Tasks // Function

0 Commentsby   |  04.25.12  |  Content (P5), Task and/or Functionality List (P5)

Infographic App:

1. Look and see what the top ten most played songs are and the most common time played.

2. Add a new category to keep track of (Candy counter)

3. Look and see what the most common social media app you use

4. Look to see what you use the most on your phone

5. Share the infographic on a social media site

6. Edit a preexisting section on the infographic app (ie delete or change title)

7. Edit push notifications to modify to your needs

8. Enter in places visited that day and time visited, then view your route of that day on the map

9. View money spent that day, week, and month and average amount spent in a day

10. Edit theme/color scheme

  • Be able to edit which chart to use for the information entered
  • Be able to edit how much/which notifications to interact with
  • Be able to save infographics/have multiple infographics
  • Be able to have different infographics for different information

I like the idea of it being completely random information, but with the option to “like” things and it adjust the information by what you like, like Pandora.

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