Weekly Announcements

A&D Sunday Night Bible Study
Hello, All-
Art & Design Bible Study continues this Sunday, 10/25, from 6:30-8:00 (please note time change). We’re working through C.S. Lewis’ The Screwtape Letters, which imaginatively explores issues of temptation and spiritual growth.

All A&D majors and their friends are invited, and first-timers are always welcome (the book is episodic, and you can pretty much jump in anywhere).

Location is TBA, depending on the weather (we’ll either meet in the McGregors’ back yard or inside, on campus. We will email you closer to Sunday with an update.

Due to social distancing requirements, space is limited to 20 attendees, so please RSVP here. Chapel credit IS available.
We hope to see you there!
Instagram Competition

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Weekly announcements – 10/12/2020

Hey you guys…there is a lot to read today!  I miss you.

Instagram Competition

No Department Chapel until November

Art Pieces Needed
The Writing Center is in need of 5 framed pieces to hang in their gallery. If you have something you’d like them to consider please bring it by my office so we can fill the empty spaces. Thank you!

Missions Week Looking for Artists

The Halbert Center is looking for students to paint faces on a large mural as part of Mission Week. Here is a link to the sign-up sheet for the week. Please add your name to whatever time slots you would like to serve. Contact Taylor Campos at 

tne20a@acu.edu if you have any questions!

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THURSDAY – Interest Meeting for Semester Abroad Trips

Fall Study Abroad Information:

(All Meetings are at 11:20 in Shore)

Interest Meetings:

  • Semesters: Thursday, October 15

Study Abroad Scholarships:

Please complete the appropriate Study Abroad interest forms if you haven’t already:


Study Abroad T-Shirt Design Competition

It’s time for a change. The ACU Study Abroad office is designing new program t-shirts, and we want your help! All ACU Study Abroad alumni get a site-specific shirt when they return from their program in Leipzig, Montevideo, or Oxford. Our current T-shirt design was created by Eric Munoz, an Art and Graphic Design major who studied abroad in Leipzig, Germany in Spring 2013.

Think you have what it takes to create our next design? Keep reading to learn how to enter our t-shirt design contest, and who knows, maybe next year you will see your design being worn all over campus.

To submit a design, please email proofs to studyabroad@acu.edu with the subject line “Location T-shirt Contest 2020” All T-shirt submissions must be made by 5:00 pm on January 15, 2021. The winner will then be announced on February 1, 2021. Please read the following requirements to have your design considered:

  1. All designs must be ACU-campus appropriate and represent ACU Study Abroad in a responsible manner

  2. There must be 3 individual t-shirt designs (one for each location Leipzig, Montevideo, and Oxford)

  3. The 3 designs must be somewhat cohesive in theme and design

  4. Each design must prominently display that location’s logo

    1. Please contact us for logos at studyabroad@acu.edu

  5. The winner will be chosen by Study Abroad Coordinator, Cassidy Miller and Executive Director of Study Abroad, Stephen Shewmaker

  6. The winner will receive 1 t-shirt of each design (3 in total) and $400 for their artwork

  • Second place to receive $100 for their artwork, and one t-shirt of their choice

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Weekly Announcements – 9/14/2020

TOMORROW: Senior Show Meeting

Senior Show Meeting – Sept 15th @11:20 outside the office/gallery

No Department Chapel till October 8th

Fall Study Abroad Information:

(All Meetings are at 11:20 in Shore)

Interest Meetings:

  • Semesters: Thursday, October 15

  • Summers: Thursday, September 17th

  • Spring Break: Thursday, September 24th

  • Scholarships: Thursday, October 1st

Study Abroad Scholarships:

Please complete the appropriate Study Abroad interest forms if you haven’t already:

Summer Trips: Leipzig (Maymester) – Sept 9th & Sept 17th
Spring Break Trips – Sept 24th
Study Abroad Scholarships – Oct 1st.
Semester Trips – October 15th

Dan & Laura McGregor’s Bible Study Begins Again!

Art & Design Bible Study starts this Sunday, 9/20! Watch your email this week for more information.


Voter Registration

The Student Government Association would like you to be aware of voter registration opportunities on campus. Please take literally a minute to watch this one-minute video

this one-minute video to inform the student body of voting registration opportunities on campus.
We want to make sure that all students know about this opportunity and use it as a platform to exercise their vote on Ele

Weekly Announcements – 9/7/2020

TOMORROW: Freshmen Graphic Design Gathering & Lunch

See you all tomorrow in Shore Gallery at 11:20!

No Department Chapel till October

Study Abroad Meetings

(All Meetings are at 11:20 in Shore)

Summer Trips: Leipzing (Maymester) – Sept 9th & Sept 17th
Spring Break Trips – Sept 24th
Study Abroad Scholarships – Oct 1st.
Semester Trips – October 15th

Senior Show Meeting – Sept 15th @11:20

We need you at this meeting seniors!

Voter Registration

The Student Government Association would like you to be aware of voter registration opportunities on campus. Please take literally a minute to watch this one-minute video

this one-minute video to inform the student body of voting registration opportunities on campus.

We want to make sure that all students know about this opportunity and use it as a platform to exercise their vote on Election Day.

TOMORROW: Sophomore Meeting

Sophomores, please please please come to a meeting on Tuesday, Sept.1 at 11:20, chapel time. I will only need you there for like 10 minutes. Meet in the outdoor area quad between DMC and Shore gallery. Physically distance from each other and wear your mask, please.

TOMORROW: Freshmen Portfolio Competition

Freshmen you are invited to submit an electronic version or a traditional portfolio to the scholarship competition. You may bring it by my desk tomorrow. Please make sure you have your name on the portfolio or on your thumb drive. If you are submitting a web address just type out the link on a piece of paper. Judging will happen during this week and we will return your work to you by Friday or Monday at the latest. We will email the winners directly by the end of the week. This is not mandatory so if you do not want to participate, there is no pressure. 

THURSDAY: Department Chapel @11:20 (split between Shore Gallery, 143 and 141).

Join us to hear Daylon Franklin (Jr. Graphic Design) & Camille Wescott (Jr. Graphic Design) start our series this Thursday.

Over the past 6 months, our country has been strongly focused on the pandemic, racial justice, and law enforcement. A&D chapel has always tried to be about listening to those in our community. This semester we thought it would be impactful to spend time listening to students and alumni of color from the A&D community.

The series will explore two topics and the intersections between them.

The Communities We Come From: Chapel should be a place to share the beauty and complexity of the places we have come from. We should honor those communities with attention and storytelling. We should honor the members of our community by creating a space to tell those stories. Our prior communities travel with us and we will take this ACU community forward to wherever we go next. Honoring the communities we have come from will enrich us all as we move on from this place.

Racial Justice and Law Enforcement: As speakers explore the communities of their past we will ask that they share the stories, experiences, and relationships that helped mold their attitudes toward the topics that are so relevant to our current cultural climate, namely the justice system. It is often through storytelling that we come to know each other most deeply.

Jesus bore witness to the place and time he walked among us and he reacted with deep compassion and care. In our moments of worship this semester, we will bear witness to each other’s stories and try to walk as Jesus did with compassion and care for one another.

Keep watching this space and we will

Summer 2021 Study Abroad Interest Meeting (Leipzig)

Our first interest meeting for next Summer’s study abroad trip will be on Wednesday, Sept 9th at 11:20 in Shore Gallery. If you are even a little curious come to the interest meeting!





