Google Forms | Tech Tune-Up

Google Forms | Tech Tune-Up

Today, we started the first in our Summer Series of Tech Tune-Ups in the Innovation Foundry, in partnership with ACU’s IT department. As a Google Enterprise School, ACU offers the entire G Suite of applications to all ACU faculty, students, and staff. Our time today focused on getting to know Google Forms, along with Add-ons and some troubleshooting. We recommend the following resources in getting the most out of using Google Forms:

Thanks to all of those who were able to participate in our session today!

Farewell, Jasmine Hoover

Farewell, Jasmine Hoover

Today, the ACU library had a come-and-go farewell reception for our very own Jasmine Hoover. Jasmine has served the library and Innovation Foundry since August of 2015. She has accepted a position at Cape Breton University, in Sydney, Nova Scotia, as their Science and Technology Librarian. Jasmine’s husband, Zack, and their son, Zeb, will stay in Abilene for a few months as Zack finishes teaching at ACU for the summer, while Jasmine will head north next week. Jasmine has been a great partner for us and has been able to provide tremendous support in the areas of data collection, GIS mapping, and providing faculty and students with various tools to find better research results online. We wish her the best!

Google Forms | Tech Tune-Up

Innovation Friday | Google Email and Calendar Helps

As a Google G Suite Enterprise University, ACU is able to provide students, faculty, and staff with all of the various applications in the Google Universe. Today, two of the most used applications on campus are Google Gmail and Google Calendar. Both help provide a great deal of information and schedules, but neither are being used to their full potential on campus. Donald helped several individuals learn a little more about some of the great features built into Google’s G Suite. Here are some great links to check out if you are wanting to learn more about how to use these tools more effectively.