In July our colleagues in Technical Services and Cataloging added 604 items to Special Collections holdings. Nearly all fed into the main print collection (which we call REST), with only a few items going into ACU Authors and ACU Archive collections plus a couple of hymnals into the Taylor collection. We added catalog records for two new archival collections. As has been the case for several steady months, most of the additions to REST are tracts and pamphlets. The tract project continues at a very good pace and we will have a fine set of tracts, all cataloged, when this project is complete. As usual, we added a few monographs which we either lacked altogether, or lacked in some variant of the edition or printing. Some of the additions are newly published, others are new-to-us, and still others represent a second copy or a new-to-us edition or printing. Special Collections Librarian and Archivist Erica Pye sleuthed these books and contributed several new records. Between her work and a student upstairs dedicated to the tract project, July was a fine month on the cataloging front. The tract project received focus attention in part due to some much-needed renovations in Technical Services. With new carpet, fresh paint and some general cleaning up, the space is looking great. But the renovations hampered their ability to handle the usual cartloads of old books I send their way. The tracts were much more manageable, all things considered.
Callie Faye Milliken (Special Collections Librarian) and Dr. John Stevens (President) at the beginning of the transfer of books from the ‘old’ library in Chambers Hall to the ‘new’ Brown Library. Dr. Stevens, holding a rare copy of Biblia Sacra, led a procession of students and faculty carrying volumes into the new facility. From
Our goal is to build a comprehensive research-level collection of print materials by, for, and about the Stone-Campbell Restoration Movement. But beyond assembly and preservation, a collection should be discoverable by those who need the information. Collecting and preserving is only part of our task; those objects must be described and made available. Thanks to the close and careful work of our colleagues upstairs, who describe our holdings, these materials are now discoverable. By discoverable I mean a patron can utilize our online catalog (such as by searching by author, or title, or subject) to find these materials.
604 new items…cataloged, shelved, and ready for research:
Catalog Author | Catalog Title |
Allen, Jimmy, | Immorality, U.S.A. |
Ames, Edward Scribner, | The Disciples of Christ : their growth, their heritage, their timeliness |
Anders, Charles Danny, | Charles Danny and Judith Lynne Snow Anders papers |
Anderson, Lynn, | If I really believe, why do I have these doubts? : hope for those who feel they will never measure up to other Christians’ faith |
Andrews, L. H. | Courtship, marriage, home, divorce |
Ash Grove Christian Church (Windsor, Ill.) | Precious memories : Ash Grove Christian Church, 1832-1982 |
Bales, James D., | What think ye of Christ’s church? |
Banowsky, William Slater. | The now generation, and other sermons |
Bass, Fayne, | Because of the cross |
Bates, Jerry, | The key to happiness |
Bates, Jerry, | Will a man rob God? |
Bates, Jerry, | The key to happiness |
Bates, Jerry, | Will a man rob God? |
Beach, Ursula S. | A commemorative history of First Christian Church, Clarksville, Tennessee, 1842-1972 |
Beeson, Jesse, | Christ or Muhammad? : The Bible or the Qur’an? |
Berry, Mattie L. | A sketch of the Christian Church at Versailles, Kentucky |
Bete, Channing L. (Channing Lindquist), | About the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) |
Billingsly, Dan, | Fundamental Bible Studies |
Billingsly, Dan, | The difference between the Old and New Testaments |
Blackmon, Luther. | Unsaved believer |
Bohannan, Ray, | The school of preaching : a new concept of teaching in the Churches of Christ |
Bond, Lydia K. (Lydia Kennedy) | The first one hundred and ten years of the Christian Church in Lawrenceburg, Kentucky |
Boone, Pat. | Pray to win : God wants you to succeed |
Brandon, Donald. | American foreign policy; beyond utopianism and realism |
Bricker, L. O., | The Christian life : information concerning the Christian way of life |
Brock, Robert C. | The revelation of the mystery |
Brock, Robert C. | The revelation of the mystery |
Brownlow, Leroy. | Some “do’s” and “don’ts” for the Christian; studies in better living |
Burks, Thompson. | Religions of the world; a study course for adults |
Burnette, Ralph, | First Christian Church Uhrichsville, Ohio 1877-1977 |
Burns, Benjamin F., (Benjamin Franklin), | As you look forward to baptism |
Carnes, Artie, | The preservation of the bride |
Choate, Betty Burton, | The memorial |
Choate, Betty Burton, | Jesus Christ the eternal sacrifice |
Choate, Betty Burton, | Is the Bible the word of God? |
Choate, Betty Burton, | In a time of persecution, can I endure? |
Choate, Betty Burton, | Husbands! |
Choate, Betty Burton, | Idolatry and witchcraft |
Choate, Betty Burton, | How do we approach God? |
Choate, Betty Burton, | How do I wear Christ? |
Choate, Betty Burton, | What is abortion? |
Choate, Betty Burton, | What does prayer accomplish? |
Choate, Betty Burton, | When troubles come |
Choate, Betty Burton, | Where grace and mercy end |
Choate, Betty Burton, | To whom and through whom do we pray? |
Choate, Betty Burton, | Which do you choose : creation or evolution? |
Choate, Betty Burton, | The 21st Century’s holocaust |
Choate, Betty Burton, | True science? : It follows a known path! |
Choate, Betty Burton, | The soul and its God |
Choate, Betty Burton, | Teaching our children to be spiritual |
Choate, Betty Burton, | Training a child in disobedience : or “in the way he should go”? |
Choate, Betty Burton, | Training in obedience |
Choate, Betty Burton, | Why did God do this to me? |
Choate, Betty Burton, | The lifetime guarantee |
Choate, Betty Burton, | Wives! |
Choate, Betty Burton, | Womens liberation… : or the exploitation of women? |
Choate, Betty Burton, | Satan do you recognize him? |
Choate, Betty Burton, | How do I wear Christ? |
Choate, Betty Burton, | How do we approach God? |
Choate, Betty Burton, | Idolatry and witchcraft |
Choate, Betty Burton, | Husbands! |
Choate, Betty Burton, | In a time of persecution, can I endure? |
Choate, Betty Burton, | Is the Bible the word of God? |
Choate, Betty Burton, | Jesus Christ the eternal sacrifice |
Choate, Betty Burton, | The memorial |
Choate, Betty Burton, | Satan do you recognize him? |
Choate, Betty Burton, | Womens liberation… : or the exploitation of women? |
Choate, Betty Burton, | Wives! |
Choate, Betty Burton, | The lifetime guarantee |
Choate, Betty Burton, | Why did God do this to me? |
Choate, Betty Burton, | Training in obedience |
Choate, Betty Burton, | Training a child in disobedience : or “in the way he should go”? |
Choate, Betty Burton, | Teaching our children to be spiritual |
Choate, Betty Burton, | The soul and its God |
Choate, Betty Burton, | True science? : It follows a known path! |
Choate, Betty Burton, | The 21st Century’s holocaust |
Choate, Betty Burton, | Which do you choose : creation or evolution? |
Choate, Betty Burton, | To whom and through whom do we pray? |
Choate, Betty Burton, | Where grace and mercy end |
Choate, Betty Burton, | When troubles come |
Choate, Betty Burton, | What does prayer accomplish? |
Choate, Betty Burton, | What is abortion? |
Choate, J. C., | Religious names and divisions |
Choate, J. C., | Principles of truth |
Choate, J. C., | Preach Christ, but not the church |
Choate, J. C., | Preaching another gospel |
Choate, J. C., | The judgment to come |
Choate, J. C., | “I guess we were wrong…” |
Choate, J. C., | The Lord’s Prayer |
Choate, J. C., | What kind of music does God want in worship? |
Choate, J. C., | What will heaven be like? |
Choate, J. C., | What is the gospel? |
Choate, J. C., | What is hell like? |
Choate, J. C., | What is “Conversion”? |
Choate, J. C., | What is the Church? |
Choate, J. C., | What does the Bible say about… : Salvation |
Choate, J. C., | What does the Bible say about…worship? |
Choate, J. C., | What does the Bible say about… : Baptism? |
Choate, J. C., | What does the Bible say about… : the church? |
Choate, J. C., | The thief on the cross |
Choate, J. C., | Who is a Christian? |
Choate, J. C., | Who is God? |
Choate, J. C., | Who is Jesus Christ? |
Choate, J. C., | The trust committed to us |
Choate, J. C., | Two covenants |
Choate, J. C., | The sinner’s prayer |
Choate, J. C., | Who is covered by the grace of God? |
Choate, J. C., | Why are Christians left in this world? |
Choate, J. C., | Do we all receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit? |
Choate, J. C., | Will the untaught be saved? |
Choate, J. C., | Women preachers and leaders |
Choate, J. C., | Rightly dividing the word |
Choate, J. C., | “I guess we were wrong…” |
Choate, J. C., | The judgment to come |
Choate, J. C., | Preaching another gospel |
Choate, J. C., | Preach Christ, but not the church |
Choate, J. C., | Principles of truth |
Choate, J. C., | Religious names and divisions |
Choate, J. C., | Rightly dividing the word |
Choate, J. C., | Women preachers and leaders |
Choate, J. C., | Will the untaught be saved? |
Choate, J. C., | Do we all receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit? |
Choate, J. C., | Why are Christians left in this world? |
Choate, J. C., | Who is covered by the grace of God? |
Choate, J. C., | The sinner’s prayer |
Choate, J. C., | Two covenants |
Choate, J. C., | The trust committed to us |
Choate, J. C., | Who is Jesus Christ? |
Choate, J. C., | Who is God? |
Choate, J. C., | Who is a Christian? |
Choate, J. C., | The thief on the cross |
Choate, J. C., | What is the Church? |
Choate, J. C., | What is “Conversion”? |
Choate, J. C., | What is hell like? |
Choate, J. C., | What is the gospel? |
Choate, J. C., | What will heaven be like? |
Choate, J. C., | The Lord’s Prayer |
Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) of North Carolina. | Year book of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) in North Carolina … |
Christian Church (Disciples of Christ). North Carolina Convention. | General assembly of the Christian Church in North Carolina : … annual gathering of the North Carolina Disciples of Christ. |
Christian Churches (Disciples of Christ) | Directory of North Carolina Christian Churches (Disciples of Christ). |
Cline, Dorothy Stammerjohn. | A monument of courage : a history of the First Christian Church, Boonville, Missouri, 1887-1987 |
Cold Harbor Lectures | Balance |
Colley, R. L., | Bible class notes of fundamentals of Christianity for class and personal study |
Collins, Peggy Hooten. | Fitting it all together : for today’s Christian women fulfilling many roles |
Conchin, Willard, | Some things we ought to do |
Conchin, Willard, | A medley of topics |
Conchin, Willard, | Portrait of a Christian |
Conchin, Willard, | A medley of topics |
Conchin, Willard, | Some things we ought to do |
Conchin, Willard, | Portrait of a Christian |
Conchin, Willard. | Pondering precious proverbs |
Cooper, William, | History of the First Christian Church of Elm Creek, Nebraska |
Cotham, Perry B. (Perry Boyd), | The second coming of Christ |
Cotham, Perry B. (Perry Boyd), | Conversion : Colossians 1:13,14 |
Cotham, Perry B. (Perry Boyd), | The second coming of Christ |
Cotham, Perry B. (Perry Boyd), | Must one be a member of the church to be saved? |
Cotham, Perry B. (Perry Boyd), | Conversion : Colossians 1:13,14 |
Cotten, Fran, | Tropical Sands Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) Palm Beach Gardens, Florida : a brief history |
Cottrell, Danny F., | Preaching first principles |
Crawford, C. C. (Cecil Clement), | The Bible and science |
Crossman, Bill, | Freedom in Christ : A study in the gospel according to John, an apostle |
Dalzell, Fan Lee, | Woodland’s first 50 years : a history of Woodland Christian Church-Lexington, Kentucky |
Davis, Esther King, | My story : a continuing commitment to advance the Kingdom |
Dawson, Mary Byrne. | History of the first fifty years of the Wilkinsburg Christian Church |
Day, Amye, | Stained glass windows : Flemingsburg Christian Church |
DeHoff, George W., | Questions on Acts |
Disciples of Christ. Commission on Restudy of the Disciples of Christ. | The report of the Commission on Restudy of the Disciples of Christ |
Dixon, Ben F. (Ben Franklin), | Fourscore fiesta : to mark the 80th birthday festivities of Central Christian Church, San Diego, California, Sunday, October 30, 1966 : a tribute to the founder, Elder George R. Hand of Ohio, Missouri and California at Crabtree Fellowship Hall … |
Doan, Ruth Alden. | A flame of the Lord’s kindling : an address |
Doty, Brant Lee. | The Apostle Paul : study course for youth and adults |
Dumas Drive lectures | The gospel by which we are saved |
Dumas Drive lectures | For Christ and the church |
Edwards, Johnie. | When the Mormons call |
Edwards, Johnie. | When the Mormons call |
Ellis, Lloyd E., | Gospel treasure graded Bible lessons : intermediate students, year I-III |
Erlewine, Walter William, | History of the First Christian Church, Marion, Indiana |
Evans, Jennie, | The past and present of the First Church of Christ 1909-1959 : for the 50th homecoming anniversary October 11, 1959 |
Farrar, Steve. | If I’m not Tarzan & my wife isn’t Jane, then what are we doing in the jungle? |
Fernandez, Jose Antonio. | A history of churches of Christ in Cuba |
First Christian Church (Springfield, Ill.) | One hundred and twenty-five years of service for Christ, 1833-1958 |
Florida College Annual Lectures | Florida Christian College Lecture outlines of February 1954 |
Florida College Annual Lectures | Florida Christian College 1953 Lecture outlines |
Florida College Annual Lectures | Ancient faith and modern thought |
Florida College Annual Lectures | Messiah and modern man |
Florida College Annual Lectures | If God be for us |
Florida College Annual Lectures | Immorality : the tragedy of modern man |
Florida College Annual Lectures | A world in revolt |
Florida College Annual Lectures | Biblical interpretation: principles and practice |
Florida College Annual Lectures | Faith faces the future |
Florida College Annual Lectures | Florida College 1971 lectures : 25th anniversary 1946-1971 |
Florida College Annual Lectures | The meaningful Christ |
Florida College Annual Lectures | Christ and his kingdom |
Ford, Gynnath | You need me! |
Ford, Gynnath | Are you contributing to Christian unity or division? |
Fountain, Alvin Marcus, | Forty years of Hillyer Memorial |
Free Church of Scotland. General Assembly. | Free Church hymn book |
Goodlett, Rubye, | Gathered fragments |
Gorman, Wes. | The Last homecoming a Texas gothic tale |
Graham, Ronald W., | The Galilean accent |
Graham, Ronald W., | Now…and then |
Graham, Ronald William. | Charles Harold Dodd, 1884-1973 : a bibliography of his published writings |
Griffith, Don E., | Dear Church |
Griffith, Don E., | Dear Church |
Hach, Robert, | The “Ekklesia” and Christian leadership |
Hackworth, Jack R. | Concerning elders |
Hailey, Homer, | The two covenants |
Harper, E. R. (Ernest Rosenthal), | Churches of Christ salute you : sermons and reports |
Harriman, H.M., | Rightly dividing the word of truth |
Hawley, Monroe E. | Bible biographies : biographical study of Old Testament characters |
Hedges, Margaret A. | An informal history of the First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) of Iowa City, 1863-1963 |
Higdon, E. K. (Elmer Kelso), | The sun returning |
Hillhouse, Hazel N. | A century of Christian communion : history of the First Christian Church, Mt. Vernon, Missouri |
Hillis, Roger, | Developing positive Christian attitudes |
Hobbs, A. G., | Why we do not see the Bible alike |
Hobbs, A. G., | Misconceptions of the Church of Christ clarified |
Hobbs, A. G., | Did the Book of Mormon come from God? |
Hobbs, A. G., | Does every person have a right to his own belief? |
Hobbs, A. G., | Was Peter the first pope? |
Hobbs, A. G., | Have miracles ceased? |
Hobbs, A. G., | Was Peter the first pope? |
Hobbs, A. G., | Is the Sabbath binding today? |
Hobbs, Lottie Beth. | You can be beautiful : with the beauty of holiness |
Hogland, Dwight A., | Tell me of Jesus : and other songs |
Holland, Ronald J. | The church in the Philippines |
Holland, Thomas H. (Thomas Hayes), | Essential elements of expository preaching |
Holloway, Gary, | Matthew : Jesus is King |
Holt, Buford C. | A short course in teacher training |
Houchen, Hoyt H., | What will make the church grow? |
Houchen, Hoyt H., | Is it necessary for you to be baptized to be saved? |
Houchen, Hoyt H., | What will make the church grow? |
Howard, V. E. (Verna Elisha), | Federal Aid to Catholic Church |
Howard, V. E. (Verna Elisha), | Fake healers exposed : miracles and divine healing : radio addresses |
Howard, V. E. (Verna Elisha), | Where are the dead? |
Howard, V. E. (Verna Elisha), | Federal Aid to Catholic Church |
Howard, V. E. (Verna Elisha), | God’s will : :last will and testament |
Howard, V. E. (Verna Elisha), | Saved by calling on the name of the Lord |
Howard, V. E. (Verna Elisha), | God’s will : :last will and testament |
Howard, V. E. (Verna Elisha), | Saved by calling on the name of the Lord |
Howard, V. E. (Verna Elisha), | Saved by calling on the name of the Lord |
Ives, Harris G., | Ten encouraging stories |
Jackson, Wayne, | Homosexuality – lifestyle or perversion? |
Jackson, Wayne, | Have you been warned about the Church of Christ? |
Jackson, Wayne, | Have you wondered about the thousand-year reign? |
Jackson, Wayne, | Is the Book of Mormon from God? |
Jackson, Wayne, | Have you wondered about falling from grace? |
Jarman, Robert E. | Seventy-fifth anniversary : Belmont Christian Church, Roanoke, Virginia |
Jennings, Alvin Ray, | Training parents and their children |
Johnson, Beth, | Bribery : the ethics of giving and receiving gifts |
Johnson, Jean Thornton, | Pleasant Union Christian Church “Disciples of Christ” : sesquicentennial 150 years 1854-2004 |
Jones, Clara, | History of the First Christian Church : Taylor, Texas |
Jones, Milton Lee. | How to love someone you can’t stand |
Kachelman, John L, | Studies in Jonah : obedient and willing service |
Kelman, Eugenia G. | Study without stress : mastering medical sciences |
Layton, Mac, | “This grace also” : A study guide of thirteen lessons and sourcebook of illustrations on giving for adult, high school and college level |
Levin, Norman Gordon. | Woodrow Wilson and the Paris Peace Conference |
Lunsford, Richard A., | ‘o Logos : a panorama of Bible truths |
Mann, Susan K., | A history prepared for the 90th anniversary of the First Christian Church of Bainbridge, GA, 1920-2010 |
Marvel, Lena. | A century of cooperation in Nebraska, 1863-1963 : a brief history of the cooperative work of the Christian Churches (Disciples of Christ) in the state of Nebraska |
Massey, Jim, | Questions about baptism |
McCormack, Peggy (Arkansas poet) | My spirit is free : reflections from an iron lung, poems |
McDonald, Dorothy, | Down the home stretch to centennial : in celebration of the 100th anniversary of Allisonville Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) |
McGuiggan, Jim, | The God of the towel : knowing the tender heart of God |
McHargue, O. F. | Christians only : a sketch |
McIntyre, Bruce. | Resilient life : your journey from bitter reality to hopeful living |
McNutt, J. A. (James Alton), | Pearls from Proverbs |
McNutt, J. A. (James Alton), | Pearls from Proverbs |
McWhorter, Jane, | Now I can fly! |
Meador, Prentice, | Who rules your life? : Exploring the kingdom parables of Jesus |
Michigan Bible Lectureship ( | Current issues facing the church |
Miles, Larry, | Reflections on the Restoration Movement : biographical essays |
Miller, Clyde M. | Studies in the Psalms |
Minnesota Bible Lectures | God’s plan for man : the nature and authority of scripture |
Minnesota Bible Lectures | 6 challenges to living the Christian life |
Minnesota Bible Lectures | The assembly of edification |
Minnesota Bible Lectures | The baptism of the Bible |
Minnesota Bible Lectures | God’s instructions to all of his family |
Minnesota Bible Lectures | The cost of following Jesus |
Minnesota Bible Lectures | Building better relationships |
Minnesota Bible Lectures | The Bible’s prescriptions for an abundant life |
Minnesota Bible Lectures | James : a book for practical Christian living |
Minnesota Bible Lectures | Justification in Christ |
Minnesota Bible Lectures | Epistle to the Ephesians : The blessings and teachings found in Christ Jesus |
Minnesota Bible Lectures | The book of Romans : part 1 |
Minnesota Bible Lectures | The book of Romans : part 2 |
Mirza, William. | Passport |
Mitchell, Loy. | The power of preaching |
Moffitt, Jerry, | “Yes!” : an answer to Tommy Jenkins’ “Is baptism essential to salvation?” |
Moncrief, E. W., | Historical sketch of the Parkland Christian Church : Louisville, Kentucky |
Moninger, Herbert, | Fifty lessons in training for service |
Morgan, Peter M. (Peter Monroe), | A decade in the history of Marion Christian Church, 1965-1975 : a summary of ministries developed by Marion Christian Church during the decade of Peter M. Morgan’s pastoral leadership |
Morrison, Hugh T., | Religion |
Mullens, Leonard, | The church Jesus built |
Mullens, Leonard, | In his steps : adult |
Oldham, Lewis T. | Training to serve efficiently in winning souls for Christ for a better understanding of the Word unto a more effective teaching ministry |
Overby, Coleman, | Systematic study of the life of Christ : six months’ course |
Pace, Martel. | The third incarnation? : a review of the second incarnation by Rubel Shelly & Randall J. Harris |
Parks, Norman L. (Norman Lexington), | Restoration and models of the church |
Peffer, Margery, | Christian church of Wilkinsburg centennial celebration 1901-2001 : a century of serving Christ |
Phillips, Marvin, | Don’t shoot, we may be on the same side |
Platt, Robert M. | 120th anniversary and home coming, Boston Christian Church, Boston, Kentucky : 1834-1954 : dedication service for the educational addition, July 4, 1954 |
Purtle, Perry D., | The psychology of evangelistic preaching : presented to Dr. Charles Stovall National Christian University in partial fulfillment of the course requirements for Ph.D. degree in psychology |
Reese, Jeanene, | Co-workers in the Lord : developing partnership between male and female majors in the department of Bible, Missions, and Ministry at Abilene Christian University |
Reeves, Mary Gill, | Our first 110 years : Highland Park Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) Des Moines, Iowa 1893 to 2003 |
Rice, J. Loyd. | Faith is the victory ; the message of Revelations |
Rice, J. Loyd. | The Brewsters of Moro |
Ring, John Willis, | The great debate between John W. Ring (spiritualist) and J. W. Chism (Christian evangelist). |
Rogacs, Mike T., | A confession from a Catholic |
Rogers, Richard. | Minor prophets |
Rudolph, Joseph, | Pickups from the American way : early life and Civil War reminiscences of Captain Joseph Rudolph |
Rushmore, Louis, | The one true church of the Bible |
Rushmore, Louis, | The nuts and bolts of pornography |
Rushmore, Louis, | The New Testament church is divine in organization |
Rushmore, Louis, | The New Testament church is divine in origin |
Rushmore, Louis, | Which covenant? : Old Testament or New Testament? |
Rushmore, Louis, | To drink or not to drink |
Rushmore, Louis, | The foreknowledge of God explained |
Rushmore, Louis, | The sin of sodom |
Rushmore, Louis, | Salvation summarized |
Rushmore, Louis, | The New Testament church is divine in origin |
Rushmore, Louis, | The New Testament church is divine in organization |
Rushmore, Louis, | The nuts and bolts of pornography |
Rushmore, Louis, | The one true church of the Bible |
Rushmore, Louis, | Salvation summarized |
Rushmore, Louis, | The sin of sodom |
Rushmore, Louis, | The foreknowledge of God explained |
Rushmore, Louis, | To drink or not to drink |
Rushmore, Louis, | Which covenant? : Old Testament or New Testament? |
Sanders, Phil, | Together for life |
Schnabel, A.O., | Difficulties of the theory of evolution : (questions for those teaching evolution) |
Scott, Harold L., | Harold L. Scott papers |
Shank, Robert, | Until : The coming of messiah and his kingdom |
Sharp, Keith, | Landon-Sharp debate on the nature of man |
Sharp, Keith, | Landon-Sharp debate on divine election |
Sharp, Keith, | Landon-Sharp debate on the scope of the atonement |
Sharp, Keith, | Landon-Sharp debate on the call to salvation |
Sharp, Keith, | Landon-Sharp debate on the perseverance of the saints |
Sharp, Keith, | Landon-Sharp debate on free will |
Sharp, Keith, | Landon-Sharp debate on justification |
Sharp, Keith, | Landon-Sharp debate on imputed righteousness |
Sharp, Keith, | Landon-Sharp debate on the law of God |
Sharp, Keith, | Landon-Sharp debate on the purpose of water baptism |
Sharp, Keith, | Landon-Sharp debate on the proper subjects of baptism |
Sharp, Keith, | Landon-Sharp debate on the mode of baptism |
Sharp, Keith, | Landon-Sharp debate on the church |
Sharp, Keith, | Landon-Sharp debate on creeds |
Shaw, Robert E. | Historical sketch 1831-1956 : Disciples of Christ North Street Christian Church, Halifax, N.S. |
Shelly, Rubel, | Is the church of Christ just another denomination? |
Sinclair, Donald Arthur, | The Bible and the plan of salvation |
Slate, C. Philip. | The local Church on a mission for God : essays and speeches on global disciple-making |
Slater, Joe, | In the beginning : a study of the book of Genesis |
Smith, Eugene S. (Eugene Sidney), | The ideal Bible study course |
St. Louis Area Wide Lectureship | Tell us plainly |
St. Louis Area Wide Lectureship | Government is not the answer — God is! |
Standing in the Gap Lectureship | Examining Islam |
Standing in the Gap Lectureship | The sermon on the mount |
Staton, Knofel. | First Corinthians : unlocking the Scriptures for you |
Steever, Rolland A. | Churches of the Stone-Campbell Reform Movement in Michiana |
Stevens, Grover, | Why I left the Baptist church |
Stevenson, Dwight E. (Eshelman), | Beginning at Jerusalem : a Bethany Bible Course |
Stockdell, Bruce, | 40 years and 40 days |
Stringer, Johnny. | The grace-unity heresy : an outline series of four sermons |
Summer Bible Lectures | Paul’s letters to preachers (1st Timothy, 2nd Timothy, Titus) |
Summer Bible Lectures | Ephesians and Colossians : the divine plan of the ages |
Summer Bible Lectures | That you may believe : evidences for faith |
Sweet, R. B. (Ralph Beeman) | Journeys through the Bible |
Sweet, R. B. (Ralph Beeman) | New journeys through the Bible |
Sweet, Ralph. | Too good to be true? Real life and the Sermon on the Mount |
Taylor, Robert R., | Misconceptions about the eldership |
Taylor, Robert R., | The distinctiveness of the church of Christ |
Thomas, Robert A., | A sketch of the history of University Christian Church |
Thompson, Bert, | A study course in Christian evidences |
Thompson, Bert. | American family crisis — the attack of evolution |
Thompson, Rhodes, | Cane Ridge Meeting House : a temple of Christian unity |
Thrasher, Thomas N., | Martignoni – Thrasher debate on the Pope |
Tolle, James M., | Denominationalism |
Tuck, Bob, | A glimpse of the history of Central Christian Church Wooster, Ohio : (through a “rear view mirror”) 1835-1979 |
Updegraff, John C. | A history of the Eaton Church of Christ : established October 15, 1842, one hundredth anniversary celebration |
Van Steenberg, Larry, | Give me the Bible : teenage book |
Vice, Elizabeth Hughes. | A history of the Antioch Christian Church Fayette County, Kentucky |
Vinzant, Don, | When preachers move |
Waddey, John H. (John Howard), | Is God just? |
Ware, Charles Crossfield, | Tar heel preachers : their order and their support |
Welsh, Robert K., | Characteristic beliefs of the Disciples of Christ |
Wendell, Dennis, | History of pipe organs at First Christian Church, Ames, Iowa |
Wharton, Edward C., | The scheme of redemption : an outline |
White, Marian, | Seeking the lost with Paul |
Willebrands, Jan, | Called to unity and wholeness |
Willeford, James D., | How we got our Bible : did the Catholics give us the Bible? |
Williams, Jack H., | What is “for” for in Acts 2:38? |
Williams, Petrecia. | Ponder God’s way |
Williams, Ron, | When families deal with grief and loss |
Willis, Cecil, | The “New Morality” Reviewed |
Willis, Mike, | The Jehovah’s Witnesses’ Doctrine of Christ |
Willis, Wendell Lee. | A place to belong : a study of church life in 1 Corinthians |
Wilmeth, P. D. | Into all the world |
Wilson, John A., | Fiftieth anniversary 1928-1978 : First Christian Church |
Woodward, William W., | Surprising accounts of the revival of religion in Kentucky, and among different denominations of Christian, with a number of interesting occurrences of divine providence |
Wright, Rose, | Fun and festival from the other Americas |
Zook, M. | Miscellaneous messages of the Bible |
Directory of State Street Church of Christ : East St. Louis, Illinois 62203 | |
Covenanting toward unity : from consensus to communion — a proposal to the churches from the consultation on church union | |
I sing with the understanding | |
The church | |
An outline for a study of the life of Christ | |
Bible questions answered with photographed scripture (King James) | |
Moments on the mount : student discussion guide | |
What to do when you feel… | |
Right to live | |
Imagine this if you can! | |
Have you thought about this? | |
Imagine this if you can! | |
Right to live | |
What to do when you feel… | |
There’s a school : the story of Sunset Beach Christian School | |
There’s a school : the story of Sunset Beach Christian School | |
On this holy night : the heart of Christmas | |
Opening windows : spiritual refreshments for your walk with Christ. | |
One hundred twenty-fifth anniversary of the First Christian Church, Frankfort, Kentucky : organized December 2, 1832 by Philip Slater Fall assisted by John T. Johnson | |
A historical narrative of River Park Church of Christ : South Bend, Indiana, founded 1924 | |
Bethany Christian Church 75th anniversary 1909-84 | |
One hundred years of service 1845-1945 : First Christian Church, Macomb, Illinois | |
Central Christian Church, Lexington, Kentucky U.S.A. : Serving the Lord enthusiastically | |
The message of our stained glass windows | |
Centennial book and pictorial directory : First Christian Church, Nelson, Nebraska, 1878-1978 | |
Grandview Christian Church 1930 | |
A century of progress : the First Christian Church, St. Joseph, Missouri | |
Golden anniversary : First Christian Church Fort Lauderdale, Florida 1911-1961 | |
Our first 100 years : 1883-1983 | |
Centennial of Richmond Avenue Christian Church | |
From coal dust to star dust : history of Mather Christian Church, Mather, Pennsylvania, 1925-1960 | |
Seventieth anniversary of First Christian Church of McKeesport, Pennsylvania | |
First Christian Church : Centennial celebration 1897-1997 | |
Golden crown jubilee 1904-1954 | |
Commemorating one hundredth anniversary of the First Christian Church New Castle, Pennsylvania 1856-1956 | |
Madison Avenue Christian Church, Covington, Kentucky : Golden anniversary 1963 | |
Thoughts for lent : a book of daily devotionals | |
History 1870-1961 : First Christian Church Burlington, Iowa | |
First Christian Church, Smith Center, Kansas : 1887-1962, 75th anniversary, Sunday, August 12, 1962 | |
75 years of service : Broadway Christian Church | |
Thoughts prayers meditations : personal witness | |
Fortieth anniversary of the church : twentieth anniversary of the minister | |
Columbus Community Congregational Church U.C.C. : centennial anniversary 1895-1995 | |
50th anniversary : University Place Christian Church | |
100th Regional Assembly : Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) in Mississippi | |
First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) | |
50 years serving Christ on the Lake Shore 1952-2002. | |
Thoughts for lent | |
The centennial worship service First Christian Church Tyler, Texas | |
50th anniversary : The First Christian Church 1914-1964 | |
1860-1910 semi-centennial : Church of Christ Girard, Illinois | |
First Christian Church Macon, Missouri 1866-1966 : centennial book | |
History of Oakland Christian Church Topeka, Kansas : 1902-2002 centennial October 13, 2002. | |
Favorite recipes | |
Golden anniversary of our house of worship : fifty years in Huntington–1896-1946 | |
Jonesburg Christian Church centennial souvenir booklet : one hundred years Christian service 1867-1967 | |
[Stained glass windows of First Christian Church Tyler, Texas] | |
The open door to “the unsearchable riches.” | |
1906-1956 Celebrating “the golden jubilee” of the North Street Church of Christ Butler, Pennsylvania | |
East Main St. Christian Church memorial review | |
Ecumenical celebration of hope : God’s call to justice | |
Central Christian Church : the church of the open door | |
80th anniversary, 1882-1962, First Christian Church, St. Paul, Minnesota | |
First Christian Church, Seattle, Washington, 75th Anniversary, Diamond Jubilee, 1883-1958 | |
In observance of our 75th anniversary, 1884-1959 : the Central Church of Christ | |
We call ourselves disciples : 175th anniversary celebration 1828-2003 | |
A century of Christian witness | |
The seventy-fifth anniversary of the Richmond Avenue Church of Christ (Disciples) : Richmond Avenue at Bryant Street, Buffalo, New York, 1870-1945 | |
First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) Dixon, Illinois : 1895-1995 | |
One hundred years 1837-1937 : Liberty Christian Church, Liberty, Missouri | |
The Christian temple Disciples of Christ, Wellsville, New York : centennial celebration 1888-1988 | |
Antioch Christian Church 160 year anniversary : 1843 to 2003 | |
First Christian Church centennial 1887-1987 | |
The heritage of a hundred years, 1856-1956 : First Christian Church, Dallas, Oregon | |
Our church building witnesses : the story of symbolism in Broadway Christian Church Wichita, Kansas | |
A brief historical outline of the establishment and accomplishments of the East Dallas Christian Church | |
Our golden…anniversary 1905-1955 | |
Presenting…First Christian Church | |
The Meade Avenue story | |
Midwest Boulevard Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) : The first fifty years 1954-2004 | |
Women in the church | |
Walking with God | |
World directory of churches of Christ outside the United States and Canada | |
Overseas directory : (churches, evangelists, contacts) | |
Directory of Churches of Christ | |
Directory of the churches of Christ in the North-eastern section of the United States of America | |
North Atlantic directory of Churches of Christ | |
Churches of Christ in England, Scotland, Wales, & Ireland : directory of churches | |
Directory of Michigan Churches of Christ | |
Directory of Michigan Churches of Christ | |
1995-96 directory the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) in Montana | |
1967 directory, churches of Christ outside the United States | |
20th century Christian graded Bible lessons | |
20th century Christian graded Bible lessons | |
Upon the rock lectures | |
Spain 69 : a brief summary of another year of work in Spain | |
The Millennial harbinger | |
Taylor County area directory, members of Churches of Christ | |
Gems of the years | |
The Gospels : Matthew, Mark, Luke, John : a Greek-English, verse-by-verse translation | |
Growth : the result of our assurance : International evangelism Bible lectureship and workshop | |
Stability in a land of confusion : fourth annual lectureship Cold Harbor Road : November 2-5, 2000 | |
Once upon a time | |
The word for you today | |
Taylor County Christian family directory 1982 | |
Denominationalism | |
Zulu drum | |
The Mexican border news | |
La revista Cristiana : para restaurar la iglesia a su primitiva pureza apostolica en fe, practica y adoracion | |
El instructor : dedicado a la propagacion del evangelio novo-testamentario | |
El expositor Biblico | |
Faulkner University reporter | |
Valley Christian Home news | |
Antorcha | |
The Christian challenger | |
Fundamental Bible studies | |
Philippine mission news | |
Newsletter from Midwest Christian Children’s Home / | |
Indian life | |
The toulousian newsletter | |
Heartland harvest | |
Hands across the border : Home for needy children, Ensenada, Mexico | |
Horizons | |
Marvin Bryant’s monthly report | |
The gospel standard |
Are your books digitized? I am interested in the book by Loyd Rice called “The Brewsters of Moro.” They are part of my extended family. My father was born and raised in Brownwood, TX.
This is a wonderful project.
Thank you for your response!
Thank you for the comment Tina. Contact Erica Pye at and she will be able to assist