Great interview with Bill Rankin on iTunes U about the changing nature of the university, the library, and disruptive potential of digital books.

“This new generation of books really opens a door for learning, inviting in people who never would have had a chance before. . . They put a printing press not just in the hands of teachers but in the hands of students. I think this is a new golden age of publishing that is about to emerge.”

The collection on iTunes U includes a more detailed discussion of  “The Future of Digital Books”  as well as a shout out to the Learning Studio in “Embracing Mobility.” 


Behind the Scenes

The Introduction video was shot in the Biblioteca Armando Olivares at the University of Guanajuato by Bill Frakes and Laura Heald of Straw Hat Visuals. Bill works regularly with Sports Illustrated as well as a range of music and advertising clients but ultimately describes himself as “a visual storyteller.”

The Biblioteca video as well as much of Bill’s most recent work has been shot on Nikon’s D3 and D4 series cameras. To really see the broad spectrum of what this generation of DSLRs bring to video and stills, see Bill’s Istanbul documentary.

Bill is a great teacher who has worked with several ACU faculty over the last couple years, inspiring through workshops he leads with the New Media Consortium our own Digital Academy and Lightpainting events.

For more on the team that put together Istanbul, see Scott Kelby’s blog.