
The Portfolio collects your work in the form of Artifacts that demonstrate constructive reflection on your growth leading to the Junior and Senior Review.

We strongly encourage students to use our learning platform- Canvas – as the platform for building their e-portfolio. Every student creates one of these e-portfolios in BIBM 602 Orientation. We strongly encourage you to bookmark that portfolio, since you will need to access it every semester as you add materials to it. Please also note that you will need to set your portfolio to “public,” so that faculty can access the contents of your portfolio. You can find instructions on how to create that portfolio (if you have not already) and uploading documents to it by clicking on the following links:

Create an E-Portfolio in Canvas

Upload Documents to E-Portfolio

For any other questions you might have, you can access the Canvas Student Guide. Most (if not all) of your Canvas questions can be answered here: Canvas Student Guides