Photographer of the week 10: Recuenco

5 Commentsby   |  10.11.11  |  photographer of the week

Born in Madrid, Eugenio Recuenco is now one of the most important Spanish photographers on the international scene. Endowed with a brilliant sensibility for chiaroscuro, he is considered as a true heir of the grand masters of Spanish classical painting like Goya, El Greco and above all Zurbarán. He produces highly evocative scenes, and his photos reveal a mysterious world from which you cannot escape once you stared.

Besides the successful fashion or commercial photographs he signed for well-known brand, Recuenco has had numerous exhibitions in the main galleries in Spain: Circuit 8 (art and fashion), Tras el espejo (Spanish fashion) in Centro de Arte “Reina Sofía”, BAC (Barcelona Arte Contemporáneo) in CCCB of Barcelona, in ABC gallery from ARCO show where he won the first prize of photography, not to mention an exhibition in La Santa (experimental place for contemporary art) in Barcelona. He received for his work Concepción, Parto, Juego y Educación (Circuit, 2003) the ABC Prize of photography, while he was awarded the Lions d’or and de bronze in Cannes festival 2005 for his prints for Playstation. Eugenio Recuenco has recently directed a TV commercial for Nina Ricci. He also conceived the 2007 LAVAZZA calendar, just like Erwin Olaf and David LaChapelle did before him.


  1. Stephanie Kennedy
    3:26 am, 10.17.11

    Immediately looking at his photography I felt like I was in a dark fantasy world that was in some way classic. There is something about the tone of his color and the poses of many of his subjects in his artwork that tells fascinating narratives.

  2. Jennifer Crawford
    11:08 pm, 10.24.11

    I found his photography to be interesting. I love the image with the women in the red cloak. It reminds me of little red riding hood, but in a more poetic way.

  3. Lee Anna McGee
    1:01 pm, 10.26.11

    I’ve always been a huge fan of Recuenco. I think he is an exceptional photographer in every area. I love every bit of his work from the fashion side to the commercial side. I think he has an incredible eye for detail and for emotion. I feel like he captures not only the image but the noise that goes beyond the particular frame. I always get lost in his photos and feel like I’m not only looking at a picture but actually involved with what the picture represents. I think his work defines putting your soul and heart into your art.

  4. Ashlee Justice
    10:03 am, 10.27.11

    Absolutely fantastic. Recuenco is a genius! I was so excited to see him as one of the Photographers of the Week. His work is exactly what i like to see when it comes to fashion; not the norm whatsoever! He doesn’t just show off the clothing, he shows off his incredible talent and creative eye. We all know how boring stereotypical model shots can be. An awkward pose and some high heels. But Recuenco goes far beyond that. His work isn’t just fashion photography, it’s a work of art. It has a story and meaning, it’s mysterious and dark. It draws you in because it’s more than just showing off clothing and trying to get you to make a purchase or critique a style. His work is about more than just fashion. It’s about the art of fashion, and what fashion can be.

  5. Chelsey Tatum
    1:57 pm, 12.09.11

    These reminded me of the way they stage America’s Next Top Model Shots. That Wild. That off the wall.

    Its very interesting the way there’s something ELSE. Something in the background or elsewhere in the photo that intrigues us… such as the glassdoor the red cloaked girl looks back on, or the wild swarm of birds and countryside surrounding the girl on the highwire.. Elaborate captured stories shaking us into curiosity.

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