In June our colleagues in Technical Services and Cataloging added 424 items to Special Collections holdings. Just over 400 items fed into the main print collection (which we call REST), with a few items going into ACU Authors and ACU Archive collections. And, we added catalog records for four new archival collections. As has been the case for several months, most of the additions to REST are tracts and pamphlets. As usual, we added several monographs which we either lacked altogether, or lacked in some variant of the edition or printing. Some of the additions are newly published, others are new-to-us, and still others represent a second copy or a new-to-us edition or printing. The tract project continues at a very good pace and we will have a fine set of tracts, all cataloged, when this project is complete.

Callie Faye Milliken (Special Collections Librarian) and Dr. John Stevens (President) at the beginning of the transfer of books from the ‘old’ library in Chambers Hall to the ‘new’ Brown Library. Dr. Stevens, holding a rare copy of Biblia Sacra, led a procession of students and faculty carrying volumes into the new facility. From
Our goal is to build a comprehensive research-level collection of print materials by, for, and about the Stone-Campbell Restoration Movement. But beyond assembly and preservation, a collection should be discoverable by those who need the information. Collecting and preserving is only part of our task; those objects must be described and made available. Thanks to the close and careful work of our colleagues upstairs, who describe our holdings, these materials are now discoverable. By discoverable I mean a patron can utilize our online catalog (such as by searching by author, or title, or subject) to find these materials.
424 new items…cataloged, shelved, and ready for research:
Catalog Author | Catalog Title |
Allen, James A. | Is a man saved out of the church? |
Allen, Victor. | The borders of the kingdom |
Amstutz, James L., | East Superior Christian Church : 100 years of faithful service, 1911-2011 |
Bacchiocchi, Samuele. | Wine in the Bible : a biblical study on the use of alcoholic beverages |
Bales, James D., | Saul, from persecutor to persecuted : including Lord Lyttelton’s Essay on the conversion of St. Paul |
Bates, Jerry, | Great Faith |
Bates, Jerry, | How to study God’s word |
Beazley, George G. (George Grimes), | The present place of the Disciples in the ecumenical movement |
Beeson, Ulrich Rische, | Office of the Holy Spirit : a most necessary study for all churches |
Bob, Reverends, | So you want to be baptized? : a course of study for those seeking baptism |
Boles, H. Leo (Henry Leo), | A commentary on the Gospel according to Luke |
Boles, H. Leo (Henry Leo), | The eldership of the Churches of Christ |
Boll, R. H. (Robert Henry), | Weshalb nicht nur ein Christ? |
Boone, Pat. | ‘Twixt twelve and twenty |
Borden, E. M. (Eli Monroe), | Jacob’s ladder : a book of sermons preached by E. M. Borden, at Neosho, Missouri, in October, 1913 |
Bowman, Richard M. (Richard Morris), | Salvation in the restoration movement |
Bowman, Richard M. (Richard Morris), | Understanding process theology |
Bowman, Richard M. (Richard Morris), | Knocking on heaven’s door : getting results when you pray |
Bowman, Richard M. (Richard Morris), | The Holy Spirit in today’s church |
Bowman, Richard M. (Richard Morris), | “How did we get into this mess?” : Basic theology for the Laity |
Bowman, Richard M. (Richard Morris), | “A return to the faith of our founders” : (How do we get out of this mess?) Basic disciples beliefs |
Bowman, Richard M. (Richard Morris), | The Bible: without fault or blemish : (A commentary on the Chicago statement on Biblical inerrancy) |
Boyd, Jack, | One God, one woman : preludes to Scriptures |
Brownlow, Leroy. | A time to laugh, or, Grandpa was a preacher |
Campbell, Thomas, | Declaration and address of the Christian Association of Washington |
Cato, Willie T. | His hand and heart : the wit and wisdom of Marshall Keeble |
Chalk, John Allen, | Three American revolutions |
Choate, Betty Burton, | Elohim : the Godhead |
Choate, Betty Burton, | The wrath of God |
Choate, Betty Burton, | Commitment in marriage |
Choate, Betty Burton, | Attitudes |
Choate, Betty Burton, | He lifted up His eyes… |
Choate, Betty Burton, | The heavens declare… |
Choate, Betty Burton, | The forgotten tool |
Choate, Betty Burton, | Fig leaves are back in style! |
Choate, Betty Burton, | Doubts and Fears : Satan’s Challenges |
Choate, Betty Burton, | The Holy Spirit : Who is He? |
Choate, Betty Burton, | How does God work in our lives? |
Choate, J. C., | Praying according to the rules |
Choate, J. C., | A world without Christ? |
Choate, J. C., | Angels and demons : the spirit world |
Choate, J. C., | Be not deceived |
Choate, J. C., | A Bible examination |
Choate, J. C., | How to read the Bible |
Choate, J. C., | Are miracles being performed today? |
Choate, J. C., | Do you know church history? |
Choate, J. C., | Does God speak directly to us today? |
Choate, J. C., | Don’t ever belittle the Church |
Choate, J. C., | Don’t be ashamed |
Choate, J. C., | Does divorce matter that much? |
Choate, J. C., | The doctrines of Calvinism |
Choate, J. C., | The compassion of Christianity |
Choate, J. C., | Can a child of God be lost? |
Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) General Assembly | Share the feast : 2007 congregational booklet |
Clark, Margaret Owen. | Are we one in the spirit? : problems and promise of the Christian witness of unity in the midst of diversity |
Clayton, John N., | Why I left atheism |
Cloer, Eddie. | What is “The Church”? : identifying the nature & design of the New Testament Church |
Cogdill, Roy E. (Roy Edward), | La Iglesia del Nuevo Testamento |
Colley, Gary, | New translations : “what is wrong with them” |
Conchin, Willard, | Great was the fall |
Crawley, Charles Eugene, | “Lest we drift away” |
Curlee, Sheryl Taylor, | Sheryl Taylor Curlee Papers |
Dallas Independent School District (Tex.) | Bible study course: New Testament; the Dallas high schools, August 12, 1947 |
Dallas Independent School District (Tex.) | Bible study course: Old Testament; the Dallas high schools, September, 1964 |
Dallas Independent School District (Tex.) | Bible study course: Old Testament; the Dallas high schools, September, 1964 |
Dean, H. Douglas | Evolution… : The missing link discovered |
DeHoff, George W., | Workbook on Mark |
Dennis, Fred E. (Fred Edwin), | Fifty short sermons |
Disciples of Christ. Commission on Restudy of the Disciples of Christ. | The report of the Commission on Restudy of the Disciples of Christ |
Douglas, Mary, | Verse… : by the way |
Duke, Kerry, | The remarriage of a divorced couple : may a person scripturally remarry the mate that he/she has divorced for fornication? |
Dupree, Tony. | There is a way which seems right to a man |
Edwards, Paul Felix, | Paul Felix Edwards Papers |
Elkins, Tice, | The sounding of the seven trumpets |
Fair, Ian A. | Leadership in the kingdom : sensitive strategies for the church in a changing world |
Fair, Ian A. | Conquering in Christ : a brief commentary and study guide on the book of Revelation |
Faires, Darrell R. (Darrell Ray), | Singables : simple celebrations |
Ferguson, Nancy, | For the love of the Lord : letting love transform you into the person God wants you to be |
Fiers, A. Dale (Alan Dale), | Let’s think about : Characteristic beliefs of the Disciples of Christ |
Fiers, Alan Dale. | Answers to some questions about the United Christian Missionary Society |
First Christian Church (Springfield, Ill.) | One hundred and twenty-five years of service for Christ, 1833-1958 |
Flatt, Bill, | Pressing toward the goal : an autobiography |
Floyd, Harvey. | Is the Holy Spirit for me? : A search for the meaning of the Spirit in today’s church |
Frantz, Joe Bertram, | The American cowboy: the myth & the reality |
Fulenwider, Ray, | How to grow a church through the Bible school |
Fuqua, Vicky. | A congregational history and memories of The Community Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) North Canton, Ohio |
Furr, Joe Ed, | A history of gospel singing |
Ganus, Clifton L, Jr., | I’d do it all again |
Gieger, L.L., | Love is . . . . |
Glover, Robert F. | Congregational site visit reports : Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) |
Goodpasture, Albert Virgil, | Overton County |
Grace, Rick, | The truth shall set you free : An evangelical response to homosexuality |
Green, Bo. | Mathematics for life |
Greene, Theodore Meyer, | The Christian liberal arts college in the postwar world |
Griffith, Don E. , | What must I do to be saved? |
Handy, Lowell K., | The educated person’s thumbnail introduction to the Bible |
Harding College Lectures | Christ: the light of the world |
Harkness, Georgia Elma, | Seeking God through prayer |
Harvey, Douglas A., | Looking for the right pastor : Guidelines for pastoral search committees |
Hausmann, Robert L., | From design to eternity : thoughts to consider as life progresses |
Hemry, Alice. | History of women’s missionary work of the Nebraska Christian Churches : Christian Women’s Board of Missions, Women’s Missionary Society, Christian Women’s Fellowship |
Higgs, Laquita M., | Godliness and governance in Tudor Colchester |
Highland Oaks Church of Christ (Dallas, TX), (1855-2022), | Highland Oaks Church of Christ (Dallas, TX) records |
Hilliard, Donnie Ray, | Upon that rock I stand |
Hinds, John T., | A commentary on the book of Revelation |
Holloway, Clinton J. | Past is prologue : a jubilee history of First Christian Church, Nashville, Tennessee, 1953-2003 |
Hopkins, Justin A., | Consider the weaker brother |
Hopkins, Justin A., | Christian values or truth? |
Hostetler, Larry B., | The restoration movement confronts the 21st century: The challenge of religious and cultural diversity |
Humble, Bill J., | Archaeology and the Bible |
Humphrey, Don. | Christian love : prepared especially for use in small group discussions |
Hutcheson, Richard G., | God in the White House : how religion has changed the modern presidency |
Jackson, Wayne | Do we want sex education in school? |
Jamieson, A. (Alexander) | Verbatim report of the two nights’ discussion in the city hall, Glasgow, between Mr. Alexander Jamieson, representative of the Glasgow Protestant Laymen’s Association, and Mr. Charles Southwell : on the following subject “Is there sufficient evidence to believe in the existence of an intelligent and powerful being distinct from |
Janes, Don Carlos, | Christ exalted : an address delivered over radio station WHAS of the Courier Journal and the Louisville Times |
Jenkins, Ferrell, | The Middle East conflict and the Bible |
Keck, Leander E. | The Bible in the pulpit : the renewal of biblical preaching |
Keesee, Dayton, | Restoration revival : the way (back) to God |
Kennon, Ethelyn Peebles, | Antioch Christian Church (Disciples of Christ), Schuyler County, Missouri |
Ketcherside, W. Carl. | That the world may believe– : a study of the covenants |
Knott, Maurice F. | The Pittsburgh General Assembly : a minority report |
Knowles, Victor, | A biography : Archie Word, voice of thunder, heart of tears |
Ladd, Karol. | The p[o]wer of a p[o]sitive w[o]man |
Lahey, Jim, | The shift to Modernism/Liberalism in the Disciples of Christ |
Lambert, John, | First Christian Church, Kent, Ohio 1827-1992 : The church and the clergy |
Lambert, O. C. (Orlando Clayton), | Catholicism against itself |
Langley, John Baxter. | The Sabbath question : discussion between Mr. J. Baxter Langley, M.R.C.S., Vice-President of the National Sunday League, and Mr. Robert Court, representative of the Glasgow Protestant Layman’s Association ; in the City Hall, Glasgow |
Lanier, Roy H. | Orbiting Acts : a new journey in Acts of the Apostles |
Lawson, E. LeRoy, | Come to the party : celebrate Jesus |
Lehmann, L. H. (Leo Herbert), | The pope that was never in Rome |
Lewis, Wilber Helen, | The Christian church in Mansfield |
Lightfoot, Neil R. | Everyone’s guide to Hebrews |
Lipscomb, David, | A commentary on the New Testament Epistles |
Lyon, Mack. | Las iglesias de Cristo: ?quienes somos? |
Marx, H. B., | Missionary program of the church |
McAllister, Lester G. | That there may be ministers : Disciples ministerial education in California |
McAllister, Lester G., | Let’s think about : Our history |
McGarvey, J. W. (John William), | A commentary on Acts of apostles : with a revised version of the text |
McKinstry, John W. | An archival history of First Christian Church, Iowa City and Coralville, Iowa : discernment and building process from 1994 to September 2002 |
McRay, John. | Paul : his life and teaching |
Mercer, Jeanie. | Her whole heart : a woman’s way to fulfillment |
Milholland, Tom, | Prelude to joy : making your marriage a heavenly one |
Miller, Roy H., | Some fundamentals of the new covenant |
Milligan, R. (Robert), | The New Testament commentary, vol. IX, Epistle to the Hebrews |
Monroy, Juan Antonio. | Juan Antonio Monroy : an autobiography |
Monser, J. W. (John Waterhaus), | An encyclopedia on the evidences : or, Masterpieces of many minds |
Moyes, Gordon, | How to grow an Australian church : a practical guide for church growth |
Myers, Edward P. (Edward Paul), | A study of angels |
Natanaele, Bongelemba. | Wanga Yoane of the village of Yuli |
Nicholas, G. W., | G. W. Nicholas Papers |
Novak, Vera M., | John Everett Novak |
Novotny, Louise Miller, | Women and the church; a manual and textbook for women’s organizations |
O’Donnell, Michael, | Heart of the warrior : a battle plan for fathers to reclaim their families |
Olbricht, Thomas H. | The message of the New Testament : Ephesians – Colossians |
Oler, Gayle, | Be of good cheer : Matthew 14:27 |
Overby, Coleman, | Systematic study of Bible women : twelve months’ course |
Parkins, Earl E., | A historical review : The Carbon Hill Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) |
Phillips, G. Richard. | Ontological implications of man’s search for meaning : an address delivered to the annual meeting of Emmanuel School of Religion Chapter International Society of Theta Phi May 6, 1982 |
Powell, J. M. (James Marvin), | My treasured books : or an anecdotal story of books, people and events |
Robertson, C.J. | [Christmas message] |
Root, Orrin. | Training for service ; a survey of the Bible |
Ross, Bob L. | Campbellites, cow-bells, rosary beads, and snake-handling |
Ross, Bob L. | Campbellism : its history and heresies |
Rowe, John F. (John Franklin), | History of reformatory movements : resulting in a restoration of the Apostolic Church; to which is appended a history of the nineteen general church councils, also a history of all innovations, from the third century down |
Rushmore, Louis, | Did dinosaurs really exist? |
Rushmore, Louis, | Foul Language |
Rushmore, Louis, | The first church |
Sayers, Stanley E., | For this cause |
Shaver, Thomas A., | The Christian home ; a series of thirteen lessons regarding various aspect of the home life of a Christian |
Shaw, Robert Weber. | The Campbell-Stone movement : a grand design for world-wide-evangelism on behalf of Jesus the Christ |
Shelly, Rubel | The names of Jesus : an in-depth exploration of the Christ |
Shelly, Rubel | Written in stone : ethics for the heart |
Shelly, Rubel | Bound for the promised land : walking in the faith footsteps of father Abraham |
Shelly, Rubel | In step with the Spirit : a study of the fruit of the Spirit : Galatians 5:22-23 |
Shelton, Richard, | Of all the dirty words |
Shelton, Richard, | You can’t have everything |
Shelton, Richard, | The other side of the story |
Shelton, Richard, | The bus to Veracruz |
Shelton, Richard, | Hohokam |
Shelton, Richard, | Selected poems, 1969-1981 |
Short, Howard E. (Howard Elmo) | Doctrine and thought of the Disciples of Christ |
Silvey, Billie. | God’s child in the city : catching God’s vision for urban ministry |
Sinclair, D. W. Dryden, | Mother and Home |
Sinclair, D.W. Dryden, | From the desert of the heart |
Slone, Reuben. | The light behind the cloud |
Smith, Bill E., | The New Testament church |
Smith, Bill E., | The life of Jesus : A Christian growth series workbook of 13 lessons |
Smith, Foy L, | Shakespeare’s seven ages of man : or from the cradle to the grave |
Southern, Paul, | New Testament in survey : a syllabus |
Spurlin, Bob. | Bob and Beverly Spurlin : Two 30 minute DVD lessons plus a DVD visit to the Spurlin home |
Starks, Marian, | The dating game : prepared for teenage girls’ Bible classes |
Stewart, Roger D., | How do I love thee? : wow that’s a tough one |
Stroop, J. Ridley (John Ridley), | Why do people not see the Bible alike? |
Stroop, J. Ridley (John Ridley), | The superiority of the Gospel over the Law : (Hebrews) |
Sturgeon, Albert. | Pardon the inspiration : devotions for sports fans |
Swaim, Larry, | There’s got to be a better way |
Swetmon, Bill. | Unlocking mysteries of God’s Word : a look at Scriptures that trouble Christians |
Taylor, Ben F. | History of Potter Orphan Home and genealogy of the Potter family |
Terry, Bruce. | Nonsectarian Christianity |
Terry, Bruce. | Baptized in one Spirit |
Terry, Bruce. | Jesus on the last things |
Terry, Bruce. | No Such Custom : an exposition of I Corinthians 11:2-16 |
Terry, Bruce. | Jesus on the last things |
Thomas, Leslie G. (Leslie Grier), | The beautiful gleaner; a study in the principles of beauteous character |
Thompson, James W. (James Weldon), | Pastoral ministry according to Paul : a biblical vision |
Thompson, Rhodes, | Cane Ridge Meeting House : a temple of Christian unity |
Thurston, Bonnie Bowman. | Spiritual life in the early church : the witness of Acts and Ephesians |
Tolle, James M., | Notes on Philippians |
Tomlinson, L. G. (Lee Glenn), | Churches of today in the light of scripture |
Trent, Carroll C. | God’s way for man |
Trout, Virgil R., | The personality of Jesus |
Tyler, Granville W. (Granville Washington), | Old Testament lessons |
Tyler, Granville W. (Granville Washington), | Life of Christ and Acts : Matthew through Acts in 32 lessons ; questions to be answered and graded, designed to teach the Scriptures |
Tyler, Granville W. (Granville Washington), | Life of Christ and Acts : Matthew through Acts in 32 lessons |
Tyler, Granville W. (Granville Washington), | Old Testament lessons |
Valentine, Jean. | The work of the Holy Spirit : a series of radio addresses |
Valentine, Jean. | The Bible on baptism : a series of radio addresses |
Vick, Ben F., | A review of the New International Version |
Waddey, John H. (John Howard), | The truth of the gospel : (studies in the evidences of Christianity) |
Waddey, John H. (John Howard), | Funnier than fiction : or the funny side of preaching |
Waddey, John H. (John Howard), | Lessons to fortify your faith in the day of a changing church |
Waddey, John H. (John Howard), | Divine providence and world evangelism |
Waddey, John. | Effective Bible study : how to understand and apply God’s word |
Walde, John J., | What you should know about Catholics |
Waldron, Jim E., | Beware of forbidding brethren |
Waldrop, Forrest R., | Work-book for miracles of Jesus Christ |
Walker, Dean Everest. | The tradition of Christ |
Walker, Fred B. | The kind of music God wants |
Walker, Fred B., | What the Church of Christ really is |
Walker, Fred B., | The kind of music God wants in worship |
Walker, Joseph Underwood, | Can anything good come from Valdosta?? |
Walker, Larry A., | Psalms : The Christ emphasis series |
Walker, W. R. (Wilmer Russell), | Studies in Acts |
Walker, William F., | A great return to the Bible |
Wallace, G. K. (Gervias Knox), | The difference between the Christian Church and the Church of Christ |
Wallace, G. K. (Gervias Knox), | The value of Christian education |
Wallace, G. K. (Gervias Knox), | The Bible : A sermon |
Wallace, Ray W., | C Y F handbook |
Wallace, William E., | Something to give… to the “Jehovah’s Witness” caller : brief rejoinders to “Jehovah’s Witnessess” doctrine |
Waller, Ted H. (Ted Henry) | Forgiveness and the sin of divorce |
Wardlaw, W. E., | The Crossroads philosophy |
Warner, Sharon. | Cane Ridge Revival bicentennial : study sessions for adults and older youth |
Warren, Thomas B. (Thomas Bratton), | The day a church member died |
Warren, Thomas B. (Thomas Bratton), | A time for sound doctrine in a day of liberalism : a workbook |
Warren, Thomas B. (Thomas Bratton), | We can know that the Bible is God’s word |
Warren, Thomas B. (Thomas Bratton), | We can know that God is |
Warren, Thomas B. (Thomas Bratton), | We can know that Jesus Christ is God’s Son |
Watson, Ector R., | Genesis or evolution? |
Watson, Randall, | Worship : The avenue of contribution |
Watts, Louis K., | A history of the Council Gap Church of Christ 1866 to 1967 |
Webster, Allen | What must I do to be saved? |
Webster, Allen | A thief who has robbed us all |
Webster, Allen | In pursuit of patience |
Webster, Allen | What to expect when you you visit the church of christ |
Webster, Allen | Can a Christian fall from grace? |
Webster, Allen | Heaven is just four steps away from any place on earth |
Webster, Allen | The way |
Webster, Allen, | Was Joan of Arc really Noah’s wife? : the importance of Bible study today |
Webster, Allen, | Can we let our conscience be our guide in religion? |
Webster, Allen, | Once saved, always saved? |
Webster, Allen, | Worship fads : or timeless truths |
Webster, Allen, | A baptism of the New Testament |
Webster, Allen, | What must I do to be saved? |
Webster, Allen, | Happiness guaranteed |
Webster, Allen, | God’s lamb in the devil’s zoo |
Webster, Allen, | In pursuit of enthusiasm : Wherever you go, go with your whole heart |
Webster, Allen, | Pornography’s pain : Who gets hurt by this “harmless” pastime? |
Webster, Allen, | God’s refining shop |
Webster, Allen, | A new look at the old rugged cross |
Webster, Allen, | Have you read the only book God ever wrote? |
Webster, Douglas. | Lectures delivered by Canon Douglas Webster of Selly Oak College, Birmingham, England, April 24-25, 1969 at the Disciples Institut, Tuebingen, Germany |
West, Earl, | The menace of Roman Catholicism |
Westapher, C. A., | Facts concerning the church Christ built : according to the New Testament scriptures |
Westapher, C. A., | The origin of salvation and the Church of Christ |
Wetzel, C. Robert (Charles Robert) | The prayers & poems of Emmanuel presidents |
Wharton, Ed. | The action of the book of Acts |
Wharton, Edward C. | The resurrection of Jesus Christ, historical or mythological? : a study in historical evidences |
Wharton, W. Ralph. | Earliest days of the church of Christ in Dominica |
Wheeler, C. A., | The conversion of an honest Gentile |
Wheeler, Pinckney Raymond, | Right to live |
White, Marian | The book God gave us : A workbook for vacation Bible schools or similar work |
Whitney, Orson F. (Orson Ferguson), | The strength of the “Mormon” position |
Whitsett, Dwight. | The urgent revolution : liberating the cause of Christ |
Wickizer, Willard M. (Willard Morgan), | Guidance in personal evangelism : a manual for laymen |
Wilcox, Warren, | Versions of the Bible |
Wilhelm, Jack, | Four dozen ways to help your child succeed in school |
Willeford, James D., | How we got our Bible |
Williams, A. C. (Arthur Clyde), | Ready answers to religious errors |
Williams, A. C. (Arthur Clyde), | A handbook of handfuls |
Williams, Jack H | How to be free |
Williams, Jack H., | Mormonism : The Book of Mormon vs itself |
Williams, Jack H., | Let God be true |
Williams, Jack H., | A world without God |
Williams, Jack H., | Have you voted? |
Williams, Jack H., | What about the thief on the cross? |
Williams, Jarrod | Pornography in art : right or wrong? |
Williams, Phil., | Worship : my responsibility |
Williamson, Edward, | History of the Bendavis Church of Christ 1882-2002 : celebrating 120 years of service in Bendavis, Missouri |
Willingham, Roy, | Abortion |
Willis, Cecil, | What is wrong with denominational baptism? |
Willis, Cecil, | The “New Morality” Reviewed |
Willis, John T., | The Old Testament wisdom literature : Job, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Song of Solomon |
Willis, Robert L., | Why be baptized? |
Willmarth, J. W. (James Willard), | Baptism and remission |
Wilmeth, P. D. (Perry Davis), | Love, courtship and marriage |
Wilson, Bert, | Progressive stewardship |
Wilson, Ealon V., | Life and ministry of John R. Williams, 1851-1927 : a missionary without a peer. Historical facts of a great and fruitful life in Gospel ministry for more than forty years condensed in these pages |
Wilson, Herman O. | Pillars of faith: Biblical certainty in an uncertain world |
Wilson, Seth. | Good news or bad? : Should Christians use or recommend the new Today’s English version of the scriptures? |
Winters, Clayton, | Is weekly communion a scriptural requirement? |
Winters, Frank, | The restoration of the spirit of Christianity |
Winters, Frank. | Restoring the spirit of Christianity |
Winters, Howard | Commentary on Romans : practical and explanatory |
Winters, Howard | Can we understand the Bible? |
Winters, Howard, | Facts about salvation |
Winters, Howard, | If I had a church |
Winters, Howard, | Conversion |
Wise, Melvin J. (Melvin James), | The church : what it is and for |
Witt, Paul C. (Paul Chandler), | Think on these things |
Witte, Erwyn, | A brief history of South Broadway Christian Church |
Womack, Morris M. | Miracles, fact or fantasy? |
Wood, L. Foster, | If I marry a Roman Catholic |
Woodhall, Chester, | Handbook of Christian denominations in Zambia : a personal perspective |
Woods, Guy N., | A commentary on the Epistle of James |
Woods, Guy N., | Christians and carnal warfare |
Yeakley, Flavil R. (Flavil Ray), | Good News and Bad News : a realistic assessment of the Churches of Christ in the United States 2008 |
Yeakley, Flavil Ray, | Questions and answers about church discipline |
Yeakley, Flavil Ray, | Church leadership and organization : a doctrinal and practical study of the leadership role of elders |
Yost, A. L., | What will you do? |
Young, John G. | It pays to give |
Young, M. Norvel (Matt Norvel), | Poison stress is a killer : a monograph on physical and behavioral stress and some of its effects on modern man |
Young, M. Norvel (Matt Norvel), | Pepperdine University, a place, a people, a purpose |
Zickefoose, Ben H., | How do we choose our recreation? : What can we do? |
Zollars, E.V., | Baccalaureate and convocation sermons |
Life together | |
Sermons for today | |
Introducing the Church of Christ: distinctive features of the Church of Christ discussed by over fifty of her ministers | |
Thoughts for funeral sermons | |
Yosemite reflections : being a compilation of condensed messages and study outlines given by leading evangelists and teachers at the Yosemite camp meeting of 1942, together with reminiscent scenes | |
Educational beginnings and present problems : published in connection with the observance of the centennial of higher education among The Disciples of Christ, 1836-1936 | |
Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) in North Carolina : 1968-69 Directory | |
“Salvation in Jesus Christ” : report of the Commission on Theology | |
An idea book for round table discussion groups: the Christian and social action | |
His last week; the story of the passion and resurrection of Jesus in the words of the four Gospels | |
Not the only Christians, but Christians only | |
An idea book for round table discussion groups: the Christian and social action | |
Freedom or restructure? : An open letter to Christian Churches and Churches of Christ | |
1963 Directory of North Carolina Christian Churches (Disciples of Christ) | |
Leadership education bulletin | |
Under the influence : stories from Christians who now stay clean and sober | |
First year intermediate teacher’s Bible guide : Bethany graded lessons | |
A glance at the “AAA” Christian Home | |
Race relations : Resources for program planning and special observances | |
Thro’ the keyhole : A home for the homeless in Homer | |
The wonderful story of how the Bible came down through the ages … | |
The living word : New Testament survey | |
Horizons | |
A walk down memory lane | |
Golden jubilee : 1885-1935 | |
Bible reader’s digest | |
Introducing the Church of Christ: distinctive features of the Church of Christ discussed by over fifty of her ministers | |
100th anniversary Burt Lake Christian Church 1901-2001 | |
Celebrating a legacy : a history of faith & service | |
Lakewood Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) 1878-2003 | |
Bible school song book : a collection of favorite songs for vacation bible school, camp, or devotionals | |
The Pearl of Great Price; a selection from the revelations, translations, and narrations of Joseph Smith, first prophet, seer and revelator to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints | |
How Jesus Ended Up in the Food Court Seventy-Seven Devotional Thoughts You Never Thought About Before | |
The Lord’s teaching on church discipline | |
Christian hope in a day of doom | |
First Christian Church : [stained glass windows] | |
53rd anniversary celebration of the Filipino Christian Church | |
40th anniversary celebration : Edmonds Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) | |
50th anniversary 1917-1967 : First Christian Church | |
First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) Kent, Ohio, Growing for 175 years : The story of our church 1827-2002 | |
Vista La Mesa Christian Church 1948-1988 | |
The first sixty years — 1885-1945 : a history of the First Christian Church | |
History of First Christian Church Girard, Illinois : a church with a vision 1860 2000 | |
50th anniversary, East Dallas Christian Church, 1903-1953 | |
The stained glass windows : Riverside Avenue Christian Church 1921-1987 | |
Golden anniversary May 9, 1926 – May 9, 1976 : First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ), Sarasota, Florida | |
Centennial book and pictorial directory : First Christian Church, Nelson, Nebraska, 1878-1978 | |
Grandview Christian Church 1930 | |
One hundred years of service 1845-1945 : First Christian Church, Macomb, Illinois | |
A century of progress : the First Christian Church, St. Joseph, Missouri | |
Golden anniversary : First Christian Church Fort Lauderdale, Florida 1911-1961 | |
Our first 100 years : 1883-1983 | |
Centennial of Richmond Avenue Christian Church | |
From coal dust to star dust : history of Mather Christian Church, Mather, Pennsylvania, 1925-1960 | |
Golden crown jubilee 1904-1954 | |
Commemorating one hundredth anniversary of the First Christian Church New Castle, Pennsylvania 1856-1956 | |
Madison Avenue Christian Church, Covington, Kentucky : Golden anniversary 1963 | |
Creekside faith ministries : serving our Lord by serving others | |
The Church and a faction | |
Orthodoxy in the civil courts : or, a history of the case, “The state of Indiana, on relation of George K. Poyser and William A. King, plaintiff, versus the trustees of the Salem church of the Methodist Society of the Haw-Patch Circuit of the Western division of Michigan, alias the trustees of the Salem Protestant Methodist Church | |
Shadow & light : literature and the life of faith | |
The truth about Catholics | |
Wilshire Christian Church dedication program | |
One Body/Disciple Heritage Fellowship : a continuing discussion | |
Junior gospel quarterly | |
Foster home news | |
The gospel journal | |
The Lakeview story | |
Uplift | |
Testimony | |
Bible concordance : King James version |