Global Apprentice: Oxford bound

Checking in with our group of business students and faculty who arrived in Oxford this week…

Global Apprentice: Oxford

Junior Marketing major from Amarillo, Carey Cox, shares a little bit about the group’s first week across the pond:

We, as COBA in Oxford Summer 2011, began our journey together around 2:30 on Monday afternoon. Successfully passing through security, we bade goodbye to familiarity, and gathered to wait for our boarding call. Upon getting settled in our seats on the plane, we were notified of a minor delay. We left the ground an hour later.

Unfortunately, sleep was elusive to most of us, and when our group arrived, the majority claimed the sum total of a 20 minute nap over the 9 hour flight. I was a lucky one, having taken dramamine, and enjoyed about 4 full hours. But our delightful professors scheduled a full day of activities to help us get on the local schedule. Our charter bus driver was funny and cheerful, and goodnatured even though the rest of us were significantly less than responsive. He gave us some info on Oxford, and England in general, as we made the last leg of our journey through the beautiful English countryside. Once we arrived at our darling, 1870’s home and freshened up a bit, we ate yummy sandwiches from a little shop down the street, then headed out into the town.

Oxford is probably the coolest place I’ve ever been in my life. I LOVE it. Love. I can’t wait to go back and look at all the places we passed, museums and shops and pubs and bakeries and schools and churches and parks…and it’s gorgeous. Roses and moss and trees everywhere.

There are three classes offered for this session: International Business, Intro to Management, and Operations Management. Each student here takes International and one of the other two. After morning class, we went to the Oxford Market, which is an open-air, half grocery/half flea market open on Wednesday mornings. It was exactly like I pictured it would be, except maybe more disorganized. Men and women worked busily, hawking their wares and produce in wonderful British accents. We didn’t really know how it worked at first, so we wandered around the booths and watched other people buy things. After a while we figured out which stands were connected, and that you could get a basket and fill it, then go to a main booth and buy it. There was fresh bread, all kinds of fruits and vegetables, fish and other seafood, beef, chicken, dried goods, and candy. There were also booths covered with jewelry, dvd’s, crafts, and huge stands of clothes and accessories.

One of the wonderful things about Oxford is that you get to absorb all the breathtaking scenery while you walk around town. The downside is carrying your groceries back to the house. This is also a breathtaking activity.

Our whole class is headed to London this weekend to watch Parliament at work, then I am sure we will all storm off to various exciting activities!

Digital Marketing class presents to ROOTS, Inc. VP

The students in our Digital Marketing class have spent the entire semester working on a market research project for Canadian-based retailer, ROOTS. The research was integrated into the curriculum for this unique class that focused on ecommerce and the interactions between a consumer and a retail webstore. The class was a collaboratively taught between Mike Winegeart, Assistant Professor – Marketing and Mike Willoughby, Senior Partner and President of PFSweb, Inc. ROOTS is a client of PFSweb.

In late April, our students had the fantastic opportunity to present their findings to the actual client. James Connell, VP of Marketing for ROOTS, Inc. flew down to Texas to hear what this group of college students discovered in their market research.

ROOTS Account team from PFSweb, including VP from ROOTS

We caught up with junior Marketing major, Kenli Viertel, who was part of the team that presented to the account team from PFSweb as well as Mr. Connell. We asked her just a few brief questions:

1) What was the presentation about exactly?

As a class, we split into groups and each researched different aspects of Roots Canada’s digital marketing efforts.  Some of the groups’ topics were Social Media and Product Merchandising.  We researched the efforts Roots is making and compared them to other similar companies and put together a presentation full of ways they can better reach their online customer.

2) How long have you been working on this presentation?
For the presentation, we used everything we’d learned all semester, but I’d say we were actually working on the project for a month before the actual presentation.

3) How many students presented?
I think there were around 18 students in the class.  Most everyone presented if they were comfortable.

4) What’s one or two things you learned about ROOTS that you didn’t know before?
Roots uses every scrap of leather and waste nothing!  They use scraps for leather bracelets or keychains instead of throwing it away.  They focus a lot of time and effort on being “green”.

5) What’s one or two things you learned about e-commerce that you didn’t know before?
I don’t think I ever realized that there is someone tracking every click of my mouse on their website, learning from what I do.  It’s incredible to me the things we can learn from observing the consumer.  What I love about e-commerce is that it’s turning from a business-to-consumer game into a consumer-to-consumer game, run by the shopper.

6) How has this class set you apart to potential employers?
By taking this class from PFSweb professionals, I believe I’ve gotten an inside view of the career that so many potential employers will expect me to perform.  This class gave me hands-on experience and really gave me a good grasp on what happens behind the website.  Also, doing work for a company like Roots is something that I’ll soon be proud to tell an interviewer.

Students in the Digital Marketing class that presented to ROOTS
PFSweb account team with ACU students
Dr. Lytle, PFSweb President Mike Willoughby, ROOTS VP James Connell and Assistant Professor of Marketing, Mike Winegeart (L-R)

PFSweb Senior Partner and President, Mike Willoughby, is an ACU COBA grad. You can read more about him, here. And if you don’t follow his blog,, you definitely should add it to your bookmarks. And if you are wanting to learn more about ecommerce, digital marketing, or how to increase the bottom line for your on line retail store – absolutely follow this blog (Willoughby is a frequent contributor):

Let’s go to England…

It’s been a big day for our friends across the pond. Word on facebook is that several of our ACU students studying abroad in Oxford made their way to London to join the other 80,000 in watching the royal nuptials. (We’re sure the trip was scheduled for after they finished their homework, of course.)

See any ACU purple in there? (photo from

This summer, COBA will host two different study abroad programs in Europe. In June, a group of students will travel to Oxford, outside of London, for a month of coursework and consulting with OxFam, International. This will mark our 12th summer in a row to take a group of business students to study and consult in Oxford. Students will take classes in International Business, Management and Organizational Business, and Operations Management.

And in July, a second group of business students will travel to Liepzig, for the first part of the month, and wrap up their time in Oxford. Classes will include: International Marketing, European Strategic Marketing, and Issues in Global Information Technology. Additionally, students will have the opportunity to work on projects for KaDeWe (a high end German department store), BMW and Harrod’s.

For more information on our study abroad programs, click here. Now, take a break from wedding coverage and watch a few episodes of our time in Oxford from the summer of 2009.

COBA in Oxford

Beta Gamma Sigma Induction

Thirty students recently earned the prestigious invitation for membership into The International Honor Society, Beta Gamma Sigma. These students join the eighteen current student members and twenty-five faculty members in ACU’s chapter. To be eligible, students’ GPA is in the top 10% in our BBA program, and the top 20% in our MAcc program.

Refreshments at the Induction Ceremony

From the Beta Gamma Sigma website:

Founded in 1913, the first national honor society in business was a merger of three separate societies established to honor academic achievement in business at the University of Wisconsin, University of Illinois and the University of California. Today Beta Gamma Sigma is an international honor society that provides the highest recognition a business student anywhere in the world can receive in a baccalaureate or post-baccalaureate (graduate) program at a school accredited by AACSB International. The mission of the International Honor Society Beta Gamma Sigma is to encourage and honor academic achievement in the study of business, to foster personal and professional excellence, to advance the values of the Society, and to serve its lifelong members.

Beta Gamma Sigma’s objectives include:

  • to encourage and honor high academic achievement by students of business and management through chapters in AACSB accredited business programs
  • to foster in members an enduring commitment to the founding principles and values of the Society: honor and integrity, pursuit of wisdom, and earnestness
  • support and advancement of business thought and practice, to encourage lifelong learning
  • enhance the value of Beta Gamma Sigma for students and alumni members in their professional lives, and
  • advance the visibility and reputation of Beta Gamma Sigma

To begin our ceremony, Dr. Rick Lytle welcomed the new member students and explained some of the perks of membership into Beta Gamma Sigma. Besides lifelong membership and a really sharp medal they wear over their robes during commencement exercises, the new member students will also receive a free year subscription to BusinessWeek, Fortune and The Week. Additionally, students planning on sitting for the CPA will receive a $250 discount off of a Kaplan, Princeton Review or Becker review course. There is also a section on the BGS website with jobs that only BGS members are eligible to apply for. Dr. Lytle also shared that our current student members received a unique invitation from the University of North Carolina recently – automatic admittance into their MBA program, no GMAT score required!

Dr. Lytle explaining the perks of membership

Before the official inductions, Dr. Terry Pope read a scripture from Psalms. Then Dr. Monty Lynn and Dr. Don Pope inducted the new student members.

New student member receiving her certificate packet from Dr. Pope

After the new student members had received their certificate packets, Dr. Tim Coburn offered a prayer of blessing over these students.

A prayer of blessing over the new members

New members proudly showing their certificates

Here are the new student members:

  • Raul Andino
  • Lily Assaad
  • Brett Batchelor
  • Trenton Brough
  • Jenni Burks
  • Elizabeth Carpenter
  • Ashley Carroll
  • Layken Cathey
  • Chase Cobern
  • Ross Darden
  • Molley Dudensing
  • Taylor Fortney
  • Brandon Fry
  • Daniel Greenberg
  • Eric Goff
  • Cade Isham
  • Simon Jowett
  • Charles Levitte
  • VJ McElroy
  • Brennen McMullin
  • Hannah Ostertag
  • Michael Powell
  • Jacob Raitz
  • Semei Rodriguez
  • Jourdan Shirley
  • Chris Sisk
  • Matthew Stark
  • Elle Whitaker
  • Robby Wiginton
  • Jada Yarbrough

Congratulations to these students and their outstanding academic achievements!

Springboard Ideas Challenge Awards Dinner

Our fourth annual Springboard Ideas Challenge Awards Dinner was another successful, educational and fun event here on campus. As guests gathered in Hunter Welcome Center, they could mingle through the many displays of the Ideas Challenge finalists, learning more about their business plans and ideas. And in some cases, even tasting the finalists’ business idea. 

During the meal, we heard more about the Griggs Center for Entrepreneurship and Philanthropy from the Director of the Center, Dr. Jim Litton, as well as COBA dean, Dr. Rick Lytle.

Dr. Rick Lytle discussing the Griggs Center

Special guests, Dr. and Mrs. Jack Griggs

To be sure, the point of the awards dinner is to announce the winners of the small business plan competition. But the focus of the entire event and evening is to encourage entrepreneurship – to encourage the entrepreneurs, as well as to encourage the wider community that will support these businesses. To speak further about the topic of entrepreneurship and community, ACU and the College of Business Administration was thrilled to bring in Jessica Jackley, co-founder of and most recently, founder of

Special Guest Speaker Jessica Jackley

Jackley shared her experiences in South Africa that lead her to start KIVA

Jackley’s engaging, down-to-earth, completely authentic style had the audience laughing at different times and moved to tears at others. Here’s a nice recap of what she shared from the Abilene Reporter-News.

Audience members had the opportunity to text Jackley questions at the conclusion of her talk

After Jackley shared about her experiences, Dr. Litton announced the winners of the mini-business plan competition. Here is the breakdown of the winners in each catagory:

Community Post-Revenue

Honorable Mention ($1000 cash prize):

  • Enchilada Express – Chris Norton,
  • Urban Male Hair and Grooming – Lindsey Soria,
  • Dream Spectrum Design – Charles Caddell,

2nd Place ($3000 cash prize):

  • Advantage Cubed – Coty Woolf

1st Place ($7500 cash prize):

  • Indivijual Custom Eyeware – Randy Barnett,

Community Pre-Revenue

Honorable Mention ($1000 cash prize):

  • Cordell’s – Jason Beard, Joy Beard
  • XYZ Eyewear – Dr. Troy Carter, Tyler Lewis

2nd Place ($3000 cash prize):

  • Knox City Hometown Variety – Sheri Baty, Ezekial Duke, Marla Hawkins, Steve Pepper

1st Place ($7500 cash prize):

  • Landman.IO – Chad Hutchins


Honorable Mention ($1000 cash prize):

  • Walk Thru – Joshua Archer, Chase Cobern, Justin Durko
  • Super TwinBEAR – David Galaz, Chen Gong, Patrick Yan
  • – Chas Quisenberry
  • The Cellular Trap – Tyler Nolan, John Stevens, Derek Zimmerman

2nd place ($3000 cash prize):

  • iMedical Online – Clayton Selby, Seth Thomas

1st place ($7500 cash prize):

  • ScholarSphere – Asa Kusuma, Tim Johnston

Social Entrepreneurship Award ($2500 cash prize):

  • Suffer Not the Children – Christina Batten, Kevin Batten

Most Fundable Award ($7500 cash prize):

  • Landman.IO – Chad Hutchins

Congratulations to all of our winners! In addition to the cash prizes, winners will also have the opportunity to receive in-kind prizes like office space, equipment and furniture. The cash and in-kind prizes were provided by the following sponsors:

Bronze Sponsors

  • ACU Campus Bookstore
  • Morris&Mitchell
  • Rosas Cafe
  • Shelton Family Foundation
  • Women for ACU

Silver Sponsors

  • Abilene Reporter News
  • American State Bank
  • First Financial Bank
  • Genesis Network Solutions
  • McMurry University
  • Raindance Capital
  • Senter, Realtors

Gold Sponsors

  • Development Corporation of Abilene
  • Dian Graves Owen Foundation
  • Dodge Jones Foundation
  • Jack and Ann Griggs
  • Texas Tech Small Business Development Center
  • Kenny and Sharon Wilson

Platinum Sponsors

  • ACU’s College of Business Administration
  • Bixby Enterprises and Mark Horn Enterprises

And special Program Partner, Workforce Solutions of West Central Texas.

We are grateful for the community of support we received in order to host this competition and awards dinner. Our events would not have been possible without the partnership of our sponsors, judges, contestants, COBA faculty, ACU staff and specifically, Dr. Jim Litton. If you are interested in learning more about our entrepreneurship program in COBA or how you can participate in next year’s Ideas Challenge, please email us at

Nationally known economist speaks to COBA classes

Recently, students in Business Law and Introduction to Business, had the opportunity to hear from nationally known economist Dr. Russell Roberts. Dr. Roberts was invited to campus as part of the Undergrad Research Festival.

Dr. Russell Roberts

Here’s more information about Dr. Roberts from Econlib:

Russell Roberts, Associate Editor. Russell Roberts is Professor of Economics and the J. Fish and Lillian F. Smith Distinguished Scholar at the Mercatus Center at George Mason University. Before coming to George Mason University, Roberts was at Washington University in St. Louis where he was the founding director of the Center for Experiential Learning at the John M. Olin School of Business and a Senior Fellow at the Weidenbaum Center on the Economy, Government, and Public Policy. Roberts has also taught at the University of Rochester, Stanford University, and UCLA. He holds a Ph.D. in economics from the University of Chicago.

Roberts is a regular commentator on business and economics for National Public Radio’s Morning Edition. In addition to numerous academic publications, he has written for the New York Times and the Wall Street Journal. Professor Roberts is especially interested in communicating economics to non-economists. His first novel, The Choice: A Fable of Free Trade and Protectionism, a jargon-free book on international trade written for the non-economist, was named one of the top ten books of 1994 by Business Week and one of the best books of 1994 by the Financial Times. An updated and revised edition was published in the spring of 2000. His new book is The Invisible Heart: An Economic Romance (MIT Press, 2001).

Russ Roberts is the host of EconTalk, economics podcasts available here and through iTunes. He blogs at Cafe Hayek along with Don Boudreaux

Dr. Andrew Little, Dr. Roberts, Dr. Monty Lynn