Over the last two years, students in Dr. Mark Hamilton’s honors sections of BIBL 211: Message of the Old Testament have produced short films in teams. Groups of four develop short 4-5 minute video projects that reflect on themes such as lament, sacrifice, atonement, among others.

Once groups have selected biblical texts they consider how they respond “to the historical background, literary shaping, theological purpose, and interpretive history (i.e., the understanding of the text on the part of later readers) of the given text.”

Here are a few examples of their work.


Fall 2013


Fall 2012


Other Requirements

Here are a few other elements of the assignment:

1. The video should not use footage created by other people. (So, no Lego Bible stories or similar things.)

2. The video should include appropriate voice work by all the team members and should show some measure of creativity.

3. The team should produce a script for the video and submit it along with the video.

4. The video should be well-informed by deep reflection on the biblical texts and themes on which students have been working.