Tyler Lotz's Archive

0 Commentsby   |  04.26.13  |  Student Posts

Third Force psychology is based on the premise that all people are inherently good; that through a conscious evolution of attitudes, values, and beliefs, one becomes a self actualized individual with the inner wisdom and confidence to guide their own life in a manner that is personally satisfying and socially constructive. This resonates with me and the way I was raised to think. As a whole, i find that third force psychology carries many of the attributes of existentialism like the search for self actualization and self formed attitudes and values. These things are, to me, a very important feature of any modern theory of human nature. I was raised to think for myself and not just believe everything everyone tells me. However, i was also raised in a certain religious background that didnt support certain sorts of critical thinking. This served to be a stumbling block for me in my search for self actualization, as i had to question things that i had never been permitted to question before. This is probably true for many more people than I would like to think. Most of our parents and families and churches, no matter how hard they may or may not have tried to let us find our own answers, burned certain ideas into our head without our permission. Ideas about God, about the good life, about morals and who we should and shouldnt associate with. Things like this are inevitable, though not necessarily wrong, and through a healthy amount of self knowledge through the lens of existentialism and third force psychology as a whole we can modify our learned ideals and form our own that we can be confident in.

Blog Post 5

4 Commentsby   |  04.11.13  |  Student Posts

Psychoanalysis is a huge part of modern psychological thinking. In fact, whenever I mention to someone that i am studying psychology, the first thing they think of is me sitting next to a person laying in a chair, asking them about their childhood and stuff. To the popular media (aka movies tv shows, anywhere u see a “psychologist”) this psychoanalysis style psychology is to many average people the only form of psychology that exists. We are always looking for deeper meaning behind almost every form of expression. Just look at http://www.filmreference.com/encyclopedia/Independent-Film-Road-Movies/Psychoanalysis-CINEMA-AND-THE-UNCONSCIOUS.html  This article is about the relationship between movies and media and freudian psychology. We are just about always exploring into the forces behind everything. This sort of thinking has shown to be extremely popular in all sections of society and the media for a long time and will continue to be for a long time to come.

Blog 4: Behaviorism

5 Commentsby   |  04.02.13  |  Student Posts

I think behaviorism style psychology is a huge part of our daily lives.  I agree with our professor when he says that it is seemingly the most attractive and easily applicable form of psychology, without the vagueness of evolutionary psychology. Behaviorism is a huge part of advertising and organizational management. Rewards and pairing and behavioral conditioning are thrusted apon us at a very early age and throughout our lives. Just watch television for 5 minutes and you will see a commercial pairing their product with some sort of desirable outcome. An example would be a beer commercial, showing a lot of attractive people having fun and laughing, usually 1 or 2 guys surrounded by a ton of pretty women. We may have already discussed this, but also gambling is a huge behaviorism trap. with variable timing on rewards we are trained to think “maybe this next one will be it” and keep pecking that button so to speak.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J8PLXnqhuNc

Blog 3

2 Commentsby   |  03.05.13  |  Student Posts

Evolutionary psychology resonates with me on many levels, yet i still am not entirely convinced. It seems easy to say that our preferences all hearken back to the days of the cavemen, saying that much like any species we have merely adapted in the ways that allow us to pass on our genes. I have heard very convincing arguments that explain modern sexual preferences (such as wide hips and large chests in women, which evolutionarily speaking would have indicated a higher ability to survive/succeed at childbirth) or even the way we eat   (our love of fatty sugary foods, which evolutionarily speaking would have only been available from fruits and other desirable snacks that would have been scarce during most of our evolution.) These arguments seem to make perfect sense, but it almost seems as if we are taking the easy way out. I agree with the criticism that we discussed in class that said that we could make up an evolutionary explanation for just about any phenomenon in life. I cant think of a single exception. Empiricism runs strong in my veins, and so i have to ask “where is the proof?” We are guessing so much about our evolutionary paths and have very little actual data or experimental studies to support these theories. I find that evolutionary psychology, while great to toss around the coffee table over a beer with some friends for some scholarly debate, is nothing more than pointless theorizing, with no applications seemingly for modern day science.

Blog 2

5 Commentsby   |  01.31.13  |  Student Posts

The greek philosophers have greatly influenced our modern way of thinking. Scholars such as Aristotle, the father of virtue ethics, challenged people on a large scale for the first time to think critically and not take anything for granted. A lot of how we think and run things in our modern times are based off  of the ideas pioneered by the greeks. Plato’s allegory of the cave is a great example of the “thinking outside the box” that flourished around this time period. As a human race we are often quick to take things at face value, we will assume that the majority opinion is truth. Things such as standards of attractiveness, religion, social do’s and donts, the things we place value in, etc. all are decided by our environment and the people around us. A true intellectual will search for the truth of things for himself, questioning and extrapolating, instead of accepting what others say is true. I think that this idea is very much reminiscent to the greek philosophers. We can also see this in play in higher education. We are taught to analyze and criticize and question everything. I personally think that it is impossible to truly believe something is true without experiencing it for yourself. I don’t accept  what people around me say on faith, I choose to discover for myself the truth of things with my own senses. This sort of empiricism runs my thought process, and I’m sure that many others who are called to higher education can say the same. The greek tradition runs strong, and we still use their theories and ways of doing things as a basis for a large percentage of our own modern thought processes, at least among us “Scholars”.

Blog One: The Good Life

3 Commentsby   |  01.20.13  |  Student Posts

I consider the “good life” to consist of two major ingredients before all else. First, a good life is defined by the interpersonal relationships and memories that are left behind after one’s passing. That is to say, the friends and relationships you make and the good deeds you do, remembered by those that survive you, add value to your life. Conversely, ones life would be almost meaningless if one did not ever form any sort of bond with other persons, if one never fell in love and was loved, or never laughed so hard with a friend that ones sides hurt for days. These are necessary elements to what i consider to be “the good life”. Element two is basically to have a goal. The second ingredient to a good life is to be able to do something that you are passionate about, to be devoted to something. Whether it is religion or science, being able to devote oneself to a goal adds meaning to your life, and working in a profession that you enjoy and are passionate about will make it much less boring (over the years you will grow to hate your career unless there is a part of it that you are truly passionate about) and will give you motivation to succeed. These two things, relationships and a goal or passion, make up what i think to be a “good life”.

Tyler Lotz's Comment Archive

  1. Though i am a huge supporter of individual growth and self actualization, i think that it is a hugely important experience to be influenced by your peers. going to public schools my whole life exposed me to all sorts of ideals and behaviors and lifestyles i had never known of, and can be a solidifying experience that prepares one for life in the real world

  2. Tyler Lotz on Third Force Psychology
    2:29 pm, 04.26.13

    I like your major idea about our family pushing us to achieve in certain areas, it is true that most parents desire for their child to be “the best” at something, and whether or not that thing is what the child would normally have become passionate about is often not the highest concern

  3. Tyler Lotz on Blog 4: Behaviorism
    12:11 am, 04.04.13

    Tyler you are a genius and you should write a book so i can absorb more of your knowledge. I completely agree with everything you said, i was actually thinking the same thing. Its crazy how similar our thought process is 🙂

  4. Tyler Lotz on blog 4
    12:10 am, 04.04.13

    haha i love both of these shows, i think they really have a good grasp on the theories at work while making it easy to understand for a non scholarly observer. Great picks

  5. I like your post, though i disagree with your author (much like i disagreed with mine) when he says that social behavior is purely learned by experience with others. Though it is surely a huge factor especially later in life, i think that many things are hardwired, such as expressions like smiling that cross all cultural boundaries. Is it not the job of evolutionary psychology to try to explain things like this with our dna and stuff, get with the program Joan Roughgarden.

  6. Tyler Lotz on Self-Titled EP: Blog 3
    11:39 pm, 03.06.13

    I agree with you, though i think that saying the evolutionary explanation of altruism and religion go hand in hand is rather pushing it, as evolutionary psychology splits in these two areas in several big ways. Now that its MY turn to be the devils advocate again 😛 I think religion is too broad and also too sticky to try to ever explain with evolutionary psychology. PErhaps its just me thinking of evolutionary psychology from the perspective of an empiricist but i scoff at almost every hypothesis of mans evolution that tries to explain something as complicated as religion

  7. Tyler Lotz on Blog Post #2
    12:33 am, 02.02.13

    I agree with your points about the greek influence in our modern life. I also posted about how greek themes and philosophies have endured through our modern times. At the same time however, its possible that we have idealized the greeks to a sort of “atlantean” level. That is to say, perhaps we give them more credit than they deserve, and the same could be said of our own culture. It was a very select minority of the greeks that did the things we all study today, just as America, an “enlightened” nation, has a large majority of people who (how can i put this delicately) are idiots.

  8. Tyler Lotz on Blog Post 2
    12:28 am, 02.02.13

    I think that you are very right in that greek culture is very influential in modern times. However i think hollywood has corrupted the themes of the greek stories and myths. We like the “badass” like neo or leonidas who can do incredible things, but we often pass over the themes of family, honor, brotherhood, perseverance, etc that are in many ways more important to these historic tales.

  9. Kicking a dead horse here, but i would also like to throw my two cents into the “balance” idea. The polarizing of being good and having fun is a common theme in popular culture. Those that are successful and productive are almost demonized. I’ve heard the term “no-lifer” used to describe such people. Then again, a person who focuses on only having a good time in the moment is often seen as a burn-out or a unmotivated lazy bum. Ideally you would want to find a happy medium between these two. They dont have to be exclusive.

  10. Tyler Lotz on Blog Post 1: The Good Life
    11:06 pm, 01.21.13

    I agree with you in the idea that the “good life” can have many different angles depending on the individual. Though some may claim fame and fortune are the highest aspirations, others grow weary of these things and seek a calm and/or productive existence surrounded by only their closest friends and family. Is it for us to judge which of these is “Right”? I think everyone is entitled to their own perspective. Good post.