We’re delighted to announce that next week Sports Illustrated photographer Bill Frakes will be on campus. Bill has covered major sporting events around the world in a career that has spanned profound transitions in journalism and his own work first as a photographer and now also as a filmmaker.

Bill recently served as a chair for the World Press Photo contest for sports photography in 2013 that made final selections from over 100,000 entries. Whether you join us for an evening on the power of storytelling or a less formal setting, we’re confident you’ll leave seeing images on screen and in print in a totally different way.



Oct 1 (Tues),  7:00 pm  –  Feature Presentation in Williams Performing Arts Center

Oct 2 (Wed),  11:45 pm  –  Faculty lunch in the Adams Center

5:30 pm  –  Portfolio Presentation with JMC/Art majors in Don Morris



Bill Frakes Bio

Bill Frakes is a Sports Illustrated Staff Photographer based in Florida who has worked in all 50 states and in more than 125 countries for a wide variety of editorial and advertising clients.

His advertising clients include Apple, Nike, Manfrotto, CocaCola, Champion, Isleworth, Stryker, IBM, Nikon, Canon, Kodak, and Reebok. He directs music videos and television ads.
Bill has worked in every State in the USA and in more than 130 countries.  Editorially his work has appeared in virtually every major general interest publication in the world. His still photographs and short documentary films have been featured on hundreds of Web sites as well as on most major television networks.
He won the coveted Newspaper Photographer of the Year award in the prestigious Pictures of the Year competition. He was a member of the Miami Herald staff that won the Pulitzer Prize for their coverage of Hurricane Andrew. He was awarded the Gold Medal by World Press Photo. He has also been honored by the Robert F. Kennedy Journalism Awards for reporting on the disadvantaged and by the Overseas Press club for distinguished foreign reporting. He has received hundreds of national and international awards for his work.
He has taught at the University of Miami, the University of Florida and the University of Kansas as an adjunct professor and lecturer. During the last five years he has lectured at more than 100 universities discussing multimedia and photojournalism.
In 2010 and 2013 he served on the jury of World Press Photo.
Many years ago, a young American mother named Agnes Frakespointed out images all around her tiny Nebraska town to her four-year-old son Bill: a cat’s shadow, a pool of oil beneath a car, his own name etched in a cookie tray of caramel popcorn. The boy looked at the objects and saw nothing. ‘Look again,’ she said. ‘There is always more there than what your eye sees…’ Twenty-five years later the boy became one of the most accomplished sports photographers in the world.
– James McBride, part of his introduction in the book “Family: A Celebration of Humanity.”
Please visit billfrakes.com to view Bill’s photography portfolio.