Blog Launch

This blog was inspired by a provocative open science blog by Rosie Redfield called RRResearch.  While gaining fame during the recent debate over arsenic-based DNA (listen), RRResearch also introduced blogging as a new component of the scientific method.  Unlike a typical peer-reviewed journal publication, a blog can more fully describe the entire scientific process.  For example, many non-scientists don’t realize that scientists spend a lot of their time just trying to figure out why their experiments don’t work.  Clearly the humble blog is not intended to supplant our established peer-review process.  However, science is only as strong as our methods to exchange information, and the blog may be the next great advancement in the equitable exchange of information.

While scientific colleagues may turn to this blog to learn about biology research at ACU, we hope that many of our readers will be young students considering a career in science.  Our undergraduate research program is designed to train the next generation of researchers using real research experiences.  So if you are considering a future in science, take a look at some of the experiences our students are having and picture yourself having them too.

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