Ashlee Justice's Comment Archive

  1. Absolutely fantastic. Recuenco is a genius! I was so excited to see him as one of the Photographers of the Week. His work is exactly what i like to see when it comes to fashion; not the norm whatsoever! He doesn’t just show off the clothing, he shows off his incredible talent and creative eye. We all know how boring stereotypical model shots can be. An awkward pose and some high heels. But Recuenco goes far beyond that. His work isn’t just fashion photography, it’s a work of art. It has a story and meaning, it’s mysterious and dark. It draws you in because it’s more than just showing off clothing and trying to get you to make a purchase or critique a style. His work is about more than just fashion. It’s about the art of fashion, and what fashion can be.

  2. How are there no comments on this yet?! I love Annie Leibovitz. Everything about her work screams originality. She’s created her own unique style that combines fantasy with the real world. I love how detailed and thought-through her works are. Every single one has a different story that couldn’t have just magically happened on accident. Her work involves time, precision, and thought. And the end result is obviously worth all of it.

  3. I love how out of the box this is. I also like how you can get more than one idea out of the image. It makes you wonder what was really going through their minds when they created this image. It caught my attention because of this. At first look I was thinking, “okay, so what is he doing? What are they saying here?” The image works so well because it has a deeper meaning than what we can see.

  4. I admire this photo. Not only because it’s simple, but because it tells a story in a simple way. At first glimpse, the viewer immediately is drawn to the woman’s face, which obviously has something wrong with it. But then you see one simple word. “Blind”. This changes the mood completely. The viewers thoughts have now gone from that of being taken aback, to that of sympathy. It poses questions. What happened to her? Why is she wearing a sign? Is it a label? I also really love that Strand chose to place the woman right in the center of the photo. This brings all the focus onto her and her sign, like it should be.