New Equipment for Checkout

With more than a thousand equipment checkouts this semester, we’re glad the campus now thinks of the Learning Studio when they have a media project. To keep you up-to-date on new additions, we’re kicking off a series on new services and equipment in the Learning Studio.

LS Unboxed: The Swivl

We just received the new Swivl iPhone/iPod dock, the simple way to make sure you stay in the picture. The cradle holds most any camera phone or small Flip-style camera, and the base swivels to follow you as you move. If you have an iOS device, Swivl’s clip-on transmitter also functions as a wireless microphone when paired with the Swivl app.

Many students have already scheduled sessions in Studio 1 and Studio 2 to record a speech or group presentation, but now you can make any of our rooms a practice room. The Swivl is also available to faculty for recording a class lecture or conference presentation as well.

Here’s Ben Weaver from the Learning Studio with a quick look at Swivl:


New Check-Out Options

In addition to the Swivl, we’ve also made other additions you’ll want to be aware of:

Mac Video Adapters – we now have adapters for iPads and most models of Mac laptops for use with the Mediascape tables. Just bring your computer to the main desk and we’ll try to find a match.

Cameras and Light Kits – in preparation for FilmFest, we also added cameras and two Lowel light kits for anyone wanting to produce higher-quality video. Come by during staff hours for a quick review of the equipment.

Casio Slim Projectors – faculty or group sponsors may now check-out projectors for classes, departmental events, and conference presentations. *Students in official campus organizations need to have a sponsor request the projector.


For More Information

For a complete list of all check-out equipment, check the Learning Studio blog. For all other questions about availability come by during regular Media Lab hours or call the main info desk, 674-2341.

Mobile Moviemaking with the iPhone

A few days ago in the Media Lab we received a new piece of gear for aspiring mobile filmmakers: the OWLE Bubo. It’s a combination camera mount and lens adapter to enhance video recorded on an iPhone 3GS.  The oversize aluminum housing protects the phone and helps to stabilize your shots so everything doesn’t look like a Blair Witch remake. The mount includes tripod connections, a cold shoe notch and a front-facing mic that plugs into the headphone jack to help you pick up better audio.  Here is a review of the whole system from a Hollywood film producer:


One more thing

reeldirectorAn essential companion for video editing on your iPhone 3GS is the ReelDirector app. Combine clips and photos from your library with smooth transitions, titles, and credits. Really an impressive editing interface for making short films quickly and then sharing them by email. (Given 3GS limits on video email, ReelDirector is also a work around for sharing longer student films.)

If you are interested in more ways to record and produce video, drop by and see us sometime Monday-Thursday from 1-7 pm in the DMC downstairs in the library.