Adobe Creative Cloud (CC) – Innovation Fridays

Adobe Creative Cloud (CC) – Innovation Fridays

What is Adobe CC? Today, Dr. Marisa Beard and Stephen Rektenwald talked about and demonstrated some of the Adobe Creative Cloud applications that can be very useful in your teaching, learning, and everyday creations. From demonstrating how to download the Adobe CC app to your desktop, to providing resources on how to use the various applications, Marisa and Stephen interacted with those in attendance as well as fielded questions about the various ways the Adobe tools can enhance just about anything you put your imagination towards. Here is the link to the presentation.

The Internet of Things – Innovation Friday

The Internet of Things – Innovation Friday

The Internet of Things: What is it and why it matters – Led by John Kaczmarek

Smart Smart diapers? Internet-connected water bottles? Bluetooth-enabled egg trays? You put a touch screen on what? John Kaczmarek helped to explain the the Internet of Things and explored the growing impact it’s having on our lives and education. This was the first in a series of ongoing sessions that will allow interested participants to create their own embedded solutions. Here are a few images from today!

See you next week as Dr. Marisa Beard talks about Adobe Creative Cloud (Adobe CC). Be sure to attend!!


The Internet of Things

The Internet of Things

The Internet of Things

The Internet of Things

The Internet of Things

Adobe Day Success!

Adobe Day Success!

Two very exciting days on ACU’s campus, as Jason Katsoff (ACU’s Adobe Success Manager – for Adobe) joined the Innovation Foundry, Team55, Learning Studio, Maker Lab, and Adams Center to raise the awareness of faculty, students and staff to what they can take advantage of through Adobe’s Creative Cloud (Adobe CC) here at ACU. From helping the campus gain access to their free Adobe CC software, to showing how those applications can help them in their teaching, learning, and projects, everyone involved had a great opportunity to take their digital capturing, creating, editing, and publishing skills to the next level. 

To learn more about Adobe CC, please feel free to ask any of the staff in the Innovation Foundry, Team55, Learning Studio, Maker Lab, and Adams Center.