Shore on Friday at 5:30!  Close to 250 pieces were submitted and somewhere in the range of 65 will be selected for the show.  BUT…if you don’t see your work in the show don’t leave
before the Scholarship awards are announced.
Scholarship award winners are not always the same people who got work into the show.  We have scholarship award categories for Art History, growth in design, etc etc. Work that did not get in the show will need to be picked up next week from the hallway because we have no place to store it.

Monday: Retirement Reception for Jack Maxwell

Please join us for a come and go retirement reception honoring Jack in Shore Gallery on Monday between 4-5pm.


You should all have your review appointments set up and be working through the assignments on canvas.

Instagram Competition

Remember to hashtag your work! Enter. Enter. Enter.  Jeff Scroggins is our current judge. Currently Jeff is the Director of Sales for Pinnacle Design, an Interior Design firm in Colorado.




