A&D Weekly Announcements

A&D Homecoming Events

Homecoming is full of opportunities to meet A&D alumni and support your department! We hope to see you at the many festivities happening!

Live Mural Painting

Alum, Chera Chaney Brooker (’16) will be painting a mural in the A&D courtyard on Friday (October 14) and Saturday (October 15). Come by to watch Chera create a beautiful mural!

Pottery Demonstration & Sale

Don Brimberry (’77), Stan Youngblood (’77) and Teena Roberson (’94) will be in the A&D courtyard for a pottery demonstration on Saturday (October 15) from 11:45 AM – 4:00 PM. This event also counts as one art event credit!

A&D Department Art Sale

Come to the Don Morris Center on Saturday (October 15) from 11:45 AM – 4:00 PM to purchase art and prints from the ACU Archives.

Delineated: Four Generations of Artistic Influence

The Shore Art Gallery will be open from 11:30 AM – 1:00 PM on Saturday (October 15) with the show “Delineated”. This event also counts as one art event credit!

Halloween Party

Friday, October 28 is the date set for the A&D Halloween Party, so be sure and save this date! More details to come soon!



A&D Weekly Announcements 9/19/22

This Week at a Glance

Monday, Sept. 19 starting at 8:30 AM- 
San Francisco Sign-Ups for Freshmen and Sophomores in my office (Don Morris 142)
  • The trip will be $2,350
  • We have 5 spots left.
Monday, Sept. 19, 5:00 PM– Deadline for Freshmen Scholarship Portfolios has been extended. 
Tuesday, Sept. 20, 11:00 AM- A+D Departmental Chapel
  • Finding Sabbath with guest speaker, Houston Heflin
  • Don Morris 142
Tuesday. Sept. 20- Friday, Oct. 7- Freshmen & new student interviews 
  • I sent a link to new students in a separate email. Please choose an appointment time that works for you. 

Study Abroad Information

A+D Study Abroad Scholarship- Deadline to apply is October 1
Leipzig, Germany (May 15- June 2, 2023) 
  • ART 347 Plein Air Painting with Ryan Feerer
  • Cost: Regular Block Tuition + $5400-$5700 program fee. 
  • Email: studyabroad@acu.edu
  • Office: Center for Careers and Experiential Learning, Brown Library, Suite 260
  • For more info or to complete an online application: ACU STUDY ABROAD

Face Painting Job Opportunity

September 30th from 6:00pm – 8:00pm- Ashley Cortez from the DEI Office (Diversity, Equity, Inclusion) is looking for 3 art students and willing to pay them $10 an hour for face painting. Contact her directly if you are interested: Ashley Cortez cac18g@acu.edu

Art and Design Leipzig Interest Meeting

Are you thinking about study abroad this year? Then come to the Interest Meeting for our program to Leipzig, Germany scheduled for Thursday, Sept. 15 @11:30 in DM141. Professor Ryan Feerer will be leading the group this year. He’ll be there to discuss the course of study, as will Prof. Dan McGregor who took our last group to Leipzig in 2020. ACU’s Study Abroad Office will also have representatives at the meeting to answer your questions. Hope to see you Thursday!

Art & Design Weekly Announcements 4/26/22

End-of-Year Reviews

End-of-year reviews are happening this week! If you’re a first-year student, make sure to check your email for more information about Foundation Reviews. If this is your first year as an Art & Design major and you haven’t received an email, please email Courtney (cbc20b@acu.edu) and let her know. Don’t forget to make an appointment for your review!

Volunteers Needed TODAY!

Taylor Elementary is preparing for a big art show next Thursday night, and they are looking for volunteers to help hang artwork. This is a great opportunity to get service hours. If you are available any time on Monday or Tuesday and would like to help, email Abbie Brentham at alb16c@acu.edu.

Writing Center Gallery

The Writing Center is looking for student art to display! If any student is looking for a place to display their art, the Writing Center Gallery would love to show it. This would count as a gallery credit you can put on your resume. For more information, contact Cole Bennett at cole.bennett@acu.edu.

Instagram Competition

Congratulations to Ivan Martinez and Allee Casey, the winner and runner-up of Instagram Competition #89! Make sure to check out their pieces on the Art & Design Instagram page.

The next judge for the competition is Polly Jones. You can now submit your art through DM on Instagram, so make sure to enter your work in the contest, either through DM or by tagging your art with #acuartanddesign.

Adobe Certifications

If you are interested in earning one or more of the Adobe certifications (Ai, Ps, Id, Pr, Ae, Dw, An), the Innovation Lab is offering these certifications for free to Art and Design students. If you are interested, please reach out to Amos Guttierez at axg12a@acu.edu.

Senior Show: American Wild

Come visit Rebekah Conder’s senior show, American Wild! The show will run from March 17 to April 30th at the Center for Contemporary Arts. The gallery is open Tuesday through Saturday from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Go check out the show and support an Art & Design senior!




