Jordan Bell's Archive


0 Commentsby   |  05.09.12  |  Reflection (P5)

At the beginning of this project I was super excited to start designing it and didn’t really take into account the functionality of the app and how it was going to work. Since we did all that during class, it was very difficult to figure out what I wanted my version of the app to be like.

Technically I think I could have gone more in depth into the settings page and made more screens for that. I also think I could have designed more complex info graphics, but I do really like the simplicity of it currently. Conceptually, I think making it more simple vector shapes and lines allows it to be coded easier. There was a big debate on whether or not the app could actually even get made and I definitely think it could and should! I have definitely seen improvement in my ability to conceptualize and figure out functionality quicker since the beginning of this project and class. Also, I now think as both a designer and interactive designer when I work for web where I used to never think about functionality/interactivity. I think this has its ups and downs, but I am definitely thankful for having that skill set now. There is still a long way to go until I feel perfectly comfortable working with interactive, but its just a process!

I remember when I first decided to take Interactive Design I thought it was going to be my hardest and worst class. Looking back now, thats just kind of hilarious. I think I have learned the most out of this class than any of my other classes this semester. It has not only taught me a lot about interactive design, but coding, mobile, user-experience, wire framing, and just graphic design in general. Everyone should take this class because it will teach you something new, while also teaching you about what you think you already know. Great class and a great experience learning all this stuff! Thanks Mike.

InfographX Finals

0 Commentsby   |  05.08.12  |  Final Comps (P5)



0 Commentsby   |  05.06.12  |  Inspiration (P5)

Pretty much feltron… Interestingly humorous and data intensive

– JB

Project 5 Wireframes

0 Commentsby   |  05.06.12  |  Wireframes (P5)



0 Commentsby   |  04.25.12  |  Task and/or Functionality List (P5)

1. using location services, finds the most common places you visit (number of times you’ve been there this week)

2. on average how many songs listened to this week.

3. average longevity of your iPhone. This could even be current status of battery life

4. shows the apps running that use the most memory or power (thus shutting them off would save battery life)

5. shows you how many times you have turn on your phone

6. shows average response time to starting specific apps.

7.use calendar to create info graphics based on how many events under each calendar you have.

8. emails sent and to where in the world (map info graphic)

9. twitter map (maps out your followers)

10. tweets/day or photos/day linked to a social media site


0 Commentsby   |  04.20.12  |  Reflection (P4)

At the beginning of this project I didnt know how I felt about designing apps for mobile. But now after creating one in this class and learning more about it at DSVC, I feel way more confident and prepared to do this in the future. And Actually, I kind of enjoyed it!

Technically I might have left out a few pages that show how certain aspects of the app works, but as a whole I think I was on the right track. Me and photoshop are friends now so I am getting better at figuring out how to technically create what I want. Which is very beneficial. Conceptually is where I have the most problems. I like my three tasks that my app can handle, but wonder if it should be more simple or have more depth. The main area that I am talking about here is the font/lettering ID portion. It might be super helpful to people who dont know styles or genres of typography, but how many of the users of this app will be people who know nothing about typography? I’d be willing to guess few. So could my app do without guessing at the year, style, genre, or font of the picture taken? Maybe so, but anyway I think about it, I decided that it couldnt hurt to have it in there. Especially since there is the “other” box where people can put in a more detailed description if they know one. I am glad I made 15 pages though. If I didnt I think I would have been less secure in knowing people would understand my app.

I think I improved conceptually and interactively throughout the process of creating this app. I really wanted to make sure people understood the interface. The interface being styled after Instagram is an instant hit to whoever I show the app too. They understand it, appreciate it, and think its beautiful. I think thats a positive response right? My mom saw it on my website and said she even understood every part of it and wants to buy it! I also think in the other projects I didnt spend as much time thinking about interactivity as I did with this one. I believe interactivity and user experience is probably the most noticeable and hardest problems to deal with in mobile design. What I mean by that is when we see a problem with interactivity or the interface, we know its there, but the solution is so hard to find! I loved trying to solve these problems and keep the design cohesive at the same time.

In order to make more apps or do mobile design I have to do a lot more of it and really dive into UEX and UI design. Which I am excited about! Great project. Thanks

Photo Lettering

0 Commentsby   |  04.18.12  |  Final Comps (P4)

Progress! Photo Lettering

0 Commentsby   |  04.16.12  |  Progress (P4)


Mood Board

0 Commentsby   |  04.09.12  |  Mood Boards (P4)

Task List

0 Commentsby   |  04.09.12  |  Task List (P4)

1. Photograph lettering and find out what kind of font it is, or the closest style to it.
-App will show the user many different typesfaces or styles in a list after they take the photo
-App may not be able to give them the exact name or style though, just a suggestion, but it can show closest matches.
-After theĀ App detects what style or kind of font it is, the user will be able to enter into a blank called “other” if he/she knows the lettering or the designer.

2. User can pin their photographed lettering to their location thus showing every other user where cool lettering is at.
-The app will open google maps and show all the pins near you with the name of style, font and the user that took the photo.
-Users photos will show up as a green pin on the map.

3. The user can link their photo to their twitter and pintrest after they pin it to a location. This will happen after the description page. login and account details for twitter and Pintrest in the preferences.

4. User can look through his/her profile and his/her previous photos and organize them by date, family, style, location in the preferences.


Jordan Bell's Comment Archive

  1. Jordan Bell on User Scenarios
    8:16 pm, 04.01.12

    If that hipster chick is supposed to be a metaphor for me frick you! nice scenarios though