Weekly Announcements: 4/25/16


Thank you all for submitting such incredible work into the Annual Student Competition. To all of you who had pieces accepted into the show, congratulations! If your work did not make it into the show, please make sure you pick it up today from the back of the gallery and the hallway outside the Art Office.

A&D Chapel – THIS Thursday, April 28!

Join us on Thursday for Art & Design Chapel at 11am in 141. Dr. Jennifer Shewmaker, Executive Director for the Adams Center and Psychology Professor, will be speaking to us on our theme Do Again or Not So Much.

It’s that time of the year for our department and often attendance is not great. I am asking you to please attend to support Dr. Shewmaker being our guest. She is an incredible individual who is doing amazing work in the field of sexualized media and a variety of gender issues.

Reviews – THIS Thursday and Friday!


Please make sure you are familiar with the link on the blog for your reviews. You will find step by step instructions to help you prepare. Freshmen you will do a Foundation Review and
Sophomores you will do a Concentration Review.

All new majors who have only just transferred into the department and have not yet taken an art class we will get you on track next year with your reviews. The same applies if you have only taken one Art class.

I will open an appointment calendar and send the link to you a little closer to the time so you can schedule your reviews. For now you can mark your calendars with the following information and plan accordingly: All Foundation reviews will be 4/28 and Concentration ones 4/29.

Maker Lab Hiring Student Workers

MakerLab_student workers

​Summer Opportunity – Teaching Art in Honduras

ACU Alumna Helga Sierra is organizing a trip from June 1-10 to teach art lessons to children in low-income areas of Tegucigalpa, Honduras. This is essentially a mission trip for which you would raise funds to cover airfare and meals. If you have a heart for children and visual art, this might be right up your alley! For more information, contact Helga Sierra athsierradesigns@gmail.com.

​CALF Festival Volunteers Needed (Not as in Cows, but as in Children’s Art & Lit Festival)

This year downtown Abilene will once again host the Children’s Art and Literature Festival (CALF) in June. CALF is a fantastic way to introduce children to the arts through allowing them to interact with world renown illustrators and authors, experience the excitement and pride of new sculpture unveiling, and have fun with art lovers of all ages in the community. This year, in an effort to make sure every area child has a chance to experience the fun and enrichment of CALF, we are offering a discount rate Group Day for our area day care and preschool groups. All groups receive the benefits and experiences of CALF at a discounted price and some of the groups will have their admission paid by community art or literacy grants or private donors. This is our first year to offer Group Day and we are expecting to serve between 400 and 500 children. CALF depends on hundreds of volunteers from the community and Group Day will need a hefty number as well.

Group Day is Thursday, June 9, 2016 and we have three shift times for volunteers to fill at The Grace Museum, The Elks Arts Center, The Paramount Theater, and The Well. Volunteers will be turning i-pad pages during dramatic readings, handing out commemorative buttons after arts activities, helping children with simple art activities designed to accompany readings, and greeting groups at the venues. These shift times are:

Additionally we need a couple of people at the Abilene Cultural Affairs office in the T&P Depot to help accept surveys throughout the day. These shift times are more flexible but are also less exciting. And we need a couple of people to pick up trash during the picnic lunch times. Shifts for trash pick up are 11-12 and 12-1.

Volunteering with CALF is a fun opportunity to spend time in our wonderful downtown arts district enriching the lives of our children. We want to have as much community involvement as possible and deeply appreciate any volunteers you can send our way. People who are interested in signing up can email, text or call me.

Thanks so much!
Kristi Brokaw
Group Day Volunteer Coordinator

PS Here is a link to the CALF website.

Summer Job Opportunity

Help needed!

My dear photographer friend ‪Scott Hyde‬ is working with an archivist to catalog his extensive collection of New York photographs from the 1940s—1980s. His work ranges from street scenes to portraits of artists such as ‪‎Roy Lichtenstein‬, ‪John Cage‬, ‪Andy Warhol‬, and ‪Robert Rauschenberg‬. He has many works in the MoMA Collection. The most endearing quality about Scott is not even his talent, but his genuine, humble character.

Scott and his archivist, Renea Dauntes, need help organizing/digitizing his works. If you are an artist in Amarillo, a college student in need of a summer internship, or someone generally interested in hearing (and seeing) incredible stories, please message the Scott Hyde Archive. I am happy to be a personal reference.


Erin Holland




