Madison Hudson's Archive

Third Force Psych

1 Commentby   |  04.23.13  |  Student Posts

This is one of my favorite psychological theories to focus on. Although I don’t believe in a hard humanistic approach to therapy or theory, I do believe in some of the main beliefs. That all humans are created with a drive to be unique and make a difference in the world. Unless there are severely altered biological or chemical imbalances, I think at the core everyone experiences satisfaction from displaying self-actualizing tendencies or behaviors. This is the backbone for why I believe in art as a form of therapy. I believe that everyone has the ability to create in some form or fashion whether that is through painting, designing, writing, singing, acting, sculpting and through that they are able to tap into and discover new sides of themselves that they didn’t know they previously had. I personally experience extreme satisfaction after finishing any form of art project or writing project even if it is not necessarily pleasing to society. Sadly, I think forms of creativity are discouraged in kids growing up or they are constantly critiqued by art teachers or professors to the point where their confidence is shot and they no longer enjoy creating because it is no longer about expressing themselves in a unique way.

Here is a short clip I found that shows more about art therapy.


Psychoanalytic thinking

1 Commentby   |  04.11.13  |  Student Posts

Any classic good vs. evil or superhero movie will most likely have psychoanalytic theory in it. One of my favorite renditions of this is in spiderman when the green goblin is struggling with his other personality or “shadow self” as we talked about in class. He finds himself battling between the self that he longs to be according to society and the evil self that seeks power and destruction. According to Freud his evil side would be his Id and the battle would be his ego trying to regulate between the Id and superego.


This idea of the shadow self makes me think of the view in christianity that is referred to as our sinful nature. Many of the ideas behind the shadow self are similar to how we describe the sinful nature and how we are wanting to get rid of our sinful nature but it is such a struggle between the life we want to live and are called to live according to our Maker in the christian worldview and the life we constantly fall back on. Although this is a somewhat extreme example, I find myself having a similar tormented inner dialogue in life when I am faced with temptations.


1 Commentby   |  04.02.13  |  Student Posts


I used to be totally against Behaviorism until we recently discussed it in class. I thought the concept of us just modifying behavior in order to change went against what I believed. Now I have discovered more about the helpful side of behaviorism like the video we watched in class about the experimenter helping the autistic girl and how that can really help her life. I also realized how much behaviorism is in our everyday lives and all around us with advertising and TV.

I found this clip of one of my favorite TV shows called New Girl. Throughout the season one of the main characters, Shmit, always says or does things that seem slightly socially unacceptable. He tends to say what is on his mind without first taking into account how uncomfortable the other person might feel. His three roommates came up with a system to help negatively reinforce his behavior. They made a “douchebag jar” that he must donate money to whenever he says or does anything unacceptable. In this way they hope to reduce or eliminate this behavior.

Douchebag Jar- New Girl

Similar to this video are ways that parents using conditioning to discipline kids growing up. Some times kids are conditioned with positive reinforcement such as parents paying them money if they get all A’s on their report card. Some use negative ways to discipline kids such as spanking them anytime they act out in public and once the acting out stops, so does the spankings. I don’t agree with some of the discipline that occurs nowadays, but I would be a little nervous to see how different the world would be without some sort of conditioning.

Evolution of Faith

2 Commentsby   |  03.05.13  |  Student Posts

The discussion of evolution has always been a sticky one, especially in regards to Christian faith. I had never really learned about evolution until high school when different religious influences decided we needed to learn about evolution to convince atheists to become Christian and to protect our faith (mainly creationism vs. intelligent design). I say this sarcastically, but it is true that many people still to this day think that studying evolution whether it’s evolutionary theory or evolutionary psychology will somehow uncover a door that points away from God.

I read a book recently called “Evolving in Monkey Town” by an author who grew up in Deyton, Tennessee where the Scopes Monkey Trial took place and evolution was a hot, but controversial topic because of the highly evangelical little town, somewhat similar to modern ACU you could say. My favorite quote from her book was one where she said “faith must adapt in order to survive”. I think this statement is profound because we are constantly learning new things and disproving false perceptions that we have held on to our whole lives. Keeping an open mind while learning about evolution could lead us into deeper truth about our faith and also uncover some preconceptions that we have clung to. I have also learned to not be afraid of the unknown and the possibility that we may never know some things. Just like some the articles we read today in class, it can be interesting and we may really want to know the cause of human nature, but can we be at ease with leaving some of our questions just questions? For example, I still don’t understand how the era of dinosaurs fits in with scripture or why God heals some people physically and doesn’t heal others and I may never know. The difference is will I be okay with the idea that I may never find the answer or I may not find the answer that I want to hear.

Blog #2

2 Commentsby   |  01.31.13  |  Student Posts

Many of Greek culture has influenced our thinking today. There are multiple parallels that I see in today’s society and what I learned about the Greeks. For one, the idea of passion and living from the “appetite” and Plato would say is apparent in the Greek culture. One example is the idea of watching men fight to the death as a pleasurable thing.

Are You Not Entertained?

Although we don’t have gladiators anymore thank goodness, we have a similar concept dealing with sports. We pay big bucks to sit in a stadium and watch two teams spar it out with strategic tackles and immense pressure. I understand that this is mostly voluntary on their part and the ultimate goal is not death, but you have to admit that there are similar qualities in modern day football and greek gladiator.

On a different note, the standard of intelligence and reason as a high value in Greek culture still exists today. In society, we place much emphasis on attending college and getting a masters to be able to get a job. Usually the higher the education, the more wealth you are able to attain. This emphasis of education resulted in government positions and were usually considered the “upper class” in Greek culture.

Blog 1- “The Good Life”

1 Commentby   |  01.19.13  |  Student Posts

Since we all have different perceptions of the world around us based on our experiences, what “the good life ” means to me one day may not mean the same to me in a month. I am constantly searching and exploring what it means. In order to express such an idea I have to ask myself two questions.

What satisfies me in life? Well I could reflect the small scale experiences I have had that trigger short pleasure receptors and continue to engage in these behaviors to maintain a constant level of satisfaction such as indulging in chocolate and relaxing on a beach. However, these actions leave me discontent and only longing for another experience that supersedes the previous. Overall satisfaction for me is a lifestyle backwards to what the natural mind would assume (a.k.a. human nature). This leads into the second question.

Do I believe life is the time between birth and death, or do I believe life exists beyond death? Because I believe in life after death and in a higher deity then my life has a purpose beyond earthly pleasure. True satisfaction comes from living out this purpose and this purpose is to love. In order to love (the kind of love that is defined as “everlasting loving kindness”) I must become more like my God and in order to become more like my God I must live in a constant state of awareness. ” The good life” comes from living in this state of awareness of self and awareness of the spirit that connects me to my God. From this awareness will I be able to really love and fulfill my purpose and say that I lived “the good life”.

Madison Hudson's Comment Archive

  1. Madison Hudson on Blog Post #6
    2:08 pm, 04.23.13

    I like the “hipster” example. It’s funny though because I think the movement came about for a desire to be different than society but then paradoxically became a trend that people follow. Although it’s not like name brand identical clothing, it is still a certain “type” or “category” that people fit in which defeats the whole purpose of being unique.

  2. I really like how where you incorporated Missions with Maslow’s hierarchy. This question is something I struggle with when it comes to mission work or helping others in need. Just the fact that Jesus and others in scripture went even 40 days without food or water for spiritual reasons makes me question the importance of our physiological needs. Also, thinking about the extreme poverty throughout the world I wonder if we give food and water without sharing love (the central message of the gospel), are we depriving them of something so much more valuable? Or if we spread the message of the gospel but do not provide food and water, are we spreading the whole gospel?

  3. I like how you related Freud’s theory to food and dieting. It’s so true though that many times we know what is best for our bodies and yet we continue to consume things that only make our cravings worse and hinder the problem. Some people have a harder time because of the way they were raised eating and the adaptivity to certain foods growing up. It doesn’t help that the government regulates so much of our food and processed foods (but that’s a whole nother topic that I could get in to).

  4. Madison Hudson on Psychoanalytical Theory
    12:54 pm, 04.11.13

    I enjoyed your post and the somewhat dramatic video. It gets the point across like your stated. I think this part of psychoanalysis can be used to the extreme but I would have to say that I believe a lot of our actions and thought patterns that we engage in today are a result of something in our past. For example, I will not eat cheesecake to this day because I once get extremely sick from it in high school. That was like at least four years ago, but because of my past experience with it my mind believes I will get sick again so it doesn’t even sound appetizing to me anymore.

  5. Madison Hudson on Behaviorism
    11:35 pm, 04.02.13

    Thoughtful take on behaviorism in society. I think your right on when you say that it is misused much in advertisement and society today. Everywhere we turn there are reinforcements and we probably partake in some of our own without even realizing we are the enforcers. With a competing drive in advertisement we are constantly surrounded by images and commercials that instill in our brains that we must do A or B to get C even when this is not the case.

  6. Great post. The Sarah McLachlan commercial actually came to mind in class today when he was talking about our posts. It is almost ridiculous how advertisers set the mood for the viewer with the “In the Arms of an Angel” song playing in the background and the sad faces of the abused animals. I know it is for a good cause and everything, but guilt tripping into giving a donation is something that really bothers me. Is there a better way to get donations from viewers without such an intense form of manipulation..

  7. Madison Hudson on Blog Post #3
    2:43 pm, 03.05.13

    I like your honesty and boldness in this post. I have totally thought most of your points and just not said them. Your last comment about why are we trying to eliminate weakness is exactly what was going through my mind at the end of class today. Making a “superior” race without weakness would be like a slap in God’s face I feel like if we are were even able to accomplish it in the first place. I do think we live in a fallen world and illness and disease will always be around, but like you stated we are made strong in His weakness. And to expand on that it follows with “Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me”.

  8. I find this experiment very interesting as well. I think your comment about people being attracted to other people within their “range of attractiveness” and how this was even more prominent in times in middle school or within celebrities also goes to show that insecurity or social pressures may influence this too. If you think about it, in middle school you are awkward and changing so your insecurities are heightened. Most middle schoolers just want to fit in and succumb easily to external influence or social pressures. Celebrities are always being watched and therefore have a lot of societal and social pressures influencing them. No wonder there is such a high divorce rate especially among celebrities. When we tear down the attractiveness scale in our minds and look within, these are the couples that stay married throughout their entire life.

  9. Madison Hudson on Blog 2
    5:01 pm, 02.01.13

    Tyler, I like that you said much of our values are decided based on our environment or the people we are around the most. This is so true and it is easy for our perception to be skewed or swayed one way or another. This is a basic example but growing up my family would all pray before a meal and eat at the table and we couldn’t leave or eat dessert until we had finished our meal. Well when I would visit other friends during dinner I would always get my food and wait until everyone else did the same to pray just assuming that everyone one else was like me, but I began to realize that other families had different values and customs. It’s good to experience other cultures and discover what it really “true” to you and not just what you grew up in as being true or right. I think this is so important especially when dealing with your faith or religion.

  10. Madison Hudson on Blog 2
    4:27 pm, 02.01.13

    I agree with the whole creating medications to treat illness as a joke these days. There are so many symptoms that could be reduced without medication and just by taking care of ourselves with proper nutrition, exercise, sleep, and less business. So many illnesses are either caused by or made worse by stress of some sort or not taking care of ourselves the way God intended but yet we try to fix everything by popping a pill that will temporarily treat the symptom instead of changing our lifestyle.