April Anthony Shares Her Company’s Unique Focus

This past Tuesday, The Griggs Center for Entrepreneurship and Philanthropy joined in Global Entrepreneurship Week by hosting a luncheon featuring guest speaker April Anthony, CEO of Encompass Home Health and Homecare Homebase.

April, who graduated from ACU in 1989, spent three years as an auditor and CPA with PwC immediately following graduation. However, through an unusual set of circumstances, she ended up owning a small home health care company that she has now grown into a successful company with offices and branch locations in 7 states.

April Anthony sharing a meal with Dr. Schubert and Guests

Throughout this unique journey, April has learned a lot about what it means to be a Christian in all aspects of life. In fact, as she shared in Tuesday’s Q&A-style presentation, she feels that her work is a calling, something that motivates her daily to work hard for what she feels is the central focus of Encompass Home Health.

Like many others, April initially assumed that the focus of her company would be on the patients her company served. However, as she shadowed various employees, she began noticing something even more pressing than the patients.

“I saw employees, who, frankly, had been kind of beat down, who had felt like in the hospital systems and the other health care environments, that they weren’t the most important asset,” explained April. “But pretty quickly, to me, it seemed like they were the only asset. As a matter of fact, they were our product.”

From this launch pad, April began to realign her priorities with a new focus: her employees. In fact, as a CEO, she began to shape her company under the influence of this new perspective. “To me, to say that the patients were first seemed like the wrong answer,” expounded April. “Really, the employees had to be first. They were our product; we had to invest in them, and if we did so, I didn’t really have to talk a lot about patient care. They would just go out and do it.”

April has allowed this principle to completely saturate her company, starting with its mission statement.

April Anthony Talking with Dr. Jim Litton at Tuesday's Luncheon

“In 2006 we embraced the statement, ‘A better way to care,’” explained April. “It’s simple, but…‘a better way to care’ is not some phrase that we put at the bottom of our email…its’ a behavior, it’s an action, it’s the way we act every day…”

April went on to explain that the beauty of this simple, five-word statement is that it’s not an elusive concept; instead it’s a mantra that can be embraced by individuals, rather than just by a corporation. As a result, every member of Encompass Health Care is able to remain focused on a common goal.

April’s focus on employees hasn’t gone unnoticed. In fact, just this year the company was voted the #3 best employer of its size in Houston, as well as the #4 best place to work in all of Austin, and the #5 best place to work in the Dallas Fort Worth area.

In an article covering the awards, one of Encompass’s employees said, “We have a mission of ‘a better way to care,’ and every day I go out committed to finding the way that I’m going to fulfill my mission, and I know that my company is going to back me up.”

In addition to motivating its employees on a daily basis, Encompass has also been able to play large roles in its employees’ lives. A couple of examples of this are the way the company’s foundation, Encompass Cares, is able to fund employees’ medical mission trips and local service efforts in addition to reaching out to employees who are struggling. In one instance recently, the foundation was able to provide clothing and other resources to an employee whose home was lost in a fire.

Through all of this, April has kept faith at the center of Encompass’s work, not in a pushy way, but in a consistent way that has made it clear to everyone who is a part of it that this company is different.

April believes that it all comes down to her original principle of caring for employees.

“It’s pretty exciting to think about motivating people and the way you can make them feel just by appreciating them, by recognizing them, by giving them a mission that matters,” she confirmed. “Those are the things that make people feel like this is the best company they’ve ever worked for.”

PayCom Offers COBA Students Job Opportunities and Career Advice

ACU’s College of Business prides itself on the frequency with which it brings distinguished employers to campus in order to speak to and meet with our students. Last week, one such employer, PayCom, sent Kathryn Thompson to talk about professional sales and to interview future COBA graduates for sales jobs with PayCom.

PayCom began providing mid-sized companies with payroll software that they could use over the Internet back in 1998. Since then, PayCom has expanded into a wide range of fields including HR, Benefits, Background Checks, Tax Credits, Applicant Tracking, Document Management, Expense Management, and On-Boarding/Off-Boarding.

In addition to providing customers with a wide array of services, PayCom is unique in its dedication to providing a “one-to-one service model.” This model ensures that customers will only have to work with one point of contact at PayCom. As a result, customers received personalized service and attention.

Because she was on campus interviewing students to go into sales, Kathryn focused her presentation on the topic of personal branding and the fact that people are perpetually branding themselves through their actions and words. The brand individuals create affects their ability to effectively market their skills to potential employers.

In order to develop their ideal personal brand, Kathryn advised students to be three things: personal, intentional, and consistent.

In today’s job market, networking is everything. As a result, being personal is important and allows you to set yourself apart from competition. The reality is that if no one remembers you, no one is going to hire you.

When searching for internships and trying to prepare for their intended career, it is critical for students to be intentional. By moving in a specific direction and seeking out opportunities that fit their skills and desires, students provide themselves with the opportunity to have a personal brand that differentiates them from those who may be competing for the same job.

The last step of Kathryn’s advice, being consistent, can be invaluable when leaving a favorable impression in employers’ minds. Networking, well-developed resumes, following up on interviews and deadlines, and sending thank you notes to people who help you out along the way are all small ways to prove your ability to consistently perform at a high level.

By following Kathryn’s advice, you will find that you are able to create the kind of personal brand that companies want on their team.

To learn more about working for PayCom or about interviewing for one of their entry-level jobs with a starting salary of $50,000, visit www.paycomonline.com or contact Tim Johnston at johnstont@acu.edu.

COBA and SITC Students Travel to Silicon Valley for Fall Break

While some ACU students spent their Fall Break at home with family and some went camping with friends, a few lucky students went on a trip organized by the Griggs Center for Entrepreneurship and Philanthropy and co-sponsored by the School of IT and Computing. On this trip to California, the group had the unique opportunity to meet with leaders of several major startup companies.

The concept of a “startup” may not impress you, and as a result, you may find yourself thinking, “I’m not really familiar with a lot of startups; I don’t think this trip could have influenced me.” If that’s the case, think again, because these fourteen students got to meet with Google.

The Group at Google

I bet that’s a company you’ve heard of.

The group that participated in this trip was comprised of a variety of classes and majors. Dr. Brad Crisp, who led the trip along with Dr. Jim Litton and Kevin Roberts, ACU’s Chief Planning and Information Officer, appreciated the diversity of their team. “We had a very diverse group of business and technical students on the trip, and it was great to watch them interact with each other and with the companies,” commented Dr. Crisp.

The group headed out of Abilene on Wednesday, October 24 and returned to town on Sunday, October 28.  While Dr. Crisp anticipated a good experience at Google, he said that he was also very pleased with the rest of the trip.

“I knew the students would enjoy Google, and they did,” explained Dr. Crisp.“What was more exciting to me was hearing students say how much they learned from the entrepreneurs we met.”

The five-day journey included stops at:

  • Inigral: an organization that uses social networking to improve enrollment and retention at colleges and universities
  • Circa: a news app that keeps users up-to-date by adding details to pre-existing stories as they unfold
  • Silicon Valley Bank (www.svb.com)
  • Corona Labs: a company that allows individuals to create apps without having to wade through the technical language of coding
  • Lanica: an equally impressive app-creating company

The Group at Silicon Valley Bank

With such a wide variety of successful start-up companies, the group had an incredible opportunity to see entrepreneurship in action and to meet with leaders in each of these prominent companies.

“Everyone we met with was great,” said Dr. Litton. “They shared stories and insight on critical issues they as entrepreneurs and their respective companies have dealt with along the way and are currently facing.”

From Circa, whose app was actually the top featured app in the app store on the day our group met with them, to Google, world super power, creativity and innovation were evident in each of these incredible companies, as well as in their representatives.

The Group Meeting with Company Representatives

As Dr. Litton pointed out, “I thought it was great that students had the opportunity to visit with founders and leaders of companies at all different points along the startup lifecycle – early concept development, launching a product, securing funding, growing a company, and even maintaining an entrepreneurial culture in a company the size of Google.”

Keep your eyes open for more unique COBA and SITC opportunities like this one!

(There was also a free day in San Francisco!)

ACU Homecoming Reminds Alumni of What Really Matters

Homecoming is an integral part of the college cultural, and in this regard, ACU is no different from other universities. Like other colleges, ACU homecoming includes parades, shows, meals, and football. However, because ACU is a small, tightly knit community, it seems that at ACU, homecoming is different.

I think it’s possible that this difference is a result of our faith; after all, it is only when we gaze through the lens of faith that we discover what “home” truly is.

This past weekend alumni from all over the world traveled to Abilene to celebrate the university that has helped make them into who they are today.  For a couple days, it seemed that everyone in town was either related or a friend of a friend. Sure, there was hype and pep, but underneath all of the excitement was something deeper, something more substantial. The people being reunited weren’t being reunited over a shared love of something flighty or petty. They were being reunited over something visceral, something that defines them as human beings.

Students often hear that friendships made at ACU last a lifetime. Here’s what one ACU College of Business alumnus, Kevin Roberts (’88), has to say about those relationships and what ACU homecoming means to him:

“Homecoming…Coming Home.  It is strange how much it feels like returning to ACU is in fact coming home.  As a freshman in 1984, there would have been no way that you could have convinced me that this place would ever be special, much less “home.”  However, that is what it became.  The memories and relationships forged on this campus have lasted decades.  


Even though I work at ACU now and am here everyday, there is still a flood of nostalgia as I walk across campus.  I remember moments that were funny and moments that were poignant.  I remember lessons learned and ideas awakened. Most of all though, I remember people.  It is these memories that make homecoming so special.  It provides a chance for the ghosts of my memory to come alive.  The people that I love so dearly, that shaped my lives so profoundly, all come back home.  We get to laugh together and pray together.  We get to brag on our kids and tell of our plans.  Most of all though, we get to remember.  We get to remember how special a place ACU is to all of us.  It is special not just because of the education we received.  It is special because of the relationships we formed that give us a glimpse into the community that God intended his people to live in.  I am ready for all our family to come home.”

Whether or not you were able to be a part of ACU’s homecoming festivities this weekend, I hope that you will take time today to reconnect with old friends and to see how they have grown and changed. Find out how God is working in their lives.

After all, it is only in the presence of God that we will ever truly be home.

COBA Alumnus Donnie Clary ('82) celebrates homecoming with his daughter, current COBA student Amanda Clary ('14) and his wife, ACU Alumnus Tami Clary

In memory of Dr. Darryl Jinkerson

Dr. Darryl Jinkerson

ACU’s College of Business lost a professor, mentor, colleague and friend on Friday, October 12, 2012 when Dr. Darryl Jinkerson, associate professor of management, died suddenly at the age of 54.

A Harding graduate, Darryl joined the ACU faculty in 2002 after being pursued by COBA. Dr. Monty Lynn wrote, “I admired Darryl from a distance during our undergraduate years at Harding University and particularly I was impressed by his effortless mastering of quantitative skills and research methods. I followed Darryl’s stellar career path from a distance – through graduate school at Southern Illinois to Arthur Andersen and through a tour of managing private businesses. Around 2000, we encouraged Darryl to apply for an ACU faculty opening in management, but we were unsuccessful in attracting him and understandably so: Darryl had deep roots in Chicago. He was a director at a highly reputable international accounting firm, had recently served as Vice President of a family business, was actively engaged in a vibrant church, was a generous servant in an Illinois summer youth camp, traveled extensively around the globe for work, was an active and devoted father and husband, and somehow found time to teach courses part-time at two Chicago-area Christian colleges. It was this last point – despite his busy schedule, he chose to share with others in Christian higher education – that convinced us we might have a chance. We approached him a couple of years later when his employer, Arthur Andersen, was crumbling due to indiscretions of a few employees in the Houston office. It was still a long-shot to attract Darryl. He had hundreds of contacts and opportunities thanks to his effective efforts with global clients. But Darryl accepted our offer. Needless to say, we were overjoyed. Darryl brought to ACU evaluation experience and knowledge of the world’s leading accounting firm and for a decade, shared that expertise with ACU students and colleagues. He continued to love his family, was a great friend to colleagues, and was an elder in his church. He consulted widely with Fortune 500 clients in Chicago and New York, and with local firms in Abilene. What a blessing this friend and gifted colleague was to many. We are forever changed by his dynamic leadership and service in the College of Business Administration at ACU.”

Dr. Darryl and Cindy Jinkerson

During his first year of teaching, Darryl was honored as the Teacher of the Year in the Department of Management Sciences, later serving four years as department chair. He enjoyed the classroom and the daily interaction with students, helping them make real life connections to the business world. Current and former students left words of condolence on COBA’s Facebook page, giving this testimony, “Dr. Jinkerson was not only a teacher, but was also a friend. He cared about his students and got to know each and every one of them.” Another wrote, “Heartbreaking. I will never forget the first day of class, him saying ‘If my phone rings it means it is my family, I will take the call, they are that important to me.’ What a great example of a kind heart.”

Dr. Jinkerson and Dr. Ian Shepherd preparing dinner for students

Not only was Darryl a teacher and mentor to his students, but to his colleagues as well. Dr. Andy Little wrote, “From the vantage point of a young faculty member, Darryl was exceptionally generous with his time. There were countless occasions when I would walk next door into his office, plop down in his chair, and ask his advice on some practical question. How should I take attendance effectively? What makes a good test question? What do I do if 75% of the class fails the test? He was always glad to help. He never seemed too busy for my silly questions; he never asked me to come back later or ask someone else; he always wanted to empower me to be a better professor. He was kind and thoughtful, helpful and genuine. We miss him.”

Dr. Jinkerson and Dr. Phil Vardiman

If you saw Darryl somewhere, you most likely saw Dr. Phil Vardiman as well. This dynamic duo worked together to accomplish much, whether it was mentoring students through SIFE, reaching out through study abroad, or perfecting their game on the golf course. The friendship that Phil and Darryl shared was special. Phil said, “I can’t begin to tell you all the things we did together and how much he meant to me. He made me a better person just to know him. When I think of Darryl, he was more than a friend. He was my brother and I will never forget him. He loved his family and he loved working at COBA. He was a great teacher and mentor to so many students. We will never be able to replace the effort and dedication he gave to everything he did.”

Darryl had a passion for engaging students globally through study abroad programs. He was named the Director of Global Initiatives this past summer and was actively engaged in the process of refining existing programs and creating new opportunities. Darryl had taken many groups of students for study abroad trips to Honduras, China, Oxford, and most recently to Australia. He and Dr. Ian Shepherd were planning a trip to Australia during this Christmas break to work with Aboriginal tribes in addition to touring international businesses. Darryl had a passion for helping those in need. He had gone to Honduras several times with Mission Lazarus, SIFE, and Torch Missions. In 2007, he and his daughters traveled to Honduras together, building a house there in memory of his father, who died in 2007.

The Jinkerson Family

Darryl would have been the first person to tell you that all of his professional and philanthropic contributions paled in comparison to his family. When asked about what stood out to her, Karen Viertel said, “He was a great dad to his girls. He loved them so much and talked A LOT about little London, his precious granddaughter. He was proud of the women they have become and the great men they married. Good job, Darryl, showing them what a girl needs to look for in a husband, father, and spiritual leader.” Dr. Orneita Burton shared the same sentiment. She said, “My first words to describe Darryl when I met him were, ‘This is certainly what God intended when He gave girls fathers!’  We have lost a fine example of the embodiment of fatherhood as a reflection of our loving Father in Heaven.”

Countless friends, students, and colleagues have observed many, many times over the years – especially during the last year – his devotion to his family. Whenever Darryl spoke about his wife, Cindy, or his girls, Whitney, Rachel, and Amanda, he would always talk about them with a smile on his lips, a heart full of pride, and love that was both fierce and tender. The role he relished the most was that of husband and father and we were all able to witness his love and devotion firsthand. It has made us better parents and spouses. Thank you, Darryl, for your example.

Dr. Jinkerson and his daughters, Whitney, Rachel and Amanda

At times like this, it is easy to question why Darryl left us so soon. Frankly, there isn’t an answer for that. However, Darryl would be encouraging us to keep at the work of educating and mentoring students, encouraging our colleagues, and making our families our first priority, so we will follow your example and work each day at making the world a better place for someone else. Darryl, we will miss you. “I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith.  Now there is in store for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will award to me on that day—and not only to me, but also to all who have longed for his appearing.” 2 Timothy 4:7-8.

Visitation is Wednesday, Oct. 17, from 6-8 p.m. at Piersall-Benton Funeral Directors (733 Butternut, Abilene, Texas 79602), with a memorial service at 2 p.m., Thursday, Oct. 18, at Abilene’s University Church of Christ. The service will be streamed live at http://uccabilene.org/ucc-live/.

Where Will You Study Abroad in 2013?

Photo taken by a student on a COBA Study Abroad trip

It’s that time of year again. There’s a nip in the air, Starbucks has brought back their pumpkin spice lattes, and pledging has begun.

Fall is here, and with it comes Registration.

There are a lot of things to consider in the registration process. Class times and which friends can get into class with you are definitely important, but what’s even more important is taking the right classes.

So which classes are best for you?

The ones offered on different continents!

Enter Study Abroad.

In 2013, COBA will be offering three Study Abroad opportunities on three different continents.  Here they are in a nutshell:


Dates: June 3-July 4, 2013

Faculty: Dr. Monty Lynn and Dr. Jonathan Stewart

Courses:  FIN 310: Financial Management

BUS 419: International Experiences in Business**

Program Fee: $4900

COBA Study Abroad Students Enjoying Oxford's Beautiful Parks

A unique opportunity to study business in beautiful England, this Study Abroad promises to be a transformational component of students’ college careers as it focuses on four primary concentrations:

  1. International experience
  2. Cultural engagement
  3. Business context
  4. Spiritual emphasis

Possible excursions for the group include London, Paris, and Belgium.

** This is a new course to be offered but it will be a substitute for BUS 419: International Business.

COBA Study Abroad Students in London


Dates: July 15-27, 2013 (Summer IV)

Faculty: Dr. Andy Little and Dr. Jim Litton

Courses: Social Entrepreneurship in Developing Countries

Global Entrepreneur

Program Fee: $2000 without airfare

$2700 with airfare from DFW

COBA Students in Honduras

This study abroad experience will take place in the stunning mountains of Honduras, where students will have the unparalleled chance to partner with nonprofit Mission Lazarus in a meaningful project that will ideally challenge students while simultaneously benefiting Mission Lazarus and the people it serves.

Possible excursions for the group include a visit to the beaches of Isle de Tigre and a trip to an active volcano in Nicaragua.

COBA Students in Honduras


Dates: Christmas Break 2013

Faculty: Dr. Ian Shepherd and Dr. Darryl Jinkerson

Courses: International Experiences in Business

TBD: Social Entrepreneurship OR Management 335 Leadership

Program Fee: Approximately $5500

COBA Student Studying Abroad in Australia

The trip will begin with students being given the opportunity to spend a couple days on the Gold Coast. Next, the group will have the unparalleled opportunity to live and work in the bush, where they will work with aboriginal people who are learning to use computers and the Internet for the first time. Following this incredible time of service and learning, the group will spend a couple more days in Sydney before returning to the States.

COBA Students in Australia

– – – – – – – – – – – – – – –  – – –  – – – – – – – – – – – – –  – – – – –

Maybe you’re thinking that Study Abroad sounds intimidating, or maybe you’re looking at the price tag on some of these trips and wondering if you really need an international business experience.

The answer, according to Dr. Darryl Jinkerson, director of COBA Global Initiatives,  is “YES!” In fact, when asked why students should participate in Study Abroad, Dr. Jinkerson hardly had to think.

“That’s very simple,” he explained. “We operate in a global market. If [students] want to be competitive when they graduate, they need to have some type of international experience.”

The great thing about Study Abroad is that block tuition is in place, meaning that you’ve already paid for 36 hours. As a result, your tuition may already be taken care of, leaving you with nothing more than the program fees listed above.

How much better can it get?

For more information about this year’s study abroad options, please attend the interest meeting on Friday, October 12. It’s at 11:00 in COBA Room 201. Pizza and chapel credit will be provided.

Please direct any additional questions to Darryl Jinkerson at darryl.jinkerson@coba.acu.edu or Nuria Hall at nuria.hall@acu.edu.