Weekly Announcements: 4/4/16

Job Opportunity

There is a new job opportunity up on the Local Job & Volunteer Opportunities under the Resources tab on the Art & Design Website.

Student Competition

​See A&D Spring Competition under the Competitions tab for everything you need to know about entering the student competition. This is a required part of being an Art & Design major.​

Student Competition


Please make sure you are familiar with the blog for your reviews. You will find step by step instructions to help you prepare. Freshmen you will do a Foundation Review and
Sophomores you will do a Concentration Review.

All new majors who have only just transferred into the department and have not yet taken an art class we will get you on track next year with your reviews. The same applies if you have only taken one Art class.

I will open an appointment calendar and send the link to you a little closer to the time so you can schedule your reviews. For now you can mark your calendars with the following information and plan accordingly: All Foundation reviews will be 4/28 and Concentration ones 4/29.

​Pick Up Intercollegiate Art from Center for Contemporary Art

Please make​ ​sure you go downtown to pick up your work. The Center has had a change in staffing and the email to pick up work seems to have fallen through the cracks.


Dialexa Poster


Join us in the Art History room ​on Friday at 9am ​(not Shore as shown on the graphic) for a presentation by Ben Hernandez (Design Director) and Sarah Reid. They will be promoting internship opportunities at the company, Dialexa. Both Ben and Sarah are alumni. Anne-Marie Coffee, recent graduate, also works there now.

GlobalGiving Job Opportunity


Program summary

In 2016, GlobalGiving is seeking applicants to our Fellows Program to help further our mission and ambitious growth plans. Fellows will have a unique opportunity to learn how a thriving, international NGO operates. As a fellow, you will get hands-on, practical experience with the nuts and bolts of our operations and ample opportunities to explore the broader field of development. The program is a highly selective, full-time service year that will challenge and inspire you, but also require hard work and dedication. You will have the opportunity to explore various areas that interest you, so you can capitalize on your experience. You’ll be a read more…




