Interview summary

0 Commentsby   |  03.30.12  |  Interview Summaries (P4)

I interviewed people through an anonymous survey, because of the nature of my questions, some people would feel uncomfortable telling me about their medical problems. I need to do some more research about the demographics to narrow down who will specifically be using this app, but my initial interviews gave me some great feedback about general usage.

Most people have daily medications that they take, and with many of them it is at the same specific time every day. There is a wide range of medications so adding lost of medication choices, and entering your own medication with dosage amount and an image would be helpful. Then you would set up the specifications of what time of the day or take with or without food.

Many people have scheduling problems, so an alarm push notification with a snooze would be useful. Online ordering would be another great tool that the app would do.

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