Weekly Announcements: 4/11/16

Help Needed! I will be sending out a link to sign up for working at the submissions desk for receiving art work for the competition on Monday.  Please volunteer if you can! We will give one art event credit for working the competition, In addition: if you are free to...

Weekly Announcements: 4/4/16

Job Opportunity There is a new job opportunity up on the Local Job & Volunteer Opportunities under the Resources tab on the Art & Design Website. Student Competition ​See A&D Spring Competition under the Competitions tab for everything you need to know...


  Join us in the Art History room ​on Friday at 9am ​(not Shore as shown on the graphic) for a presentation by Ben Hernandez (Design Director) and Sarah Reid. They will be promoting internship opportunities at the company, Dialexa. Both Ben and Sarah are alumni....

Weekly Announcements: 3/28/16

Registration Issues? If you encountered a registration issue like “you lack pre-reqs” for a class that is essential like 20th Century Art History or one of your Interior Design or Graphic Design Classes, please do not leave it and forget about it, let me...

Weekly Announcements: 3/21/16

A&D Chapel – THIS Thursday, March 24th! Join us on Thursday for Art & Design Chapel at 11am in 141. Join us to hear Rosten Callarman from Eden Community, a Christian intentional community in Abilene whose primary focus is inviting people into and...

Weekly Announcements: 3/7/2016

Instagram Competition Spring Break next week! Enjoy your break beginning this weekend and all of next week.  We will see you all back and ready to finish out the last part of the semester with gusto on Monday, March 21st.  I will be gone this...