Additional sermon charts now available

Photographic work and metadata creation for dozens of additional bed-sheet charts was completed in late spring. The resulting high-quality TIFF images, with accompanying descriptive data, are now available for viewing and research.  Hosted in the digital realm by the West Texas Digital Archive, the physical charts are held in ACU Milliken Special Collections.

Click here to view the updated collection.












Other ACU contributions to WTDA include:

Abilene Christian University Bible Lectures 1919-2007

Abilene City Directories

Boyd Collection of Oral Histories

Catalogs of Abilene Christian University

LeMoine Lewis Church History Lectures

Optimist–Student Newspaper

Oscar K. Hobbs’ Abilene Plat Book

Prickly Pear–Yearbook of Abilene Christian University

Sewell Photograph Collection