Photographer of the week 09: Leibovitz

2 Commentsby   |  10.05.11  |  photographer of the week

Annie Leibovitz
Another favorite photographer, for her versatile, daring and crafty style. I was able to see her exhibition: A Photographer’s Life, and many of her original prints in Paris a couple of years ago.

I have one of her books (American Music) in my office in case you’d like to look at. Follow this link for some images from the series.


  1. Ashlee Justice
    9:45 am, 10.27.11

    How are there no comments on this yet?! I love Annie Leibovitz. Everything about her work screams originality. She’s created her own unique style that combines fantasy with the real world. I love how detailed and thought-through her works are. Every single one has a different story that couldn’t have just magically happened on accident. Her work involves time, precision, and thought. And the end result is obviously worth all of it.

    • Nil Santana
      12:52 pm, 11.08.11

      If you like Recuenco’s work, you’ve got love her images as well. She’s simply wonderful. But don’t forget that there are many hours of retouching and image adjustments in most of her work. I still love them.

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