Vavino’s Reflection!

0 Commentsby   |  02.29.12  |  Reflection (P2)

Well, this whole web design thing is getting easier. Easier, but I still have a long way to go.

Project 2 surprisingly brought up new challenges that I wasn’t expecting. I figured that it would be easier doing a restaurant website, but since we were starting from scratch, my opinion quickly changed. Starting from scratch meant, coming up with EVERYTHING – and I’m obviously no restaurant connoisseur.

Other than coming up with the information for the website, another issue that I had trouble dealing with is all the levels of hierarchy. More specifically, making sure the menu flowed and the overall look of the website. Having Links, with more links, and even more links was interesting to make sure that the levels of importance was properly displayed; however, after trail and error, I think that it is now working.

One thing that I really like about my website is how I used organic “slices” for the transparent background behind the text while still staying true to the grid structure. Yet again, making sure using the organic shapes while still staying true to the grid structure was difficult, but I think since it is successful, it brings something new to the element of web design (in the sense of combining organic with structure).

I know that I still have a long way to go with web design, but I’m pleased with the restaurant design I did for Vavino’s. I feel like it encompasses the modern pizza bistro and bar feel, while still not looking like every other pizza website. I need to work on type size and hierarchy more to where it becomes natural for me to choose the right type size because while although by the end of the project, things start coming together, I’d like for it to start moving towards that direction faster.

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