10 COBA Secrets for Success

1. Get to know professors.

COBA’s professors are committed to equipping students to be successful in all aspects of life. By engaging and interacting with students, professors are able to build strong relationships with students that will last a lifetime. Professors are eager to help students at all times with academics, future career plans, and with their spiritual walk.

2. Connections are the key.

Start networking and connecting with ACU and COBA alumni. COBA has representatives all over the world. By making these connections, students are able to gain real insight from experienced professionals who graduated from ACU. By simply engaging with alumni, students have a great opportunity to learn about specific job industries, land internships, and network for job offerings.

3. Get involved.

COBA has many opportunities for students to get involved. They offer organizations including STAR, AMA (American Marketing Association), and Women in Business for students to get plugged into COBA’s community. Events such as Springboard and Distinguished Speakers Series are also great ways for students to make connections and learn from real life applications. Check out the student organizations you can be a part of here.

4. Seek opportunities.

COBA encourages students to constantly seek opportunities to learn and grow, in academics and in their spiritual walk. The COBA culture and community thrives on faith infusion, instilling critical values and principles for students to build their foundation on. Growth is the effect of seeking opportunities and learning in different situations. The path to success is not a sprint but a marathon. COBA encourages students to continually look for opportunities to grow and learn.

5. Finding the balance.

In all aspects of life, finding the right balance is the key to success. COBA strives to help students find the right balance for learning how to lead in your job, home, church and community. When life is well-balanced, the peace of Jesus is upon you. “You will keep in perfect peace those whose minds are steadfast, because He trusts in you.” Isaiah 26:3

6. What’s the plan?

COBA encourages students to have a plan, a road-map with checkpoints that lead to their hopes for future goals. Tim Johnston and Samantha Matta are continually working with students in the classroom, as well as individually, to create a plan that is uniquely designed for each student. In the classroom, Tim and Samantha prepare students through class insertions that focus on developing students professionally, including career testing, mock interviews, and relevant projects created for students to encounter real life experiences.

7. Be a risk taker.

In the words of Bill Cosby, “In order to succeed, your desire for success should be greater than your fear of failure.” Life is full of opportunities; the question is whether or not we will take advantage of those opportunities. Jesus calls us out onto the water and promises us that through faith, we will not sink. In the business world and in all areas of life, God gives us the chance to take a step of faith and walk into rough waters. With great risk comes great reward.

8. Diversify your worldview.

COBA believes in expanding students’ worldviews, enabling them to see businesses in other cultural contexts. COBA offers several study abroad programs, including Australia, Oxford, and Central America. These programs are a great way for students to experience God working through business in other cultures and to gain global experience in the marketplace. Learn more about COBA’s Study Abroad program here.

9. Confidence. Godfidence.

God has gifted each individual with the ability to create. We encourage our students to step out of their comfort zones and discover all that God has in store for them with confidence. With God, all things are possible.

10. Believe in your purpose.

Each student is on a journey, discovering his/her own gifts and passions that can be used to write their story. We encourage students to find their passions; soon those passions will lead them directly to their purpose. Every student has a story to write, a calling to live out. COBA wants to provide the community and culture that empowers and enables students to discover everything they are called to be in life.





Students Experience City Square


During January, several COBA students as well as non-business majors took a January short course, Social Entrepreneurship, with Dr. Laura Phillips at City Square in Dallas. In the fall of 2012, ACU began to partner with City Square, combining curricular and co-curricular experiences for student leadership development. CitySquare is a faith-based, non-profit, human and community development corporation that promotes learning and formation through engagement, including projects, courses, internships, formative experiences, and degree programs. Courses at City Square offer opportunities for in-context learning, allowing students to be hands-on outside of the traditional classroom.

During the short course, 18 guests came to speak with students about social organizations and the different pieces that make up these organizations. The class offered a series of breakfast lectures where speakers discussed vital parts of nonprofit businesses that must be considered when working for or starting any nonprofit. Guests speakers, including Suzanne Smith, Founder and Managing Director of Social Impacts Architects and Co-Founder of Flywheel: Social Enterprise Hub, spoke about measuring success from a social perspective. Mark Jacobs, Senior Director of Operations for The Medicines Company, started His Chase Foundation in 2010 and is now focusing all efforts in Rwanda, providing 250+ students with educational opportunities. Mark gave students opportunities to engage and brainstorm ideas for his initiatives in Rwanda. Speakers also addressed questions concerning other aspects of a non-profit organization such as raising funds, the grant application process, how to start a board of members, social media, and the basic business principles included in a financial statement.

The majority of the class was comprised of business majors but all students found the information very useful even if they had no intention of starting an enterprise. Shanleigh Clinton, a nutrition major, says that she was worried the material would not be applicable to her. However, she says, “This class actually helped me understand how to balance mission and margin and how to have a greater impact in what I do.” Shanleigh plans on becoming a registered dietician, partnering with a feeding and nutrition education program and potentially working with a social enterprise.

Chase jon shan al pres 1   Fundraising breakfast 2

Al Shanleigh


Ready…Set…Venture Out!

It is that time of year again! Pull out your wallets because Intro to Business’ Venture Out groups are ready to start selling! The 32 teams met with a panel of six judges recently to present ideas and business plans, hoping to come away with a loan agreement.

In the long review with the judges, groups lay out their entire business plan including suppliers, plans for profit, and marketing strategies to be used in promotion of the product. The panel of judges included CEOs and small business owners from the Abilene area. Up to $500 loans could be given to each individual team. Teams are able to pick an organization to give their profits to once the project is completed. Some of the charitable organizations include Habitat for Humanity, St. Jude’s Hospital, the Red Thread Movement, Locks of Love, Southern Hills Church of Christ, and Younglife.Profits range from group to group, but in the past, a group was able to donate $2,000 to an organization. Venture Out is a project that has been used for over a decade, with over $60,000 of donations given to various groups and causes. The project even contrinutes to some scholarships, including the A. Don Drennan Scholarship for students who are struggling financially. From shirts, socks, and sweatpants to hairbows, stickers, and koozies, Venture Out teams are ready to get out and start selling their products! Look for teams selling around campus and remember the good causes the proceeds will be going towards.

Dr. Monty Lynn says, “I love this project because of the hands-on nature. Students are able to see the process of a business start-up to harvest.”

Dr. Monty Lynn Appointed as New W. W Caruth Chair of Management in COBA

Beginning September 1, 2013, Dr. Monty Lynn will begin his appointment as the W.W. Caruth Chair of Owner and Managed Business in the College of Business Administration. The appointment is a three year assignment and will include an annual stipend along with a research and travel budget to be managed by Dr. Lynn for the benefit of Abilene Christian University, COBA, and his own professional areas of interest. Dr. Lynn was also appointed to the chair from 2006-2009.

During the last appointment, Dr. Lynn used some of the endowment to prepare for the course, International Poverty and Development, and to  attend a conference at Yale University and participate in microfinance training. For the current appointment, Dr. Lynn is planning on using the funds to invest more into COBA faculty and services.

 “It is an honor to receive this title from COBA. I am excited to continue serving students and faculty through research, teaching, and service,” says Dr. Monty Lynn, recipient of the 2013-2016 W.W. Caruth Chair of Owner and Managed Business.


Dr. Rick Lytle praised Dr. Lynn on his esteemed work in the field of research and leadership. “Dr. Monty Lynn clearly exemplifies great leadership in COBA, the ACU community, and beyond. This honor could not be given to anyone more deserving.”

Dr. Lynn is a well-known professor in COBA, exemplifying honor, character, and diligence to his students and colleagues. His exceptional expertise in teaching, research, and service show his influential role in COBA, on the ACU campus and around the world. Congratulations to Dr. Lynn on his well-deserved appointment!

COBA’s Kayli Huddleston Receives Honored Scholarship

COBA is proud to recognize Kayli Huddleston, senior management major, as the recipient of the 2013 Excellence in Education Scholarship which will be given at the HR Southwest Conference.

Kayli Huddleston

Kayli Huddleston

The HR Southwest Conference is the largest regional human resources conference in the country. Out of nominees from over 30 SHRM Student Chapters, Kayli was selected to attend the Southwest Regional HR Conference which will be held October 20-23 in Fort Worth, Texas. Participating in this conference will allow her to meet and connect with over 2,000 professional HR representatives. In addition to being publicly recognized during the event, Kayli will receive a $1,000 award plus the net proceeds from the Silent Auction to be held at the conference.

Kayli is very excited about the unique opportunities to learn and network with HR professionals. She says, “I am eager to learn all that I can about the HR field. I have had great classroom preparation, but the conference will give me a more real world concept of the inner workings of HR.”

Kayli is hoping to pursue an entry level career in human resource management in either the Fort Worth or Austin area. She sees a career in the HR field as the perfect opportunity to minister and help people in ways that other areas of a company cannot. Congratulations to Kayli Huddleston who is a great example of how COBA seeks to educate students for Christian service and leadership in the global market.


COBA’s STAR Program Aims to Shine Through New Software Program



COBA’s STAR program recently added Morningstar Direct software which will help the group continue to excel in the stock market. Morningstar Direct is a software on the PC that will enable students to use analytical tools to evaluate stocks more efficiently. Since 1999, the STAR program has flourished by making solid financial decisions involving stock investments.

STAR’s primary goal is to perform as well or better than the entire stock market. In June 2000, the program made its first investment of $110,000. Today, STAR has grown its investments to approximately $540,000 invested in 60 diverse stocks including consumer goods, banks, insurance, and technology companies. Ten student managers work for STAR alongside COBA professor Dr. Terry Pope. Dr. Pope stated, “This tool will greatly assist our students with evaluating and comparing STAR’s portfolio to other benchmarks.”

Morningstar Direct will also aid the STAR program by allowing students to have access to high quality equity analysis which will contribute to better research and higher quality reports. This will provide the STAR students with the ability to make more informed investment decisions. The Investment Committee  of the ACU Board of Trustees has already given STAR additional money to invest twice. STAR  will continue to pursue excellence in the financial world with the aid of the new Morningstar Direct.