Justin Dugger's Archive

Third Force Psychology

7 Commentsby   |  04.24.13  |  Student Posts

Third force psychology is one of the most interesting schools of thought to me. I think this has to do with the way I as raised. My parents raised me to be creative and always do the best I can in everything. They new there were probably one or two things that I was very good at, and things that I genuinely enjoyed. So they pushed me in certain areas and I exhaled in those areas. I think this theory is appealing to alot of americans because this tends to be what american families do. Everyone wants there child to be the best, but not everyone can, they find something that they can be good at. While doing something just to be good at it is not very genuine, doing something you genuinely like, and happen to be good at seems to be fine.

blog 4

1 Commentby   |  04.03.13  |  Student Posts

Blog Post #5: find an visual illustration of behaviorism in every day life, perhaps a TV show, an advertisement,… and explain briefly.

The clips provided are from two of the current most popular shows. The office and the big bang theory. In the big bang theory a character is teaching the other character what is acceptable behavior by rewarding her with a treat every time she does something good. In the office, one character uses the chime on his computer matched with a treat to make the other character have a physiological response to the chime.

Blog three evolutionary psychology

5 Commentsby   |  03.05.13  |  Student Posts

Evolutionary psychology is a interesting topic to discuss. This is especially true for a conservative christian school. This being said there are more and more people agreeing with this thought every day. The theory has some large holes but some very strong, positive arguments. The theory can not explain the small issues, as we discussed in class. Specifically things that apply to a small precent of the population such as homosexuality have week argument. The theory works on standardized behavior. I believe that some of the arguments for evolutionary psychology can not apply to mental disorders. The biggest problem with the theory to me is the lack of individuality. The theory states that we act certain ways based on evolutionary traits to procreate. This takes away from individuality of people. This was a the biggest problem to me. I believe a lot of the principles in the theory are true its just a little invasive.

Blog Post 2

3 Commentsby   |  01.31.13  |  Student Posts

The greek culture has influenced the modern world more then any other culture in the past. Our philosophy, way of thought, school systems, and relative way of life comes from the greeks. In america the biggest thing we seem to focus on is the philosophy of the greeks and we are interested in there way of life. This is found in extraneously in our movie and television selection. We see movies that take place in ancient greece like 300 and we have movies that reflect the ideas of ancient greece like the matrix. These are to very obvious examples but the list of movies that take place in this part of the world and at this ancient time is extensive. The reason why so many are made is because there are so many people out there that are intrigued by this. The different stories of these movies appeal to different aspects of our psychy. We love the story of the warrior thats fights for his country and for love. 3 movies this takes place in are immortals, 300, and troy. This transitions to modern day films with the same premise. # include Dear John, Act of Valor, and Safe house. All of these movies have other components to there plots but the underlying premise is the same. The interesting thing about this is since the story has lasted so long it is safe to say it will continue to thrive in our future.

Blog Post One: The Good Life

3 Commentsby   |  01.20.13  |  Student Posts

Video: The Good Life

The good life: this is one of those topics that can not have a specific answer. The answer to what the good life is is dependent on each persons life experiences, position in life, morals, ect. I feel like my answer to this question is pretty boring compared to what some people can say about the topic. In general, the good life consist autonomy, fun and morality. We cant have thew good life if were under someones thumb. This seems to be a general rule. If we take a look at the stigma of middle america corporate employees of the 90s. There are plenty of movies and plenty of news stories about depression accompanying these workers. Then we look at the emerging workers of apple and google who have a substantial amount of autonomy and there satisfaction level with life is incredable high. The next to parts of my equation to the good life are a balance. Trying to balance living a moral, ethical and responsible life has to balance with having fun. There seems to be two main types of people in life. The people that have fun, and the people that are responsible. There are problems with both sets of people which is why finding a balance between the both is the way to live the good life. To be a moral person without stressing your self out to be perfect seems like the best way. This is were i have struggled in life. I have always tried to be perfect and I have missed out on a lot fun in life. The song I attached has relatively little to do with what I wrote except for it being about striving for the good life. I disagree with the song because it talks about how the want the good life, when all they have to do is start living it.





Justin Dugger's Comment Archive

  1. Justin Dugger on Third Force Psychology
    2:49 pm, 04.24.13

    I agree with you as far as third force seeming to be most sound. Through this year as we have looked at the different therios I too have found positives and negatives were as this theory seems to make the most sense. I like that you mentioned this theory alows the client to move at there own pace. This seems like a very important aspect of counseling.

  2. Emily, I agree with you on pretty much everything you said. I appreciate all the scripture you used in your response. I think it is very fascinating that you identified guy code with this theory. I also think its interesting you and your friends watch guy code. Your logic in connecting that show with this theory is sound and original. It is something I never would have thought about and think is halirius. I think the argument breaks down when using that show as an example because I would guess there stories are not 100% true.

  3. Justin Dugger on Behaviorism
    5:50 pm, 04.03.13

    I agree with the possible implications this theory has, and how it can be misused. I think this is a scary thought because on a small scale it seems like we can alter the behavior of people around us through classical condition and operant conditioning. If this was put on a large scale it can be used to create negative behavior that would have a world impact.

  4. Justin Dugger on Blog 4: Behaviorism
    5:44 pm, 04.03.13

    I agree with the fact that the results of behaviorism is the most important aspect of the theory. At least in treatment it seems like there is more proof that this works than any other school we have discussed. Between operant and classical training it seems we can train all animals and most aspects of human behavior. This is a scary thought if you think about some people who could use this in a negative way to increase a negative behavior in someone.

  5. Paige, the statement that I most agree with is “Evolutionary psychology assumes that science is the only way of truly knowing. As a human with feelings, thoughts, values, and religious beliefs it is difficult for me to accept this.” This too was troubling for me. It seems like evolutionary psychologists are reducing humans to a simple organism that has no complexity. The emotions and thoughts do not matter. This is the biggest problem to me.

  6. Justin Dugger on Blog 3
    10:52 pm, 03.05.13

    Tyler I agree with you most on the point, “These arguments seem to make perfect sense, but it almost seems as if we are taking the easy way out.” This is my biggest problem with the argument. To me it is very similar to the god and the gaps argument. If there is a behavior, or trait we pug in evolution. The argument is still in its infancy and is growing everyday. The hope for this theory is high and I believe that many people will start to adopt this theory for there own view.

  7. Justin Dugger on Blog 3
    10:38 pm, 03.05.13

    Evolutionary psychology is a interesting topic to discuss. This is especially true for a conservative christian school. This being said there are more and more people agreeing with this thought every day. The theory has some large holes but some very strong, positive arguments. The theory can not explain the small issues, as we discussed in class. Specifically things that apply to a small precent of the population such as homosexuality have week argument. The theory works on standardized behavior. I believe that some of the arguments for evolutionary psychology can not apply to mental disorders. The biggest problem with the theory to me is the lack of individuality. The theory states that we act certain ways based on evolutionary traits to procreate. This takes away from individuality of people. This was a the biggest problem to me. I believe a lot of the principles in the theory are true its just a little invasive.

  8. Justin Dugger on Blog 2
    9:58 pm, 01.31.13

    Marylynn, I really like the mediums you used in your post. You were able to express the point of your blog and do through some extremely creative expressing. The point of your blog was great an was linked to mine in the sense that you focused on our modern culture.

  9. Justin Dugger on Greek Culture
    9:53 pm, 01.31.13

    forest, I really liked your post because you touched a lot good history and incorporated them into you point. You bring up good points about the greeks influencing the world, I talked about this as well but I discussed it in the modern sense, were as you brought it up speaking from our foundations.

  10. Justin Dugger on Blog 1: The Good Life
    5:04 pm, 01.20.13

    I think your post was very well thought out and has some great ideas. I would like to share with you my view of the good life which seems to come from a different view then yours. Your definition seems to depend a lot on external factors where as mine depends on internal. I believe we all have the key to the good life in ourselves. How we view the world around is how we determine our good or not so good life.