Courtney McGaha's Comment Archive

  1. I love this series she did!!! The shoot above and all of the others in that series by Annie Leibovitz actually inspired a shoot i did my senior year of high school for my AP photo portfolio. In that series, she takes current celebrities and put them into famous Disney movie scenes, updating the look and feel of the movie snapshots and turning them into beautiful, magical scenes. When i saw these senior year, i took the book Alice in Wonderland and did similar things, dressing up people i knew into different costumes and i illustrated the book. it’s one of my favorite photoshoots i’ve ever done, and i owe it to her!

  2. i love how he plays with the lighting so much that he even leaves the red-eye effect on several of his models. The lighting around the eyes almost seems to flatten and yet highlight at the same time. It’s a strange effect. The highlighting effect almost makes them look plastic

  3. these are crazy! I legitimately thought they were miniatures until i was told that they were real! They look plastic and cluttered like small model cities would look, but knowing these are real only adds to the amazing technique!!

  4. I love how looking through these images at first, they seem like you’re going on a road trip and just seeing what life is like outside your door. But the more you look, the more beautiful and fantastic they seem! You can find something almost out of place in all of them, but that strange element only helps tie the pictures together

  5. the way he plays with light and colors on top of the mirrored images is really cool! The way he has water that looks like stars and skies that looks like water in the same image is so awesome! And i love the suffusion gallery with the images of the smoke

  6. These pictures were amazing!!! It looks like they took the pictures exactly as they saw things! it’s like something from an entirely different world! So stinking cool!!