Domino’s Pizza

5 Commentsby   |  11.27.12  |  Announcements

Some of my friends brought pizza back to my house yesterday and I couldn’t help but be extremely impressed by the packaging. Domino’s recently redid all of their packaging and came up with this beautiful design.


  1. Nil Santana
    10:43 am, 11.29.12


  2. Amanda Cantu
    8:42 pm, 11.29.12

    This package is too cool and extra clean cut. It definitely does not look like a Domino’s Pizza box and I’m really impressed with the new look.

  3. Lee Anna McGee
    8:56 pm, 11.29.12

    I have definitely noticed the change in Dominoes and have been impressed as well. It also taste like their pizza has improved as well… or maybe it is just the good design that makes it taste better. ha ha.
    But really, I order dominoes over little ceasars now because I like the box.

  4. Evan Marks
    9:13 am, 11.30.12

    These are really cool. I’ve had a few conversations with friends arguing whether Dominoes pizza tastes better, of if their new design just makes us think it tastes better. This packaging is really cool, and looks fancy, so anything inside of it I would treat as such.

  5. Sarah Eaton
    3:47 pm, 12.02.12

    I love this design! Anytime we order pizza I’m always so intrigued to read everything on the box and this design does not disappoint my need to read everything! Love it!

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