Weekly Announcements: 8/29/16

Week 1 is in the books and it is super great having you all back in the hallways.

Tuesday: Freshmen Portfolio Competition

If you are an incoming Freshman Art and Design major we would like to invite you to apply for one of our $500 scholarships. You may do so by dropping off a portfolio of your work at the art office on Tuesday, August 30th between 9-3. It needs to be labelled with your name, please.
If you have an electronic portfolio, please bring a piece of paper with the web address or an envelope with the USB drive labelled with your name.
We are looking forward to seeing your work!

Thursday: A&D Departmental Chapel

Join us this Thursday at 11am in 141 for Art & Design Departmental Chapel. Please ignore any information about Departmental Chapel days that you receive from the Quest Office. We meet on Thursday each week. Arlene will keep you informed about that via these emails. We do not follow the regular departmental chapel schedule. If it is a regular departmental chapel day and we are not meeting, feel free to attend a different department meeting or chapel. Our theme (see the poster hanging in the hallway in front of the Art Office) is This is My Story This is My Song, My Prose, My Art… Dan McGregor will speak to us this Thursday. This semester we will hear from a mix of Faculty and Students.

Thursday: NYC Trip Interest Meeting – Graphic Design & INTD/AA – 9/1 @ 4 pm in 143

If you are interested in learning about the Spring Break Trip to NYC come to this very important interest meeting. We have to move quickly on getting deposits read more…

Weekly Announcements: 8/22/16

Downtown Gallery Worker Needed

We need to fill a position in our downtown gallery immediately. It is a Wed-Sat noon to 3pm position. We will try to hire two workers so you do not have to work every shift. Email Arlene or swing by her desk.

Freshmen Portfolio Competition

Please watch your email, freshmen, Arlene will be sending out instructions about this in the next day or two.

A&D Departmental Chapel

Please remember that we do not follow the regular small group/departmental chapel information that you will receive from the chapel office. Please always follow the dates we send out for chapel – every Thursday at 11 in the Fall.


Please remember to check this blog regularly! Under the resource tab you will find the student requirements and handbook section. Please read those links. Freshmen you need to be familiar with the Art Event Credits. Please read this and begin the process of gathering your credits.

DSVC National Student Show & Conference 2016


This Spring at the DSVC National Student Show & Conference, there were two entries from Abilene Christian University that were featured in the show. Lauren Payne’s Jam Fest poster design was one of the pieces selected. The second piece was a new brand design of Sharky’s Burrito Company created by seniors, Karley Adrion, Chera Chaney, Lauren Payne, and Chandler Taylor.

Photos From Event

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