Programs and Events

The Adams Center facilitates ongoing programs and events to assist faculty in their pursuit of teaching and learning excellence.

There are no upcoming events.

New Faculty Orientation

Required for all new faculty, NFO launches as a three-day orientation in mid-August, and meets monthly throughout the school year. Topics include hospitality, theological foundations for pedagogy, sabbath rest, in addition to other teaching practices. Each new faculty member is assigned a mentor. Links to many of the resources that are shared as part of the training, can be found on this page.

Faculty Fusion

All faculty are invited to welcome each new academic year by participating in Faculty Fusion, a back-to-school mini-conference designed for inspiration, fun, and collegiality. Past events have included ….. Watch your email and follow us on Facebook to find out what each new year will bring. 

There are no upcoming events.

Master Teacher Training Program

The Master Teacher Program seeks to empower faculty to develop and implement best practices and data-driven techniques into their courses, resulting in long-term significant learning. Open to any full-time faculty member, participants meet monthly, engaging in face-to-face and online discussions, observations, and reflection.

Summer Faculty Institute

After the spring semester has concluded, an extended session for learning and renewal is offered. Recent institutes include workshops on vocation led by Dr. Ben Ries (ACU Dallas), inclusive pedagogy led by Dr. Jimmy McCarty (University of Washington-Tacoma), and scholarship led by Dr. Kara Alexander (Baylor University). The May 2023 Summer Faculty Institute will feature gifted and talented educator, Dr. Brittany Anderson (UNC Charlotte).

Reading Groups

Typically, two books are selected each fall and spring semester. Selections are organized around several themes: Mission, Teaching and Learning, Technology and Personal Development. Visit the Reading Groups page for a list of past reads. The list also makes an excellent resource for personal reading goals.

Lunch Sessions

The Adams Center hosts over one hundred educational lunch sessions each year. Sessions invite faculty to discuss teaching and learning, share scholarship, consider mission, and build collegiality. In addition, each semester we have several reading groups to discuss a common read. Our Monday morning email describes each week’s sessions.


In order to celebrate, encourage and create opportunities for connection, the Adams Center offers A variety of special events, designed to celebrate and encourage our faculty, are offered throughout the year. Typically these center around key annual events such as the Cup–O-Soup and Cookie Bake-off during the December finals week and a Dead Day picnic in spring. We look forward to greeting you and feeding you.

Teaching Squares

The Adams Center will offer an opportunity for any interested faculty to learn from one another through our Teaching Squares initiative. We are blessed with many gifted teachers at ACU, and this program creates a formal structure for soliciting the wisdom and experience of your peers in order to improve your own teaching. Check our newsletter at the beginning of each semester for opportunities to sign-up.

Mid-Semester Feedback

Mid-semester evaluations give faculty the opportunity to get feedback on what is working in a course as well as seek recommendations for improving learning and teaching. One way to “check the pulse” of your class is through focus groups. An Adams Center staff member would be happy to come to your class for 10-15 minutes, lead a discussion about your students’ learning and report back to you. Email to set up a time.

Contact Us

Laura Carroll

Assistant Provost for Teaching, Learning and Vocational Formation

Scott Hamm

Assistant Director, Director of Pedagogical Partnerships

Rodney Ashlock

Director of Faculty Development

Amy McLaughlin-Sheasby

Director of Faculty Spiritual Formation

Amy Boone

Teaching and Learning Specialist

Hollye Jaklewicz

Event and Communication Specialist

Stephen Rektenwald

Assistant Director of Educational Technology

Brown Library Room #264
ACU Box 29201
Abilene, TX 79699-9201