Dr. Mark Phillips Earns Promotion to Professor


 “COBA has played a major rule in my teaching development. With their supportive environment, I am incredibly grateful to be surrounded by such amazing students and colleagues.”

COBA congratulates Dr. Mark Phillips on his promotion from Associate Professor to full Professor. In the tenure process, teachers apply for promotion to obtain a new title representing a different rank of academic hierarchy. Faculty must meet specific criteria that the university  and their department sets forth in order to receive a promotion.  Because of his fit to the university and teaching excellence, ACU recognizes him as a senior faculty member.

After graduating from ACU, Dr. Phillips went on to gain his masters from Purdue University, worked for two years in industry, worked in full time church ministry for 10 years, and then spent three years earning his PhD from Oklahoma State University before returning to work for ACU’s College of Business. Phillips has been a COBA faculty member for 11 years.

Dr Phillips has been a key part of COBA’s academic success and progression, positively impacting the lives of students through his teaching, mentoring, and preaching over the last decade. Dr. Phillips was appointed as the new Department Chair of Management Sciences at the beginning of June, 2014. Phillips has done an excellent job managing this position while continuing to pursue his own teaching and research agenda. Dr. Lytle praises Dr. Phillips, saying that “his wit, his keen analytical ability, and his steadfast work ethic has accomplished much towards the mission of COBA”. Congratulations Dr. Phillips on your well-deserved promotion! COBA is blessed to have such a strong role model, professor, and mentor in our department.

Professor Spotlight: Dr. John Neill


“The student professor relationship in COBA is unique and unlike any other university at which I have taught. The faculty and staff are outstanding Christian people that I enjoy working with every single day,” says Accounting professor, Dr. John Neill.

This year marks the 15th year Accounting professor Dr. John Neill has been with COBA. Dr. Neill grew up in Abilene, graduating from Cooper High School before coming to ACU. He graduated from ACU earning both a bachelor’s and master’s degree and then went on to the University of Florida, where he earned his Ph.D.  Before coming back to ACU to teach, Dr. Neill taught at Florida State University and Chapman in Orange County, California.

Dr. Neill says that one of his favorite memories in COBA is the senior blessing retreat held a couple of years ago. At the blessing, he enjoyed all of the faculty and staff gathering together to send off the seniors. He feels incredibly blessed to be part of such an encouraging community, knowing he has made a difference in students’ lives. Dr. Neill describes COBA as cooperative, student-focused, and professional, seeking to serve God and meet students’ needs above all else. Compared to other state universities, he feels that students feel comfortable  in COBA, striving to learn and gain insight from experienced professors.

John Neill

Dr. Neill’s favorite Bible verse is Romans 8:37-39, which says, “In all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us. For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.” Dr. Neill’s life is a clear reflection of how he lives this verse out every day, serving those around him and pushing students to reach their potential and live out their God-given talents. COBA has been extremely blessed to have Dr. Neill in our community. Thank you Dr. Neill for your Christian example and servant leadership over the past 15 years!

EY Takes Tim Savage to Disney World!


COBA Interns at the EY Orlando Conference


COBA encourages and assists students in providing opportunities to pursue internships to gain real-world experience and learn hands-on applications from some of the most prestigious companies in the world. Tim Savage, a student in COBA’s Master of Accountancy (MAcc) program, interned with EY this past summer. Tim worked in the tax division and prepared multiple Texas franchise tax forms for large asset management companies. A large, global firm like EY offers many possibilities, allowing interns to tailor their career path based on their best interests.

EY also provided an all-expense paid trip to attend a firm conference in Orlando with about 3,000 other interns. At the conference, interns participated in workshops and team-building exercises, listening to executive speakers and learning from the top firm leaders. The interns were also given opportunities to have some fun! They went on excursions in Orlando and were able to spend some time at Disney World.

Throughout the internship, Tim learned how important it is to have a positive outlook and open mindset. By approaching his work with optimism, he believes he was able to build character and work diligently to be successful. After he graduates in May, Tim plans to take his CPA exams and  start working full time with EY in July or August. He is thankful for COBA and the mindset it instills into their students, preparing them for Christian leadership and development in the marketplace.

132109_10151251124561834_1923619158_o“COBA’s accounting department is top quality. Not only are the professors well-qualified and excellent at teaching, they invest in their students and help them grow them into being top-performers in the workplace. I feel like the specialized knowledge taught by the experienced faculty equipped me well to take on the challenging aspects of my internship,” says Tim Savage, a MAcc student.

Seattle Welcomes ACU AMA!


The student chapter of ACU’s AMA (American Marketing Association) spent the Fall Break in Seattle, WA visiting some of the most renowned companies in the world. Marketing Professor, Jennifer Golden, Career Development Advisor, Samantha Matta, and Management Sciences Department Chair, Dr. Mark Phillips led the group of 19 students, learning about the behind the scenes operations and unique cultures of these successful companies. The companies the group visited included Starbucks, World Vision, Costco, Microsoft, Amazon, and the Seattle Mariners.


Judith Barajas, a junior Marketing major with a minor in International Studies, enjoyed touring the Starbucks headquarters. Starbucks highly values their employees, calling them “partners” and creating an environment where everyone feels significant and important. When looking for a future employer, Judith learned how important it is to find a company where you can be motivated and excel. She also realized the importance of teamwork in the marketplace and working together to achieve common goals. In the future, Judith is interested in working in product development and customer needs.

10551594_10152715370104462_7849071749196847024_o“God’s plan for us is what rules the course of our life, and we cannot plan for everything he has in store for us. So many of the people we talked to were doing things now they never planned for when they were our age but because they were able to follow God, they now are doing things they never thought possible,” says Judith Barajas.

cheyenee at safeco field

Cheyenne Rawlings, a senior Marketing major from Houston, was impressed by the Microsoft corporate office. Because ACU students tend to be more familiar with Apple products, Cheyenne enjoyed learning about Microsoft’s culture and company goals. She says, “It was neat to experience big corporations because I have not had a lot of experience with companies at the corporate level. It is a much different environment!”


All of the companies presented different goals and various ways to run operations, but all companies had one thing in common: building a positive foundational culture for employees to feel motivated and succeed, reaching beyond the standard process to achieve lofty goals. This trip was an excellent opportunity for students to learn firsthand how teamwork and culture are the key ingredients for any company to succeed.


COBA Celebrates 35 Years with Professor Jozell Brister!

brister_jozell-1“It has been my joy and great good fortune to work with COBA’s faculty and staff.  They are great at what they do!  I am always proud of them.  I have always enjoyed their fellowship, their good advice, and their love for me and my family,” says Jozell Brister, COBA professor.

2014 marks the 35th year that Professor Jozell Brister has served the College of Business at ACU. She has truly been a blessing to the faculty, staff, and students in COBA. It is because of professors like Ms. Brister that COBA continues to provide students with a positive and encouraging learning environment.

Professor Brister moved to Abilene when she was in junior high school and has resided here since. She graduated from ACU with both a Bachelor’s degree and a Master’s in Education. She then went on to the University of North Texas where she gained her MS degree. Brister has taught several classes at ACU, including Principles of Macroeconomics, Principles of Microeconomics, Money and Banking, and Labor Economics.

Professor Brister has enjoyed working with the staff and faculty in COBA and building relationships with her students. Their love and support for her throughout the years has encouraged her in great ways. One of her favorite memories in the College of Business was when COBA celebrated the opening of the Mabee Business Building. She is proud to be a part of such an innovative community, seeing how COBA has grown and thrived throughout years, transforming the lives of students and faculty every day.

jozell breaking ground-1

Professor Brister breaking ground on construction of the Mabee Business Building.

Brister was the first ACU faculty member that Dr. Monty Lynn came to know well. He remembers working with her on a research project on labor union recruiting years ago while he was in graduate school. Since then, he and Jozell have been close friends and colleagues. Dr. Lynn describes her as compassionate and precise, deeply caring about her students and teaching them to see the fundamental principles of economics. Dr. Lynn says, “She cares for her students and their learning, she loves her family, and she is passionate about justice in society.”

COBA’s Dean, Dr. Rick Lytle, also praises Brister for her relentless and meticulous pursuit of excellence in all things. He discusses Professor Brister’s contributing role in COBA’s AACSB Accreditation. She diligently worked alongside COBA’s team as they pursued their goal to become accredited with AACSB. Her knowledge, attention to detail, writing ability, and organizational skills all were significant factors leading up to this great honor for the College of Business.

Professor Jozell Brister is the perfect example of a Godly woman working to serve and lead others. Her passion to see students succeed in the marketplace is clearly evident by her teaching and loyalty to students. COBA’s community would not be the same without Professor Brister. We are grateful for her 35 years of service and the amazing blessing that she has been in our lives. Thank you, Professor Brister!

Student and Professor Spotlight: Rudy Garza with Dr. Andy Little and Dr. Jim Litton

“I hope students realize that I am learning from them and developing my own faith in the process.  Students bless me more than I could ever hope to bless them,” says Dr. Andy Little.

Rudy Garza values the relationships he built with Dr. Jim Litton and Dr. Andy Little this summer while studying abroad in Central America.

Studying abroad is beneficial for students for a variety of reasons. They are given the opportunity to learn and expand their worldview by getting to know another culture. It is also a chance for students and faculty to have concentrated time in a new setting to build relationships with each other founded on unique learning experiences.

Dr. Andy Little believes in the positive impact that COBA has with its students. He believes that the culture COBA provides is one where the faculty deeply and genuinely cares about the students and their Christian development in life and in their career paths. He loves being around students and walking alongside them as they learn and develop as Christian people.

Rudy Garza, a junior marketing major, values the experiential learning that COBA offers. Professors aim for students to learn through experience, providing unique opportunities and tasking students with real work that will equip them for success in the marketplace. He says that he will always treasure studying abroad in Honduras with two of his favorite professors, remembering all of the impactful experiences they were able to share.

With innovative, intelligent, and experienced professors, COBA students are given access to wisdom from a Christian and business perspective. Our community empowers students to strive to reach their potential. The combination of study abroad trips, student organizations, and opportunities to build strong and lasting relationships with professors and fellow students allows students to get involved and excel. In COBA, we believe that everything starts with a relationship.