A&D Senior Show: FRIDAY AT 5:30

A&D Students,

Mark your calendar for this Friday evening! Our first senior show opening in quite some time is scheduled for 5:30 in the library atrium (right ouside the Maker Lab). See you there!

It’s the last full week of classes and we made it to the target date! You guys have been AMAZING!

Freshman/First year A&D students – please meet in the courtyard between the office and the gallery on Thursday at 11:20 for a 10 minute super important gathering.
Next Monday & Tuesday:

Students, please check your syllabi carefully and make sure you know what is due on Monday and Tuesday, please don’t assume because it is the start of the Thanksgiving week that your classes won’t meet or you won’t have important deadlines, critiques etc.

Holiday Building Access:
All A&D students enrolled in an art class have access to the building until Dec. 12th. If you are going to be in Abilene after 12/12 and need building access to work on things please email me with your name and banner number.
If I think of anything you need to know before we leave I will message later on in the week. Otherwise, finish strong all the way till finals, enjoy the break, take care of yourselves (rest, hydrate, enjoy time with loved ones, breathe, meditate, and be proud that you made it through a nutty year and very odd semester).

Weekly Announcements 11/09/2020

TUESDAY: Mandatory Meeting – Zoom Edition

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WEDNESDAY: Virtual Young Alumni Event (Chapel 11:20-11:50)

A&D Alum, Trey Jackson (’17), director of creative services for Rice Athletics, and Megan Haverkorn (’18) recruiting coordinator for Google joining us. Below is the zoom information for that day:

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 971 2373 6391
Passcode: 636613



Due to the presidential election Instagram has temporarily changed the way users can search hashtags. Unfortunately this removed our ability to view A&D competition  entries. As soon as Instagram returns to its standard search functionality we will resume the competition. In the mean time we encourage you to continue posting work to #acuartanddesign. We are confident it will be viewable when the standard functionality returns.

Arlene Kasselman

Administrative Coordinator (Art Mom), Art and Design
Office: DMC 142
325.674.2085 or cell 806.672.8687
To Schedule Appointments: YouCanBookMe

Weekly Announcements 11/2/20

POSTPONED: Mandatory Meeting – Zoom Edition
We must postpone our Mandatory Meeting one week to Tuesday, November 10th at 4:45 to 5:05. Sorry for the late change to this important meeting. See you then.

THURSDAY! Department Chapel – Shore Gallery 11:20 and zoom link

Join us in our last chapel for the semester. We will hear from Jordan Frank (Graphic Design alum from 2016) & Jax Womack (Painting major class of 2021). Zoom link: https://acuonline.zoom.us/j/98289501737
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Weekly Announcement 10/26


Tuesday, October 3rd, 4:45 to 5:05
Our Fall semester A&D Mandatory Meeting will be hosted on Zoom this year. Surprise! Please make plans to attend. If you have something that is completely unavoidable please email Arlene. We will be going over a few important scheduling changes for the Spring and other exciting items. It will not last long. See you then! This is a link to the ZOOM MEETING.
No Department Chapel till November 5th
Instagram Competition
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