COBA Continues to Produce Exceptional Undergraduate Research

The College of Business at ACU is committed to involving students in undergraduate research, something that sets us apart from many of our larger competitors. While participating in undergraduate research gives students a hands-on opportunity to conduct research, it also provides students with the chance to be mentored by a memeber of our faculty and to learn from them in a one-on-one setting.

Ashley Truong, a junior marketing major, has had the opportunity to work with Dr. Malcolm Coco on research concerning internships. Ashley describes this project’s focus, saying,

“Our research paper, ‘Content Analysis of Student and Company Reactions to a University Internship Program,’ is about the purpose of internships, the advantages and disadvantages of internships, host companies, student likes and dislikes about internships, and suggestions for host companies and students.”

For the past several years, Dr. Coco has surveyed all COBA interns and their host companies at the conclusion of each internship. Through this survey, Dr. Coco has collected data on suggestions that host companies have for their interns and vice versa, as well as likes and dislikes that each party had about the internship. Because this study has spanned multiple years, Dr. Coco has been able to compile a list of recommendations for both interns and host companies that should help internships flow smoothly.

Dr. Malcolm Coco

“At the start of each internship program, I provide the students and host companies a master list of the data collected over the past 10 years,” Dr. Coco elaborated. “This information will hopefully tell the interns and host company representatives what will make their internship experience more meaningful.  In other words, to do the things that work and avoid the things that don’t.”

In addition to the external benefits of Dr. Coco’s research results, the actual research process has numerous benefits for students like Ashley, an aspect of the project that Dr. Coco believes is important.

“It is fun to do research with undergrads.  It hopefully encourages them to think about masters and maybe doctoral work and of course increases their knowledge about the subject being researched,” he said.

Ashley has enjoyed working on this project, although she has discovered that learning how to find research can be challenging. In spite of the challenges, she feels that the project has taught her a lot, in addition to being very rewarding.

“This has not only been a huge blessing, but it has also been a great learning experience,” she explained. “I have been able to work directly with Dr. Coco on this research project, and project has also allowed me to use what I have learned and apply it to my current classes, especially Marketing Research…I think everyone should find a mentor and friend during college and beyond.”

Congratulations to Ashley Truong and Dr. Malcolm Coco on their acceptance to the ACU Undergraduate Research Festival and to the International Academy of Business and Public Administration Disciplines Conference in Dallas!

COBA’s Master of Accountancy Program Receives Accolade

The College of Business at ACU’s Master of Accountancy Program (MACC) was recently named one of the top 10 schools in the state of Texas for having one of the highest CPA Exam pass rates in Texas. The report was published  by the Texas Society of CPAs (Today’s CPA, January/February 2013). The list includes 5 public and 5 private universities. You can read more about this honor by clicking on this link for ACU’s blog post. To learn more about the MACC program, click here. Congratulations to our Accounting graduates and faculty!

Faculty Spotlight: Ms. Jozell Brister

Thirty-three years is a long time to work at one organization, but on January 15, 2013, Ms. Jozell Brister will have spent exactly that long teaching at ACU’s College of Business.

Ms. Jozell Brister

Ms. Brister, who teaches Microeconomics, Macroeconomics, and Money and Banking, taught at Abilene High School before beginning to teach at ACU in 1980. At Abilene High, Ms. Brister taught typing and several different business subjects. However, “I never did teach accounting,” she says.

In addition to teaching, Ms. Brister enjoys reading and spending time outdoors in various capacities. In fact, she and her brother share a bass boat, which they take fishing on Fort Phantom.

“I love to go out in that boat,” says Ms. Brister. “I love to catch fish. I just love to do that.”

Another of Ms. Brister’s hobbies is walking with a group of “really fine ladies” from her neighborhood. The group includes a wide range of ages, and Ms. Brister really enjoys spending time with them. “We all walk and we know each other really well. I feel like we’re really good friends,” she explains. “We keep up with the health of their dogs and the health of their husbands.”

When asked how she spends her vacation time, Ms. Brister—unsurprisingly—spends time outside. “Well, in the summer, for years, my sister-in-law and I and my great-nephew and great-niece would go to Red River New Mexico,” explains Ms. Brister. “We’d usually stay about a week and rent a cabin up there. It was hiking and fishing, which we all like to do. My whole family likes to do that…it’s good family time.”

Ms. Brister, who is well known for her kind and compassionate heart, is famous for giving her students candy on holidays like Halloween and Valentine’s Day. The only thing better than how much Ms. Brister’s students like her is how much she still enjoys her job, even after thirty-three years.

“Well you know, when I’m in the classroom, that’s the best part,” Ms. Brister explains, a smile beginning to form. “Getting ready is not the best part…but once I’m in there, I like it. I like it a lot.”

Thank you, Ms. Brister, for all you have done and continue to do for COBA!