
0 Commentsby   |  02.29.12  |  Reflection (P2)

This project was easier but at the same time challenging from the last website for different reasons. It was easier and more enjoyable because I got to choose something that fit my style and personality. It made designing the website more enjoyable but so much more difficult because we had no content to begin with, it was all from our imagination. The hardest part for me was not the homepage, but designing the menu. I went back later and came up with a better way to organize all of the information, but originally it was hard to figure out a way to make it readable and organized with good hierarchy, but still fit the feel of the rest of the layout, which is fun and playful. I wanted to fit everything into a rectangle so that you did not have to scroll down the page, but that was challenging because of the amount of information needed for a website for such a small space. Organization and hierarchy was the most difficult thing to figure out on the two pages other than the homepage. I have gotten much better at making sure everything is the correct size and making it fit to the grid properly. The menu page was challenging for my design because I had to figure out how to put it on the image I had on my homepage and make it readable and useable. I didn’t want to change the layout of my page because it was in the rectangle and if I got rid of the image behind it or moved the navigation bar, then it would not feel like the same website. Coming up with the menu items for the wireframe was challenging because I dont own a restaurant and this was all made up and it took some time, but was kind of fun at the same time. I think I need to go back and rework my two lower pages to make them feel finished and more complete, to match my home page better. This project I found was more enjoyable than the Imprint magazine one, but also more challenging.

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