Intercollegiate Student Art Competition

The Center’s 2016 Intercollegiate Student Art Competition page is now live on our Website. Information about rules and restrictions, deadlines and due dates, and the online enrollment form can be found there.
Again this year, we will be accepting submissions using an online form in which students submit the title and other information about their artwork to enter the competition. Students may submit two entries each. Work that can be considered “contemporary” is most likely to be included in the juried exhibit. Artwork delivery will not be until January after students are back, so they can even work on their pieces during the holidays!
If you have any questions about the competition, please refer them to this link or look for the Intercollegiate button at the top of our home page,

Notes & Joe Benefit Concert

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Come out to Shore Gallery this Friday night at 7pm to support Project Merge. Tickets are $5 at the door on Friday night.  Tell your friends and support the Interior Design students as they fundraise to facilitate the project merge renovation project in the Spring.

Weekly Announcements: 11/30/15

Final Art & Design Chapel THIS Thursday

Join us to hear Geoff Broderick on Thursday in 141 at 11am.

Holly Jolly Hallway Happiness! – THIS Friday

Come by the Art office area on Friday for a holiday treat.

Notes & Joe – THIS Friday night

Come out to Shore Gallery this Friday night at 7pm to support Project Merge. Tickets are $5 at the door on Friday night.  Tell your friends and support the Interior Design students as they fundraise to facilitate the project merge renovation project in the Spring.

De-stress and Study at The Grace

De-stress and Enjoy The Grace – Tuesday, Dec 8th 11am-3pm study in the galleries, enjoy music in the courtyard and entrance is free with a college ID.

Intercollegiate Student Art Competition

The Center’s 2016 Intercollegiate Student Art Competition page is now live on our Website. Information about rules and restrictions, deadlines and due dates, and the online enrollment form can be found there.

Again this year, we will be accepting submissions using an online form in which students submit the title and other information about their artwork to enter the competition. Students may submit two entries each. Work that can be considered “contemporary” is most likely to be included in the juried exhibit. Artwork delivery will not be until January after students are back, so they can even work on their pieces during the holidays!

If you have any questions about the competition, please refer them to this link or look for the Intercollegiate button at the top of our home page,

Instagram Competition

The final Instagram Competition this semester ends Sunday, December 6th. Enter you work before then using the hashtag #acuartanddesign! Take a look at our judge Darren le Gallo and some of his work!

Design Competition: Sherwin-Williams

Mark your calendars — the Sherwin-Williams STIR Student Design Challenge will be back for 2016. The challenge celebrates excellence in residential and commercial design by students in the U.S. and Canada. What it’s about: The contest has two categories: residential design and commercial design. The top winner from each category will receive a $2,500 cash prize. Second-place winners will win a $1,000 cash prize, and third-place winners will win a $500 cash prize.

The two first-place winners will also have their work featured in the 2016 edition of STIR magazine. All winners will be featured on our Sherwin-Williams Facebook page and in a future issue of Sherwin-Williams® STIR® eExtra email newsletter.

Challenge details: The challenge will be open for submissions March 1—April 15, 2016. Students may enter as individuals or as a design team of up to three people. With a team entry, one student must be designated as the team contact. There is no entry fee.

The contest is open to projects of all kinds in residential or commercial design, though each entry must use a minimum of three Sherwin-Williams colors (of the entrant’s choice). Only projects using Sherwin-Williams colors will qualify. (See contest rules for complete details.)




