Photoshop Boot Camp online workshop

Last fall Mike Wiggins, graphic designer and chair of the Department of Art & Design, led several workshops for faculty interested in learning to use Photoshop. Mike was very kind to come in and film the basic workshop in the studio and its now available as our first Adobe Boot Camp.

Mike has been working with Photoshop since version 1.0, so you’ll definitely appreciate the experience he brings to teaching the basics of working with text and layers.

SkillsChallengeOne feature of this Adobe Boot Camp model is combining video training with hands-on skills challenges. You can download the sample PSD file to follow along or watch the video the first time through and then try to recreate the example project at your own pace.

Thanks again to Mike Wiggins for working with us to produce a remarkable model for students and faculty picking up Photoshop for the first time. Stay tuned for additional Adobe Boot Camp titles coming soon.