Media projects continue to gather strength across the curriculum, sometimes building on essential literacies of writing or speaking. This semester Dr. Laura Carroll’s English 111: Composition and Rhetoric students produced short video responses to the typical Proposing a Solution prompt. This is just a part of Dr. Carroll’s assignment:

Proposing a solution is a common writing task in personal and professional life. You call your audience’s attention to a problem, offer a solution, and urge the reader to act on your proposal. You will learn to analyze the problem, evaluate possible responses to the problem, select one solution, and argue the effectiveness of your solution to your audience.

Basic Features of Evaluation Essays

• A clearly defined problem, framed as a question in the early stages of writing

• An effective solution

• A convincing argument in support of the proposed solution

• Anticipation of reader’s objections and a response to those objections

• An evaluation of alternative solutions

• A call to action

The students came over to the Learning Studio for a training session in Camtasia for Mac which allowed them to bring together a variety of media types into their final projects. Here are a few examples.


Olivia Englesman – “The Love of Theater”

Mary Carol Fox – “This is Nelson”


Laynie Haley – “Drought in West Texas”