Construction photos from FACUL

The Friends of the ACU Library posted some photos this week of the first stages of construction on the Learning Studio. They provide some sense of the size of the space that will receive the new Speaking Center, Media Collections, and an expanded Digital Media Center.

Thanks again to the many folks who work and study in the library for their patience over the next few months. We’ll have more to announce about the grand opening dates and events in the weeks ahead. Stay tuned.


Global music collaborations

In Cornerstone this week, Dr. Bill Rankin joined us to talk about the power of technology to move beyond models of competition to models of collaboration. Since creating a space that fosters collaboration is a goal of the new Learning Studio, I thought I’d pass along a couple of his links.

Bill illustrated how these technologies give “us a perspective on the world that hasn’t been possible before.” The following clips offer examples of some digital musical projects we think you’ll find powerful.