Switched Packages

7 Commentsby   |  10.29.12  |  Announcements

Switched up packaging



  1. David Singer
    9:42 am, 10.29.12

    This is so great! Do you know if it is part of a collection. I can imagine a lot of very different products have comparable design styles. It would be interesting to see some more.

  2. Sarah Eaton
    11:37 pm, 10.29.12

    I find it really interesting to see how they switched the packaging up for these two products. One is beneficial to health and helps sustain life while the other is poisonous to ones health. It’s interesting to see that although they are switched, one may not have noticed at first because of how similar the designs are. It makes you think about the tricks that advertising can truly play on consumers!

  3. Lee Anna McGee
    8:54 pm, 10.30.12

    This is awesome! Super clever – but also kind of surprising I never realized the similarities before. David brought up a good question- did you find any more / a series? If not, it might be fun to do a personal project and try something similar.

  4. Leanne Kawahigashi
    8:23 pm, 11.03.12

    Haha these are fun. When I glanced at this, I didn’t event really notice that it was switched. It took me a little while to notice the difference. I had never compared these two packages in my mind, but now that I can see it, it seems so obvious. Super cool.

  5. Zack Guerra
    11:36 pm, 11.04.12

    The same thing happened to me Leanne! I did not even realize there was even a change just at a glance. This would make a really interesting study.

  6. Amanda Cantu
    1:06 am, 11.08.12

    I never noticed how similar these two products look alike, and it makes me wonder how many other product’s designs are close in comparison. This is really cool to look at and it sort of goes with our last project.

  7. Carlie Walters
    9:36 am, 12.13.12

    This is crazy clever! I agree with Zack, this would be an awesome study, to see how many products are close enough in appearance that they could be switched, and at first glance no one could tell the difference. I think that would be really interesting to see.

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