We have lots of opportunities to celebrate career accomplishments here in COBA, but rarely are these accomplishments in the field of athletics. Because of this rarity, the fact that COBA student and former ACU placekicker Morgan Lineberry just signed a three-year free agent contract with the Carolina Panthers is definite cause for celebration.

Morgan Lineberry

Morgan Lineberry

It can be incredibly challenging to be a student athlete, but Morgan says that his COBA professors have done nothing but support him in his goals to balance school and sports.

“The professors in COBA have been an absolute blessing,” he elaborates. “They have demonstrated tremendous understanding in scheduling dilemmas as well as going out of their way to make sure I understood any material I may have missed due to football. I can say with confidence that I respect them because they respect the rigors of every student-athlete.”

In addition to working with him on scheduling issues, Morgan’s professors have done a lot to help him grow as an individual, not just a student or athlete.

“My favorite times, just in general, have been the times I spent in the offices of my professors and the time I spent working on projects with my peers,” says Morgan. “Getting to see and work with people outside the realm of the classroom brings an entirely different life to the atmosphere of COBA.”

Dr. Andy Little, COBA’s business law professor, has enjoyed getting to know Morgan as a student and believes that he is an individual who will make COBA proud.

“Morgan is an outstanding kicker and an even better human being,” Dr. Little explains. “It’s been my privilege to work with him in two classes and a guided study project, and I’ve probably learned more from him than he learned from me.  He is a quick, analytical thinker who expresses himself well.  He’s the kind of person who makes me almost want to switch my football loyalties and become a raving Carolina Panthers fan.  Almost, but not quite.  But I will at least be following his career closely, and I wish him the best.”

Congratulations, Morgan!