On-campus Interviews

ACU’s Career Center and COBA are honored to welcome the following employers for on-campus interviews in the next few weeks:

PFSweb – Tuesday, March 22nd
Weaver Tidwell – Wednesday, March 23rd
Whitley Penn – Thursday, March 24th
Lane Gorman Trubitt – Monday, March 28th
PriceWaterhouseCoopers – Wednesday, March 30th

If you work in HR or are a hiring manager for your company, and would like to schedule on-campus interviews, or find out more about how you can recruit on our campus, please contact Tim Johnston (johnstont@acu.edu) or
Bradon Owens (bradon.owens@acu.edu).

Want to be in the music business?

Junior Marketing major, Tyler Sutphen, wants to be in the music business. He’s not exactly sure what he wants to do in the music business – producer, performer, promoter – so he headed to Nashville this semester to learn about all the possibilities. Tyler is attending CCCU’s Contemporary Music Center this Spring. He’s earning 15 hours of credit and is smack dab in the middle of the music industry. We caught up with Tyler his second week there. Here’s what he had to say:

Tyler in action at the CMC in Nashville, TN

The faculty here are all pretty seasoned veterans of the music business. They include professional artists, songwriters, and people that have held almost every job in the industry. You couldn’t ask for better staff. They have already provided access to so may opportunities for us.

I already feel really close to some of the students here. There are 30 of us, and, to be honest, this whole experience feels more like camp than school. We’re becoming a tight knit group already.

Within the first week we visited Toby Mac’s studio, Kelly Clarkson’s musical director’s house, and Blackbird Studio, which is arguably the best studio in the world. Not to mention that the first night we arrived, Kelly Clarkson herself actually showed up to sing us a few songs. I’m really looking forward to who we get to meet next.

I’m really looking forward to being able to play music everyday. Almost everyone here, regardless of what track they are in, plays an instrument, and loves to jam.

I can’t wait to go on tour. The week that we will be traveling around playing shows is going to be as real as it gets. I’m going to be on tour with a band, and getting school credit for it.

Here’s what the director, Warren Pettit, wrote about Tyler:
“He is doing a great job and we love having him around. Students from ACU have always been among our best applicants and we look forward to serving more of your students in the near future.”

For more information on the Center for Contemporary Music, visit their website here.