
0 Commentsby   |  02.03.12  |  Reflection (P1)

I really enjoyed creating my first interactive piece. It was more difficult technically than conceptually for me however. Most of the time I feel good about the technical side of our projects, but for this one It was difficult for me to manifest my ideas onto the screen.

When it was time to start thinking and conceptualizing what I wanted it to look like, I was overwhelmed. But after I saw some examples and figured out what I thought imprint should look like, it was a lot easier. I couldnt wait to put my ideas on screen!

At first when I started, it totally looks plain and much like the site. After I really spent some time on it I believe it got better. It took adding the details and even though my site is pretty plain, the small details really helped. I should have kept going though. After adding about 6 of my author boxes, I decided it was enough. I think adding more would make it look much more sophisticated. I also thought I should stay with a white background because of the nature of imprint and how it should be clean and not like a crazy blog site. Now though, Im starting to think I should have done something.

I think I need to add more detail and use the space that I am given for a web page better. What I mean by that is maybe not putting so much space beside the main page and to not put as much space in between vertical elements. I don’t want to smash things up against each other, just use the space better.

I really wanted to make the menu bar images like a flip book to where you would scroll over them and it would flip through hundreds of images in that section, but it would keep the name of the section there too. This was extremely hard to show on screen though. I also think it kind of look unfinished since I couldn’t put that part in there really. I also feel like I need to learn more about the actual interaction between people and the design. I think this would help in creating a beautiful and practical webpage.

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