Tasks & Functionality

0 Commentsby   |  04.26.12  |  Task and/or Functionality List (P5)

Tasks List:

1. Infographs your food throughout the day

2. Infographs the money you’ve spent that week and adds up throughtout the month/year (and what you’ve paid highest on)

3. Share infographs found with facebook/twitter

4. Infographs your class attendance

5. Infographs colors of certain subjects (ex: money tracker can be green)



After grabbing ideas from the class and understanding the ideas of what this app can do, here is what I want the functionality of this app to be:

-Will make infographics from certain apps on your phone (not all) ex: calls, text messages, itunes, mail, maps, facebook, twitter, calendar

-Will coordinate colors into the infographic that fits the subject

-Will have the ability to track your phone locations by gps (has the ability to be turned on or off)

-Have the choice of selection of infographics with the same subject like angry birds vs. tap tap (games section). Will have sections for games, social media, informative, photo, etc.

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