ACU A&D Study Abroad

Study Abroad interest meeting will be happening soon, so be on the look out in the Weekly Announcement emails and blogs posts. If you are interested and want be put on the mailing list for further information, please fill out this form. Or if you are already planning to study abroad, you can apply by clicking here!


A&D Instagram Competition

Our 8th Instagram competition is now underway!

So students, starting posting pictures of your work onto Instagram! We want to see your talent! Meet, Jordan Bell, our guest judge for this competition. Check out some of this ACU alumni’s awesome designs!


Weekly Announcements: 8/31/2015

Arlene Out of the Office

Arlene will going to be out of the office most of Wednesday through Monday Sept. 14th.  She will, hopefully, be back in the office on Tuesday the 15th.  Jennie Magner, student worker extraordinaire, will be available in the office on MWF from 12:00-3:00. If there is something urgent you can talk to Jennie or email Arlene, together they will try to direct you to who might be helpful on campus.

Student Competition Pick Up in Shore Gallery

Please go ahead and pick up any work you still have in the gallery from the student competition.  The next show will open next Friday and any unclaimed student work will be discarded.  Thank you so much for taking care of this promptly!

Art & Design Chapel – THIS Thursday

Our department chapel is NOT on Tuesday like most departments.  Please go ahead and plan to join us on Thursday for A&D Chapel at 11am in room 141.  Our big theme this semester is Pathways to God and each week we will hear from a different faculty member about their own spiritual practice or way of connecting most intimately with God. Brandon Young will kick it off this semester as our first speaker.

Intent to Graduate

If you are planning on graduating in December 2015 or May 2016 please complete this form so that Rebekah Davis in the Registrar’s office can begin your graduation process.  Thank you!

Freshmen Portfolio Pick Up

If you submitted a portfolio for the scholarship competition you may pick it up starting on Thursday in the Art office.

Taylor McDaniel and Morgan Keefer Excel in First Fine Arts Internships

This past summer two of our fine arts majors, Taylor McDaniel (senior) and Morgan Keefer (BFA ’15), had the privilege of serving as interns to Dallas area artist Bonny Leibowitz.

Bonny Leibowitz and Morgan Keefer are seen at left in this photo from The Bonny Studio.

Bonny Leibowitz and Morgan Keefer are seen (far left) in this photo from The Encaustic Center.

Besides sharing her life as a professional painter and sculptor, Leibowitz had Morgan and Taylor assist in her two teaching studios: The Bonny Studio and The Encaustic Center (weblinks). See the Bonny Studio and Encaustic Center on YouTube.

The internships provided first-hand experiences with the day-to-day operations of a thriving art practice, opportunities to interact with diverse groups of adult and teen learners, and trips to local galleries where Leibowitz introduced them to other artists and art scene professionals.

You might wonder how these internship opportunities came about. Well, last year Professor Green, Director of the Fine Arts Program, set out to develop a series of annual internships with Dallas area artists. His intent for the internships was to better prepare fine art students for the transition into future careers by pairing them with mentors who’ve achieved success in the art world.

Taylor, Morgan, and Bonny each had great things to say about these first internship experiences. Morgan, who began graduate school this past week at UNT, reported that “Bonny was not only a welcoming individual to me, but she was that warm smile I grew anxious to see as the days went by. There was always something new going with her work or with her classes that I was excited to see.” Morgan eagerly added, “I’m already seeing the benefits of this internship. Days after returning home I accepted a position at a local art academy here in the Austin area where I’ll be teaching my own classes.” Taylor said she felt “very fortunate to have been given this opportunity. It was great to see how Bonny runs her studio and how she teaches!”

Both of these young women made such a strong impression on Leibowitz that she has agreed to mentor other ACU interns this next summer. So if this opportunity or one like it interests you, then contact Professor Green and watch for more information about Fine Arts Internships on the Art and Design Blog.




